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Chapter 1467 The Thunder that Purifies the World

Along the way, Sarlayan formulated several alternative battle plans for Magtheridon.

The one chosen today is the most optimistic one, designed to further hone Jaina's combat capabilities.

Except for Tina Gosa, who is not very motivated, Jaina, the youngest, is the weakest one in Sharlayan's small family.

Tinagosa had a reason to be lazy, because she did not intend to fight her way through on her own like her sister.

As a member of the Dragon Clan, Little Tina has the privilege of being lazy.

As long as her age and magic power increase to a certain level, she can go to the Demonic Nexus to apply to Patriarch Malygos for a ceremony to advance to an adult dragon.

Even Stella Gosa, who hopes that her sister will become a dragon, doesn't think there is anything wrong with Little Tina's idea. This is a custom that the Dragon Clan has always followed.

Stella Gosa has personally experienced the difficulty of breaking through on her own.

My dear sister, Sister Mo Ruo, didn't think that Tina Gosa, a playful guy, could still have the perseverance to resist using a shortcut when he knew there was a shortcut.

Tinagosa was not the kind of person who liked to win by nature, and the pampering from Sharlayan and others made this little guy even more pampered and proud.

If Stellagosa hadn't taken the initiative to act evil and remind her all the time, Tinagosa would have easily caused a lot of trouble for the family.

Moreover, Stellagosa had no intention of training Tinagosa into the dragon clan's main battle elite. She also had her own selfish motives.

Stella Gosa only hopes that Tina Gosa can live a carefree life. It is enough to have a certain ability to protect herself. She, her sister, and her brother-in-law, who loves Tina the most, will be able to withstand all the pressure.

As a human, Jaina did not have the racial advantages of the dragons, nor did she have a protective sister like Stellagosa to protect her from the wind and rain.

If she wants to stay with Sarlayan forever and follow him through those strange worlds full of unknowns, she can only rely on her own efforts to break through the shackles of mortal life.

Jaina's efforts were seen by Sharlayan, Valeela and others.

If given the opportunity, family members are willing to provide whatever help they can for Gianna's progress.

And everyone believed that the extremely talented Gianna would not disappoint their expectations.

As an orthodox arcanist, Jaina chose a relatively unpopular research project. She planned to use arcane magic to imitate the four elements of earth, water, fire and wind to cast spells and further improve the existing evocation spell system.

The so-called plastic energy spell, as the name suggests, is to shape energy to complete spell casting. The caster can control the shape, size, density and other factors of the spell.

Strictly speaking, some of Stellagosa's commonly used gravity spells also fall into the category of evocation spells.

The energy evocation spell system in a broad sense is too huge, and many people will not be able to fully master this system in their lifetime.

Therefore, it is a very smart approach for someone like Jaina to specialize in elemental spells in the evocation system. After all, manpower is sometimes poor and one cannot chew more than he can chew.

Before Jaina began to study elemental spells in depth, the sages of Dalaran only came up with two mature element simulation systems, fire and water (ice), while wind and earth were basically blank.

It's not that no one wanted to be with Jaina, but Azeroth at that time did not have the complete inheritance of the shaman.

Arcanists lack sufficient imagination in the manifestations of earth and wind elements, as well as the ability to control their wild ideas step by step.

The invasion of the Old Horde had a profound impact on Azeroth, both in good and bad ways.

The complete inheritance system of the shaman gave all spellcasters in Azeroth a huge shock.

Through the personal experience of the Wildhammer dwarves, who have a strong affinity with the earth element, those who participated in the research found that the shaman who was blown up to the sky by the orcs was not as tall as expected, but was instead very down-to-earth.

Excluding the ancestral ways unique to the orcs, the shaman is actually a special type of spellcaster who borrows the power of heaven and earth.

The so-called power of heaven and earth here is not the concept of immortals that Danmaku once mentioned, but refers to the four elemental powers of earth, water, fire and wind that are bound to exist in all worlds. They are the foundation of the world.

Jaina is not the first arcanist to explore the elements of wind and earth.

However, thanks to the wealth of knowledge she has accumulated since childhood and the ample trial and error capital provided by her family, she is undoubtedly the person who is at the forefront of this path of exploration so far.

Speaking of which, Jaina's next research direction is thanks to the inspiration provided by Sarlayan.

That's right, it's the colorful guardian that Sarlayan obtained not long ago, a multiple and composite power that has never been seen before.

Since Sharlayan can combine five unrelated powers with his special bloodline advantage, Jaina believes that she can also smelt the four elements of earth, water, fire and wind into a new composite power.

But before that, she needs to fully master the four simulation elements and try to figure out the spellcasting mode that suits her best. Then she can further explore the problem of integrating the four elements.

As mentioned above, the two elements of fire and water do not require Jaina to dabble too much. The ancestors of Dalaran and Quel'Thalas have already summed up two very mature spell systems.

The simulation of wind and earth, two unpopular elements, can only be gradually improved by Jaina, a motivated explorer.

During the chaos in the Blade's Edge Mountains, Jaina initially mastered the essence of the earth element simulation spell... After all, she had Onyxia, an expert in the power of the earth, by her side to advise her.

After grasping the key points, the next thing to do is to continuously improve.

The only difficulty facing Jaina was the seemingly ubiquitous wind element simulation.

Sarlayan has some say in this regard.

There are a series of wind-controlling and thunder-calling spells among the druid's spells. Although these wind-calling and thunder-calling spells incorporate many principles of natural spells, they remain the same.

It has to be said that Jaina's talent in the arcane arts is indeed amazing.

Through discussions with Kaladios, the new wind elemental king of Draenor, and some of the spellcasting experience provided by Sarlayan, she really found the key point to initially master the thunder summoning spell.

People like Raiden and Thorim who are born with the power of thunder and lightning can summon powerful thunder out of thin air without using rain clouds as a medium.

But it is impossible for a beginner like Jaina to reach the sky in one step like Raiden, so Cloud Gathering has become the best auxiliary method for her to learn the thunder method.

If it is a small-scale one-on-one battle, Jaina herself can gather the water vapor generated by the blending of water and fire into a cloud.

However, this small-scale cloud seems too petty on a larger battlefield. It will stop after releasing a few lightning spells targeting single targets.

The position of the mage on the battlefield is to provide a large-scale fixed turret with heavy firepower. If you want to release a large-scale thunder spell that can cause damage to the army, it is obviously not enough to rely on Jaina's two-step cloud-making trick.

So Sarlayan came up with a temporary solution, using the special plant seeds given by Fandral to forcefully create water, and then form water vapor through the sun-scorched ground of Hellfire Peninsula.

The rain clouds covering the entire battlefield provided Jaina with an excellent environment for casting spells.

Thousands of thunders.

This spell is a powerful thunder spell that Sarlayan developed on his own through discussions with Danmaku.

Before entering the realm of demigods, Sarlayan must rely on the lightning power granted by Raiden to release it independently.

This restriction no longer exists.

As long as the need arises, Sarlayan can use his lightning power to summon thunder at any time.

However, when releasing such a large-scale spell, it will inevitably take some time to brew in advance.

Sarlayan does not position himself as a pure spellcaster. Except for a few specific circumstances, he generally does not hide behind the battlefield to prepare for large spells to clear the ground.

Since Jaina wanted to learn, Sharlayan certainly had no reason to refuse.

During her vacation at the Throne of Elements, the talented Jaina basically mastered the casting principles of Thousand Thunders, but she never found an opportunity to actually use it in combat.

Now, this opportunity has come.

Magtheridon's strength declined more seriously than Sharlayan expected. While it was easy to entangle him, Sharlayan was able to spare a lot of energy to focus on the main battlefield on the other side.

At a rough glance, the number of soldiers gathered together by the three remnants of the evil orcs was about 30,000 to 40,000.

This was probably the result of Mim Deadeye's desperate effort to mobilize all the people. Sarlayan saw many old people and half-grown children in the army of the evil orcs.

This kind of stud gambling is undoubtedly very risky. In the words of barrage...

"If you win, you will be a young model in the club, if you lose, you will work in the sea."

Unfortunately, the evil orcs who hit the muzzle, let alone the young models in the club, might not even have the chance to work in the sea.

As the blazing white thunder thunder descended, Sarlayan, who put on sunglasses to protect his eyes in advance, soon smelled the aroma of roasted raw meat.

"Salted fish stand up? Haha~ Are you worthy enough?" (End of Chapter)

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