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Chapter 1766 Valeera: This family will be separated without me

After a period of busy work, Sarlayan was finally able to spare some free time to take care of his family, and then he immediately encountered a blow.

Fortunately, he acted decisively enough. If Valeera had come to her senses from the "frontal defense" and realized the problem, the rice would have been cooked long ago.

Speaking of this issue, both Sharlayan and Valeera were somewhat dissatisfied with Onyxia, Melinthra and Stellagosa's inaction.

Facing the two people's accusations, the Black Dragon Princess, as expected, smiled evilly and spread her hands: "I am a latecomer myself, what qualifications do I have to stop newcomers from joining?"

"Besides, isn't this fun? It would be nice to have more fun at home."

Sarlayan rolled his eyes angrily: "Just fear that the world will not be in chaos...just go ahead."

Melinsela also had her own reasons. She blinked innocently and explained: "I have been exposed to rain myself, so there is no reason to lift the umbrellas of others after I get ashore, right? This is not my style. "

Valeera reluctantly agreed with Melinsela's explanation. As for Stella Gosa...

Valeera helplessly curled up her index finger and flicked Little Xingxing's forehead: "Just pamper him. Don't do it again."

Among all the members of the Deep Shadow family, Stellagosa is the one who can best help Sharlayan in official matters, but due to her personality, she rarely expresses her opinions in emotional matters.

To put it nicely, it means that he completely respects Sarlayan's personal wishes. In other words, it is what Valeela blamed, that he favored Sarlayan too much.

Although Valeela said that this would never happen again, she and Stella Gosa knew in their hearts that if there was a next time, Little Xingxing's approach would not change in any way.


After finally returning to the army to "suppress" the "civil unrest", Valeela lay down on the soft sofa with a very gorgeous appearance, exhausted both physically and mentally.

"You bunch of traitors, this family will be broken up without me..."

"I need help, so I'd better bring Jaina back as soon as possible."

Onyxia curled her lips in gloating: "You have a second option, to speed up the negotiation process with Azshara."

"I don't believe that after Azshara joins, there will be people who can successfully steal the tower beyond the wall of her huge maiden group."

"Haha~" Valeela rolled up her dead eyes and complained mercilessly: "I'm just afraid that someone in the maid group wants to guard and steal."

Onyxia shrugged indifferently: "What's so strange about this? In Sharlayan's words, the maid of the house is helping to push the fart... Uh-huh!"

Before Onyxia finished speaking, Sarlayan could not bear it and cast a silence spell on her.

"You have the nerve to tell this kind of joke in the room... I'm really impressed by you."

Due to Sharlayan's active refusal, and without the knowledge of Krisstrasa and Nosali, the tower-stealing incident secretly planned by the two dragon kings was passed safely for the time being.

But as Valeela said, her energy alone is limited after all.

In addition to coordinating and managing a large amount of intelligence work, Valeera also needs to continue to be responsible for the docking negotiations with Azshara. These two heavy tasks consume almost all of her energy, otherwise there would not be such a situation where someone almost stole The tower succeeded in trouble.

Valeera would remain in this intense working state for at least several more months before her protracted affair with Azshara was completed.

Onyxia, Melinthera and Stellagosa, these three "wastes", can't be counted on, and Tinagosa is even more gloating about wanting to make her home more lively.

After thinking about it, Valeela could only place her hopes on Gianna, who also had a high possessiveness and once wanted to compete with her in the ring.

After serving in Dalaran for several years, Jaina's political abilities have made great progress. Her perspective on affairs is no longer as narrow as when she was immersed in research before, and she has learned to overlook the overall situation from a higher dimension.

The Kirin Tor councilors, including Ronin, have long known that Jaina, who has a strong background, cannot always be tied to Dalaran. As long as this large-scale social practice is over, she will return to Sharlayan and resume her life. Pick up your true calling - a scholar.

Gianna's positioning for her future has never changed. Under the premise of having clear goals, everything she has done since childhood has been within her own future plan.

...Of course, the deterioration of feelings for Sarlayan's "brother" was not part of the plan. Things like feelings are inherently difficult to quantify using logic.

After Dalaran passed through the period of civil strife and turmoil caused by Modera, with the cooperation of the new generation of archmages headed by Luo Ning, it successfully completed the changes and began to move towards the future with a new attitude.

Now that the political situation in Dalaran has long since returned to stability, a nominal slacker like Khadgar doesn't even go to Dalaran for work for a few days throughout the year.

Jaina, who had long intended to quit the Kirin Tor, had already found her successor in advance. It was none other than Archmage Vargos, who had fled to Lordaeron as a court mage for political asylum a few years ago.

With the strong support of Queen Calia at all costs, Vargas spent several years establishing a complete system for selecting and training mages for Lordaeron.

Although Lordaeron is generally richer than Dalaran, in terms of certain resources related to magic research, Lordaeron's heritage is still not as good as Dalaran, the Magic Kingdom that has been deeply cultivated here for many years.

After Jaina's proactive contact, Vargas, who had already repaid Queen Calia's kindness, originally intended to return to Dalaran, and it was considered a two-way trip.

When she accompanied Sharlayan to the Shadow Realm to rescue the emergency, Jaina mentioned that Vargas' preparations for joining the army were basically completed. As long as she wanted to, she could successfully retire from Dalaran at any time without leaving any hidden dangers. Seamless transition with Vargas.

The biggest reason why she still stayed in Dalaran was that Jaina couldn't worry about Aegwynn, who was still mentally unstable.

Jaina prides herself on being a calm and self-possessed scholar-mage, but she is not actually an absolute rationalist like Kel'Thuzad who does whatever it takes to achieve his goals.

On the contrary, Gianna has always been very emotional.

Aegwynn was one of the many teachers who had taught Jaina. Due to both emotions and reasons, Jaina wanted to see her fully recovered before she could leave with peace of mind.

This trip to the blue forest sea is a suitable opportunity. Jaina plans to let Sharlayan diagnose Aegwynn personally.

Valeera was ready to seize this opportunity to convince Jaina to return to the Shadow family.

Therefore, Aegwynn's wear issues must be addressed.

Under Valeela's repeated urging, Sarlayan could only promise that he would go all out... Anyway, he had Velen's serious case as a treatment experience, and Aegwynn's problem was just a drop of water. (End of chapter)

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