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Chapter 1471 The red natural disaster engraved into the DNA of the orcs

After visiting around in a circle, the three of Sarlayan returned to Shattrath City leisurely.

As expected, the mantle detection device brought out by the Naru has not yet reached a conclusion, and it is expected to take about another week.

In the last week, Sarlayan's family was too lazy to run around and stayed in Shattrath City to pass the time.

Talador Forest, where Shattrath City is located, is located in the very center of Draenor. It has direct access to Tanaan Jungle, Gorgrond, Spiers of Arak, Nagrand, and Shadowmoon Valley. It lives up to its name. The place of five battles.

There is a saying that Sarlayan was very confused for a time. The draenei clearly planned to keep a low profile, but why did they uncharacteristically build a majestic main city in the Talador Forest that extends in all directions?

Isn't this a clear provocation to all natives of Draenor?

As the center of Draenor, Talador Forest has always served as a barrier to conflicts between the orc and ogre clans.

Except for two small ogre clans that were located in the southwest and southeastern areas of Talador, few other clans would enter Talador with great fanfare.

As outsiders, the draenei are unaware of this local unspoken rule.

After confirming that there were not a large number of natives settling in Talador, they quickly occupied this neutral territory happily, which also attracted the full hostility of the orcs and ogres.

After reviewing the situation, Sarlayan speculated that the reason for making this wrong decision was that Prophet Velen temporarily lost his ability to foresee after the Delaney crash-landed in Draenor.

During their long run on the run, the draenei relied too much on Velen's god-given foresight.

This resulted in Delaney's decision-makers lacking the ability to think independently when encountering emergencies, and would always subconsciously turn to Velen for help.

This is the inevitable inertia of intelligent creatures.

After temporarily settling in Draenor, Velen, who lost his ability to foresee due to unknown reasons, spent a long time in seclusion for self-examination.

It was also during this period that the Synod of Bishops, governed by five archbishops, was formally established.

Under the strong instigation of the scholar Archbishop Orsar, the Council of Bishops unanimously decided to establish a main city in the relatively sparsely populated Talador Forest, which was later known as Shattrath, the City of Holy Light.

Velen was still in seclusion in the Karabor Temple at the time and did not question the Council of Bishops. The decision was passed smoothly.

Moreover, given Velen's state at the time, even if he knew about the matter in advance, he might not resolutely stop it. At most, he would persuade the archbishops to act more cautiously.

Everyone knows what happened next.

The once prosperous City of Holy Light fell under the siege of the old tribe. Akama and other defense officers who defended the city until the last moment were contaminated by the plague spell deliberately spread by the Shadow Council, and unfortunately fell into the form of the Broken.

This time when meeting Akama, Sarlayan specially used the power of life to check his body.

The results are not optimistic.

Originally, Sarlayan thought that the appearance of the Broken Ones was simply caused by evil energy pollution, but this was not the case.

The plague pollution released by the Shadow Council was a strange mixture that contained a high concentration of evil energy and a plague that was very common in Draenor. The locals called it the Red Scourge.

Yes, the same kind of spore disease that Yolin, Garrosh, and Dranosh all suffered from as children.

Through repeated discussions and verification with Danmaku, Sarlayan could basically confirm that the so-called red natural disaster was mixed with a lot of spores from the original beast.

However, this plague was not spread actively by the original beasts, but by the ogres from the Golia Empire.

At the end of the reign of the Goria Empire, facing the orcs who were strongly supported by the elements, the ogres became increasingly unable to defend themselves against the attacks of the orc slaves.

So, they came up with a very sinister plan.

Just as the orc clans were marching forward to resist the enslavement of the ogres, a sudden epidemic began to spread wildly, killing and injuring countless people.

The chief shaman of the orcs at the time asked the Throne of Elements about the matter, and only then did he finally know the source of the plague.

The emergence of the Red Scourge angered the four elemental kings who aimed to maintain the ecological balance of Draenor.

The Throne of Elements at that time was not as weak as it is now. Under the wrath of the four Elemental Kings, a massive storm swept across the capital of the Goria Empire.

The once majestic city of Goria became history, and the Empire of Goria also fell apart and split into multiple independent city-states that did not belong to each other.

The major orc clans that returned victoriously cheered to be freed from slavery, but the Red Scourge, a plague specially developed for the orcs, seemed to be engraved into their DNA and did not stay away from the orcs.

Every few generations, this man-made plague would break out among the orcs. It was not until almost all the orcs drank the blood of demons that the Red Scourge finally disappeared from the history of Draenor.

There is an old saying in another world: Don’t do to others what you don’t want others to do to you.

However, the Shadow Council, which has done so many bad things, does not intend to follow this principle.

They extracted the red natural disaster that had caused so much harm to the orcs and mixed it into fel spells when they attacked Shattrath City.

This mixed disease spell indeed played a great role. A large number of heroic draenei defenders lost their combat effectiveness as a result. After Shattrath City was breached, it even gave birth to Croku - the Broken One. Brand new Draenei branch.

If it was just pure evil energy pollution, Sarlayan was sure that it could be neutralized by Arcandor cultivated by Fandral.

However, as an outsider, Azeroth knows very little about the long-lost Red Scourge.

Even the original virus samples cannot be collected, so it is naturally impossible to say how to formulate a treatment plan.

During the week that Shattrath City was waiting for the final results from the mantle detection device, Sarlayan had several rounds of discussions with Barrage, Jaina, and Onyxia on this issue.

The final conclusion was to turn to the Mag'har orcs for help.

To be precise, he turned to Mother Gaiaan, who had personally cured the red natural disaster.

Galadar was originally built as an isolation ward. Gaiaan's husband, the former Frostwolf clan chief Galad, also died due to the Red Scourge.

Gaiaan followed the infected Galad to Nagrand and built a red natural disaster isolation area named Galadar after Galad.

After Galad himself died of illness, the leadership of this isolation ward was handed over to Gaiaan. She successively treated many sick chieftains including Garrosh, Jolin, and Dranosh. Second generation.

Garrosh and others were a blessing in disguise, because they were infected with this highly contagious plague, and their frail bodies were prohibited from receiving the blessing of the "god's envoy" - that is, drinking the blood of demons.

With the once arrogant old tribe completely becoming history, Garadar, an isolation ward excluded from mainstream orc society, ironically became the last pure-blooded orc settlement.

Gaiaan's ability to heal Garrosh and others must have relied on more than just her own ability, otherwise she and Galad would not have needed to build this quarantine area on the shores of Tiange Lake, directly opposite the Throne of Elements.

Sharlayan and Onyxia speculated that Gaiaan must have borrowed the power of the elements to cure Garrosh and others.

However, with the destruction of Senluken, all the previous generation of Draenor Elemental Kings fell.

The new generation of elemental kings only inherited part of the memories and powers of their ancestors, and they also had little understanding of the nature of the red natural disaster.

Therefore, Gaiaan is the person in Draenor who best understands the nature, pathogenesis, and cure of the Red Scourge.

Sarlayan sent a letter of visit to Nagrand through his familiar. He planned to go to Garadar after eliminating the threat of Goun'am.

A week later, Gruul returned to the outside of Shattrath with a bruised Gronn.

This Gronn is a bit smaller than Gruul. Although he seems to be following Gruul obediently, the unconvinced expression can be clearly seen on his face.

"sit down!"

After arriving in front of Sarlayan, Gruul slapped the "little" Gronn on the back of the head angrily and forced him to sit in front of Sarlayan with him.

"Boss, this boy is my eldest son Du En."

"Due to the death of Golgrom and others, I am currently short of men. I plan to bring him back to Blade's Edge Mountain to help me manage part of the territory."

Sarlayan smiled nonchalantly and said, "You don't need to report such a trivial matter to me. Just do whatever you want."

Du En raised his one eye unruly and glanced at Sarlayan: "Dad's boss? Just you? Let me see..."

"shut up!"

Gruul's relentless beating made both Sarlayan and Jaina twitch at the corners of their eyes, but Onyxia looked like she was having fun.

Fortunately, Gronn was born with rough skin and thick flesh, and Gruul's "fatherly education" did not do any good to Du En.

Gruul smiled at Sarlayan in a simple and honest manner: "Boss, this kid has lacked education since he was a child and has developed the bad habit of looking higher than his head."

"How about you do me a favor and let this kid do you say that sentence?"

Sarlayan raised his hand to his forehead helplessly: "There are people outside the world, and there is a sky outside the world."

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