Live Streaming: Azeroth

Chapter 1770: My dead fellow Taoist is not dead, I am a poor Taoist. You can go in peace, Zera (clas

Although Valeera's reminder was a bit embarrassing, Sarlayan, who was not in a swagger, knew that these words only sounded harsh, but in fact they were mature and prudent words.

There is no way to guard against thieves for a thousand days in this world. If the external threats that have been coveting Azeroth cannot be solved once and for all, even if Vardraken really becomes the place where thousands of people gather in Sharlayan's dream, in the future I am afraid that I will inevitably be affected by the flames of war.

The dragons have been at the forefront of protecting Azeroth during the tens of thousands of years that Ulduar has been invisible. In line with the concept of being prepared for danger in times of peace, Sarlayan has no intention of changing this status quo.

"Don't worry."

When the topic related to the Burning Legion was mentioned, Sarlayan, who was originally very excited, immediately calmed down and whispered with a cold light in his eyes: "That day won't be too far away. When the preparations are completed, we will officially Begin the final battle with the Burning Legion."

"And this time, the control of the war will be in Azeroth's hands."

Valeera was not surprised by Sarlayan's speech. She asked solemnly: "When do you plan to set off for the Black Temple?"

"Well..." Sarlayan touched his chin: "Depending on the recovery progress of other mortal nations after the Battle of Draenor, I estimate that it will not be until the middle of next year at the earliest."

"In addition, it also depends on the situation on Argus. I hope that the remnants of the Nasrezim scattered throughout the universe can draw Kil'jaeden's attention as much as possible."

Regarding this point, Sharlayan also specially conveyed a message to Kil'jaeden through the channel of Shahrath.

A light-forged Nathrezim named Lothaxon was lurking near Argus at this time, following the main force of the Holy Light Legion to harass the Legion's lair.

What? The Legion of Light is a potential ally. Is Sarlayan siding with his enemy by doing this?

Indeed, Sharlayan does not deny that the Holy Light Legion will be a boost to Azeroth in the future, but... the premise is that the person who controls the Holy Light Legion is not the paranoid Zera who is obsessed with magic.

God-like opponents are certainly scary, but Sharlayan is more afraid of pig teammates like Zella, because you never know when this weirdo will stab you unexpectedly from behind.

If this knife was struck at the critical moment of the decisive battle, it would be too fatal.

Therefore, Sarlayan is very happy to see Zera, the so-called Mother of Holy Light, take the lead early. As long as Zera dies, the leadership of the Holy Light Legion will naturally be transferred to the hands of Adal, the second person on the Holy Light side.

Adal and Sarlayan have known each other for many years and have always cooperated happily with each other. He even made a bet in advance and donated his storm fleet to Azeroth.

In this case, Sarlayan should reciprocate the favor and push Adal to the throne of the leader of the Holy Light Legion. Zera, a guy who is leading the Holy Light Legion towards self-destruction, is particularly annoying.

But speaking of the Legion of Holy Light, Sarlayan remembered one more thing.

Turayan, who disappeared in Draenor, has most likely been picked up by Zera and transformed into a light-forged human. Sharlayan does not want Turayan to be buried with the crazy Zera.

Therefore, Sarlayan, through the communication channel between Adal and the Legion of Light, delivered a key piece of information to Zela and his party who were fighting in Argus - information about Eonar, the Mother of the Gods.

At this stage, Azeroth, which has not yet officially entered the starry sky, is still unable to send troops to the deep universe to reinforce Eonar. The defense of the shelter itself and the assistance of a small number of Star Saints cannot reassure Sharlayan.

In order to ensure the safety of Eonar, Sharlayan entrusted Adal to find an excuse to transfer Turalyon away from Zera, and let him lead a small fleet alone to reinforce Eonar's sanctuary, killing two birds with one stone.

It has been a long time since Adal arrived in remote Draenor with his own storm fleet, and he has not actively contacted Zera for a long time.

Adal was curious as to why Sarlayan knew that Turalyon had been picked up by Zeira, even though he didn't know anything about this information.

Sarlayan did not give any explanation for this, and Adal was too aware to ask further questions. He just made up his own mind.

Through previous communication, Adal already knew that Sarlayan...or that Azeroth held a special force that could travel across the universe on its own - that is, the Star Saint clan headed by Observer Algalon. .

The population of the Star Saint clan is not prosperous. Since the destruction of the Pantheon, a large number of unemployed Star Saints have fallen into confusion. They just continue to mechanically perform the tasks originally assigned to them by the Titans.

With Algalon's information, the Star Saints scattered throughout the universe finally learned that there was a single seedling in the Pantheon that had escaped Sargeras' pursuit.

After receiving Algalon's call, these Star Saints immediately put down their useless and regrettable work and rushed to the sanctuary of Eonar to gather.

However, as mentioned before, the population of the Star Saint clan is not large, and there are even fewer individuals who have the ability to quickly travel through the universe.

In any case, the arrival of Algalon and others finally gave Eonar, who was struggling alone, a glimmer of hope for a comeback.

Today, the Mother of the Gods is still gritting her teeth and persisting under the attack of the Burning Legion...or the Witch Coven's special forces, waiting for the reinforcements from Azeroth to arrive.

Since Azeroth could not be dispatched for the time being, Sharlayan first found a mobile force to help, which happened to be able to move Turalyon and his direct subordinates away from the center of the vortex that was about to erupt.

As for the trip to the Dark Temple mentioned by Valeela...this trip is related to the ownership of the Sargrith Keystone, so it is no wonder that Sarai is not concerned about it.

As long as those Xivalla who had surrendered to the Black Temple in advance were successfully transferred to the Broken World of Marton, Sarlayan could cooperate with them inside and outside to launch the plan to seize the Sargrith Keystone.

"Continue to be patient."

Sarlayan patted the frowning little squirrel comfortingly on the head: "Don't always be so gloomy. Be careful of getting wrinkles. Things have to be done one by one. It's not a good habit to be quick and quick. "

Valeera smiled bitterly and rubbed her eyebrows: "Maybe I have been under too much pressure recently. I really should reflect on it."

"So." Sarlayan explained with a smile: "I'm taking you out to relax, don't push yourself too hard, learn to combine work and rest... This is not what you said to me before. Did you say that? Things are changing."

Valeera slapped Sharlayan's big hand away, and rolled her eyes angrily: "Whose fault do you think this is? If Azshara hadn't been too difficult to deal with, I wouldn't be as busy as I am now. ?"

Sarlayan spread his hands helplessly: "Who told you not to listen to others' advice? If you insist on starting negotiations with Azshara at this time, you are asking for trouble. This can be regarded as a lesson."

"Okay~ It's rare that the whole family goes shopping together today, so don't think about those disturbing things, just relax and enjoy the moment. You might as well learn from Oni."

"Haha~" Valeera waved her hand feebly: "That husky that let go? Forget it, I can't learn it."

"Hey!" Onyxia, who was haggling with an accessory shop owner at a roadside stall, turned around and protested dissatisfied: "Who are you talking about, Husky?! Why are you letting go? Aren't I right here?"

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