Live Streaming: Azeroth

Chapter 1776 The old but powerful Turayan

More than two months have passed since the last time he got information about Turalyon. Sarlayan urgently wants to know whether the light-forged human archbishop has left Zera and acted alone.

There is no way, because of the information provided by Sarlayan through the internal agent, the fraudster already knows that there are remnants of the Nasrezim clan hidden in the Holy Light Legion. If he wants to eradicate the roots, he will inevitably treat the Holy Light, which he originally didn't take seriously. The legion killed the killer.

Sharlayan didn't want Turalyon to be trapped in Zenidar, the flagship of the Holy Light Legion, unable to escape because of this little thing. As for Zera, the Mother of Holy Light... screw her to death.

If Kil'jaeden can successfully eliminate Zera, it will help Sharlayan eliminate the hidden danger of recruiting bad teammates in advance, and it will be a win-win situation.

Lightforged Nathrezimullo Saxon? Who cares whether an unscrupulous spy lives or dies? His fate is already determined.

Adal, who was well aware of Sarlayan's style of conduct, did not waste time on the ceremony. After Sarlayan arrived at Holy Light Square, he went straight to the point and told Turayan's latest news.

"After receiving the information on Eonar we provided, Archbishop Turalyon has led a assault fleet to set off quickly. Counting the time, he should have arrived at Eonar's sanctuary."

"very good."

Sarlayan raised his hand to activate the crow mark left by Medivh before leaving, and the familiar voice of the astral mage immediately came from the other end.

"So impatient? Okay, it suits your character."

Sarlayan smiled nonchalantly: "Medivh, you know what I want to ask."

"Of course, of course."

Medivh sighed helplessly: "Then I won't beat around the bush and say it directly. Turayan is standing next to me now. It's a pity that he can't use this interstellar communication channel that is exclusive to me. What do you need? Did I tell him?"

After the resurrection ceremony of Sindragosa, Medivh said goodbye to his mother Aegwynn, who had basically recovered to health, in the blue forest sea, and officially embarked on a new phase of his astral journey.

Due to Sharlayan's commission, Medivh chose the sanctuary of Eonar as the first stop of his astral journey.

Spatial coordinates? Sarlayan had already obtained the precise coordinates of the sanctuary from Algalon.

Sharlayan was relieved to learn that Turalyon had escaped from the center of the storm.

Although Sharlayan was disgusted with Zella's light casting ritual with a very high mortality rate, it had to be said that this thing did have some tricks.

The pass rate of the light casting ceremony is very low, but the result is an extremely powerful effect.

Those who successfully pass the ceremony can gain extremely high affinity with the power of light, and their own strength will also be improved to a certain extent.

This special ritual artificially enhances the talent of light-forged people in the power of light, and does not leave any hidden dangers because of uprooting the talent.

Turalyon was worthy of being the person who joked about holding the protagonist's script. To him, the light-casting ceremony with a very low pass rate seemed like just sprinkling water.

After obtaining the Lightforged Body, Turalyon fought in the twisted void with chaotic time rules for thousands of years, developing his artificially enhanced talents to the extreme.

All joking aside, today's Turalyon is still human except for his appearance. In fact, he has nothing to do with the mortal race recognized by the people of Azeroth.

Although he has not seen it with his own eyes, Sarlayan roughly speculates that the strength of the Archbishop of the Holy Light Legion must have reached level 65 or above, or even higher.

This is the actual strength that comes from fighting on a cruel battlefield, and it does not contain any moisture.

Now that Azeroth is hiring, Sharlayan will certainly not let go of such a brave and resourceful cutting-edge talent as Turayan.

"Convey..." Sarlayan touched his chin thoughtfully: "Just say that everything is fine in Azeroth."

‘You can’t tell him that Sister Alleria is still single... This is too much of a joke. ’

Sharlayan does not know Turalyon's current marital status. Moreover, Alleria in this timeline has a happy family and a peaceful mind. She does not have other thoughts about Turalyon due to a mental loophole like in the original history. Talking about this topic is just asking for boredom.

"There are many topics I can talk about here, but there is nothing particularly urgent. You might as well ask Turayan if he has any questions he wants to know."

Medivh: "Wait a minute, let me ask him."

Far far away from Azeroth in the depths of the universe, Eonar's sanctuary is still under constant attack by the Coven's special forces.

However, after receiving reinforcements from the Legion of Light assault fleet led by Turayan, the ferocious offensive of the Witch Coven was obviously contained.

Due to the continuous harassment of the Burning Legion, Eonar, whose soul was in poor condition, had been unable to calm down and recuperate. After the first batch of reinforcements promised by Azeroth arrived, the Mother of the Gods finally breathed a sigh of relief. , you can relax and recuperate with peace of mind.

Before Eonar cut off contact with the outside world, she temporarily handed over the management of the sanctuary to the first Star Saint Algalon who came to convey the information.

Also with Azeroth as a bond, Turalyon and Algalon's meeting far away from their homeland was quite pleasant.

With the addition of the astral mage Medivh, the relationship between the two parties has become more harmonious.

But you can guess with your buttocks that the Witch Association's attack is only temporarily blocked.

Once they transmit the battle report from the front line back to Antorus, Sargeras, who is eager to corrupt all his compatriots, will inevitably increase his efforts. The partial force brought by Turayan alone cannot be maintained for a long time under the continuous reinforcements of the Burning Legion. balance of power.

"The question I want to know...?"

After listening to Medivh's message, Turalyon, who had already turned white, fell into a trance and fell into deep thought.

Theoretically, mortals who have passed the Lightcasting Ceremony will no longer age, and their state will remain at the moment when they accepted the Lightcasting Ceremony.

Medivh didn't know how long Turayan had been drifting in the twisted void with chaotic time rules before he was picked up by the Army of the Holy Light. It can be seen from his rather old appearance that Turayan was in the process of undergoing the light casting ceremony. He must be at least 50 years old.

After thousands of years of bloody war, Turayan's face has left many eye-catching scars.

Because Turayan was wearing a full set of heavy armor at this moment, Medivh could not see his body, but he could roughly guess that the scars on the archbishop's body would definitely be no less than those on his face.

Hearing the voice from his hometown again after a thousand years, Turayan was inevitably a little distracted, but with strong willpower, he quickly regained his focus.

"I don't have anything to ask at the moment. Azeroth is still well. This is the best news."

"As for the more specific situation... let's leave it to the next time we meet to discuss it in detail, my old friend, Sharlayan Deep Shadow."

"Old friend?"

After listening to Medivh's message, Sarlayan smiled to himself.

From Sharlayan's perspective, although he and Turalyon had known each other for a long time, their friendship was not actually very deep.

After all, when Turayan had already become the second general marshal of the league, Sarlayan was just a fledgling.

If it weren't for his sibling-like relationship with Alleria, Turayan might not have been able to remember such an inconspicuous young high elf.

Now that time has passed, Sarlayan has become the leader of the Dragon Clan, and Turalyon has also made further progress, becoming a high-level figure in a major force in the universe... There is even hope of becoming one of the spokesmen of the Holy Light Legion in the future. .

Yes, it's just one of them. After all, Turayan is not as upright as Adar.

Once Zeira died in battle, Adal returned quickly, and his leadership position could not be shaken by Turalyon, a foreign guest general.

"Okay, that's it for now."

Sharlayan didn't know what to talk about with Turayan for a moment. Even if there were some private topics that he wanted to discuss in depth with Medivh across him, it was not appropriate in this situation.

It would be better to wait until the next time we meet in person to have a long conversation, as Turayan said.

"The Burning Legion...or Sargeras will definitely step up the offensive against Eonar Sanctuary. Before the plan to seize the Sargerit Keystone is successful, Azeroth will not be able to cross the distant galaxy to rush over for reinforcements. , you must hold on until the big counterattack begins."

Turalyon categorically promised: "As long as I exist for one day, Eonar's sanctuary will never fall."

Sarlayan finally conveyed a meaningful message to Turayan through Medivh: "I hope you can keep this promise. Even if the main fleet of the Holy Light Legion encounters a critical situation, you will never leave your post without authorization."

"Things have their own priorities. The Titans can only be dealt with by the Titans. Eonar, the only Pantheon Titan at large, is our best hope for a comeback."

‘Instead of the Mother of Holy Light who has fallen into a demonic state. '(End of chapter)

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