Live Streaming: Azeroth

Chapter 1747 The Hope of Cure Nozdormu

For today's Azeroth, the top priority is that the star soul can thrive.

As the spokesperson of the Star Soul, Sarlayan's mission is to protect this world that is coveted by many parties and always in turmoil before the Star Soul matures.

The importance that Sargeras, Zoval, Lord Void and other big players place on Azeroth can fully illustrate the potential of Azeroth.

The biggest problem facing Sarlayan right now is how to mobilize the resources of a mere planet to compete with the Burning Legion that encompasses countless galaxies.

Oh no, to say it is a contender is to overestimate Azeroth.

To be precise, it should be how to persist until the star soul matures under the repeated attacks from various forces such as the Burning Legion.

To put it in a barrage joke...

Azeroth: When I develop to the six-god suit, I will kill all of you!

Thanks to Sarlayan's hard work over the years, the dangers of the Shadow Realm have been suppressed to a minimum. As long as enough power is accumulated to counterattack the Maw, the threats of Denathrius and Zoval can be eliminated once and for all.

The Lord of the Void cannot enter the material world by himself. He needs to rely on the parasitism of the ancient gods to influence the development process of the planet.

The five ancient gods who successfully descended on Azeroth, Y'Shaarj, have long since died. N'Zoth, Yogg-Saron and C'Thun have been deeply sealed one after another, leaving only the remnant soul of Xal'atath. It's still active for now.

But... Xal'atath's remnant soul is so remnant that it can't make any waves at all. It has been sealed in the Blade of the Dark Empire by the power of Azadas's earth guardian. He can only let Onike suffer. Shia shouted and drank.

After resolving the internal disputes on the planet, the biggest enemy currently facing Azeroth is undoubtedly the Burning Legion, which represents the will of the chaotic side.

All joking aside, the current Burning Legion is actually at its weakest since Sargeras founded the Legion.

Although the Burning Legion has occupied a large number of galaxies, the foundation that supports this huge armed group has always been the fallen titan Sargeras.

The addition of the eredar brought the Burning Legion into a period of rapid development, and the title of the Legion's Big Three began to be widely circulated from this period.

However, the so-called Big Three are still dominated by Sargeras.

After receiving a large amount of evil energy infusion, Archimonde and Kil'jaeden's strength has reached the peak of demigods.

But compared to Sargeras, who is also ranked among the true gods, the Deceiver and the Defiler are still not enough.

Since Sargeras successfully captured and began trying to corrupt the Titan's soul, he has never left the Legion's home base of Antorus, entrusting the Legion's expedition to Archimonde and Kil'jaeden.

Since Archimonde died in the battle on Mount Hyjal, all affairs within the Noda Legion have been placed on Kil'jaeden alone. Even if he is as powerful as the Deceiver, it will be difficult to defeat the factions in a short period of time. The demon army is commanded like an arm.

Under the "care" of the Shivalla coven, which is best at tormenting people, even a Titan soul with strong willpower cannot persist forever.

Once Sargeras successfully corrupts the souls of all Titans, it will be difficult for the entire multiverse to find a force that can rival the Burning Legion, and Azeroth will certainly not be spared.

Therefore, Sarlayan must seize the opportunity to counterattack Argus during the window period before the Titans surrender, disrupt Sargeras' plan from within the Legion's lair, and rescue the many Titan souls trapped in Antorus.

However, facing Argus with Sargeras personally in charge, Azeroth has no chance of winning even with all the troops in the world.

The Titans can only be left to the Titans to deal with. To counterattack Argus, Sarlayan must seek the help of the only Titan soul who escaped Sargeras' pursuit.

That is, Eonar, the mother of the gods and the sworn binder of life.

It is not easy to find Eonar's sanctuary in the vast universe. With the perseverance of observer Olgalon, Azeroth finally located the coordinates of Eonar's sanctuary.

However, another question arises here, how to get to Eonar's sanctuary and help her in poor condition get rid of the Burning Legion's stalking?

The answer is spaceship + Sargerite keystone.

Let’s talk about the spacecraft first. With the research team led by Mimiron personally working hard, at the end of last month, the spacecraft research team in Quel’Thalas received exciting news.

The first version of the spaceship, which was restored and improved based on Delaney... or Eredar technology, finally made a successful test flight.

Compared with the mothership-level super-large space battleships like the Burning Legion, the first version of Azeroth's self-developed spaceship appears to be very small.

But that's least for now.

Sarlayan has no intention of fighting a decisive space battle with the Burning Legion in the universe. It is simply asking for trouble.

At this stage, Sarlayan only needs the newly developed spacecraft to have one function, and that is to transport troops. It would be great if it could ensure strong maneuverability on this basis.

As for the weapons used for offense in space fleet battles and the shield technology used for defense... Azeroth's research team still has a long way to go.

Regarding the Sargerit Keystone, Sharlayan also prepared a complete set of plans for how to obtain it. It depends on when Kil'jaeden can't help but leave Argus for Azeroth.

Isn't it just a matter of changing your passion? Who can't do it anymore?

After taking down the two final thorns in Zandalari and the Dragon Islands, Azeroth will no longer have internal friction in a short period of time and can concentrate on preparing for another full-scale invasion of the Burning Legion.

But before that, the Azeroth coalition needs to resolve the crisis facing Draenor.

Under the sincere invitation of the dragon leader headed by Sarlayan, Lysajes and Willanoz finally decided to go to Valdraken to find out.

At this point, the defeat of the wilderness worshipers has become a foregone conclusion.

If the Dragon Clan really wants to kill them, there is no need to use such tricks to lure the enemy deeper. It is better to bite the bullet and give it a try. What if Sharlayan's words about the Soul of the World are true?

After arriving at the majestic open-air conference hall on the top floor of the Aspect Dragon Seat, under Sarlayan's instructions, all the dragon kings, including Nozdormu, stood separately.

Seeing each other again after so many years, putting aside their past grudges, Lesajes and Willanoz were both worried about Nozdormu's current serious illness.

Anyone with a discerning eye can see that if a miracle doesn't happen, their old friend will probably die soon.

Nozdormu's "disease" is caused by the backlash of the power of time. If he takes the formal approach, it may only be cured by Aman'Thul, the father of the gods himself.

Anyway, that's it. Sarlayan plans to take a gamble and inject the protective power from Azeroth into Nozdormu, just in case he happens to be cured of the time he suffered. What about backlash?

Don’t forget, the Azeroth Star Soul also has the ability to travel through time freely.

Nozdormu has long been used to life and death, and he himself is very calm about this. It is best if he succeeds, and there is no need to regret if he fails.

But... the Bronze Dragon Queen Solidomi and Crown Prince Anachronos were not so calm.

After all, Anachronos was inexperienced. He was forced to rush to the shelves. In recent years, he had tried his best to absorb the knowledge imparted by his father, but... his learning progress still failed to satisfy Nozdormu.

The living habits of the Dragon Clan have always been relatively lazy, and the continuous cramming of education in the past few years almost drove Anaclos, who was used to a leisurely life, crazy.

After all, not everyone can endure Sinestra's Spartan education for a long time like the amazingly resilient Abyssian.

If Nozdormu's "disease" can be successfully cured, Anachronos will be able to learn knowledge from his recovered father more calmly, without having to rush as fast as he does now.

The reason for Solidomi's nervousness is even simpler. If given the choice, who would want to see his partner who has been with him for tens of thousands of years become increasingly weak and slowly die?

"Are you ready?"

With the help of Malygos, Sharlayan set up the ceremony venue on the top floor of the Aspect Dragon Seat, and made one final confirmation to all the dragon kings present with a serious expression.

After getting everyone's nods of approval, Sarlayan took a deep breath: "Then... let's officially start."

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