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Chapter 1310 Onyxia's plan

Although Loken's decision-making ability has deteriorated due to his mentality of looking forward and backward, he is still the guardian of the titans once known as the king of wisdom, and his mind is very flexible.

After the turmoil caused by the High Elves and Kul Tiras taking control of Northrend, the situation in this arctic continent has long since regained stability.

After several years of hard work, Kul Tiras finally completely defeated the Dragon Ravager Vrykul and occupied the Howling Fjord, the warmest climate in Northrend.

The high elves used the energy drained from the Sunwell, combined with the magic net system left over from the old Sandara City, to build the entire Crystalsong Forest into a group of indestructible fortresses.

Due to the existence of the castrated version of Bandin Norrell's enchantment, the lattice forest with a relatively cold climate can also be like spring in all seasons like Eversong Forest.

In recent years, many high elves who had difficulty finding promotion opportunities at home would go north to Northrend, hoping to make a name for themselves in this cold arctic land.

The Sun King Kael'thas is also happy to see the results. After all, the larger the population of Crystalsong Forest, the more beneficial it will be for the development of New Sandara City.

There are three areas bordering the Storm Peaks, one is Zul'Drak, the lair of the Drakkari trolls, the other is the Crystalsong Forest occupied by the high elves, and the last is the Icecrown Glacier, which is so cold that no living people dare to settle .

With the departure of the Scourge, the once bustling Icecrown Glacier has once again returned to its former silence.

Because the glacier area is too cold and the resources are very poor, even if Loken's steel army is not afraid of the cold, they will not focus on this place with no strategic value.

Of course, one of the reasons is also because the high elves built the iron wall dam facing the Icecrown Glacier too strong, and Loken couldn't find a chance to make a sneak attack by detour.

Excluding Icecrown Glacier, the only hostile forces Loken had to face at the same time were the Drakkari trolls and the high elves.

The titan-forged civil war led by Raiden is about to begin, and of course Loken will also think of eliminating unstable factors first.

Then, the best way is to provoke the already contradictory high elves and Drakkari trolls to fight again, so that they have no time to participate in the battle of Ulduar.

Under Loken's secret layout, the Drakkari troll obtained the news of the Titan-forged civil war through an "accidental" opportunity.

Malak, the Frost King, has always wanted to take back the Dak'Saron Fortress and a small half of Zul'Drak's territory that was taken away by the high elves.

Just at this time, the Zandalari messenger with ulterior motives also came to Zul'Drak with the order of the prophet Zul.

After some private discussions, the two hit it off.

The Zandalari promised all support to the Drakkari Empire except direct military aid.

This kind of empty promise sounds very unreliable in Sharlayan, but after several years of training, Drakalai, who was already ready to make a move, really believed it.

The Zandalar wasn't exactly fooling Malak, either.

They plan to send a loa belonging to the Zandalari Empire to Northrend to assist Drakkari. In addition, they will also send some military advisors to help them make plans and provide Drakkari with sufficient logistical supplies during the war.

Originally, the first target in Zul's mind was the bat Sirik, but due to Sarlayan's disturbance on the island of Zandalar, Sirik's mutiny and killing disrupted Zuul's plan.

Zul's second target, Kragwa, unfortunately went into hibernation, and the third target, Toga, was seriously injured and unable to move.


The old and strong Zul has realized that Rastakhan intends to replace Rezan with Bwonsamdi, and of course he will not fight against the God King who is deliberately pretending to be crazy at this time.

Zul was not willing to use Loa, who was directly under Zandalar. Nazmir had no choice but to move his abacus to the Great Desert of Wharton next door.

The saber-toothed tiger Jibul lost all his followers in a great battle with the Naga hundreds of years ago.

The naga of N'Zoth placed a curse on the souls of Jibul's followers, trapping them in a battle they could never win.

Gibble swore he would not accept new followers until these poor souls were free, and he refused Zul's invitation to go out and punch without hesitation.

In desperation, Zuer set his sights on Akunda the Thunder Lizard.

However, what made Zuer very depressed was that Akunda's believers with abnormal brains had been playing riddles with him, just to prevent him from meeting Akunda himself.

Zul, who returned in vain, could only turn to Zandalaroa, a direct lineage who settled in the holy mountain, for help. After some discussion, he finally chose the honest and honest Direhorn Torkali.

Torkali is known by the Zandalari trolls as a mountain to walk and a bastion of wandering.

There have never been only wrong names, but no wrong titles.

From these two titles, it can be seen that the Direhorn Loatokali has extremely strong defense and impact.

Due to his relatively low-key personality, Tokali is not very eye-catching among the many loa in Zandalar, but no one will ignore his contribution to Zandalar.


Knowing that the Direhorn Loa was sent by the Zandalari to assist the Drakkalai Empire, Sharlayan frowned slightly.

"Torkali was mentioned in the information provided by Volkin. She is the mother of the direhorn. Her appearance means that we must pay special attention to those powerful children of Torkali in the war with Drakkari. "

"That guy Zuer is really worrying."

Speaking of the crazy Prophet Zul, Sharlayan's expression became gloomy.

Onyxia rubbed her chin thoughtfully: "How about we also do something for them behind the Zandalar? To prevent them from always reaching out and intervening in the affairs of other troll empires."

Sarlayan asked with interest: "Do you have a plan?"

Onyxia nodded: "I have a rough idea, which came to mind when we assisted the Snake People in Wharton to quell the civil strife."

Salayan suddenly became interested: "Oh? Let's hear it."

With the blood trolls on the decline, there are fewer and fewer forces threatening the Zandalar rear.

Snake people who calm internal conflicts may be counted as one, but Sharlayan does not want them to put the cart before the horse and let go of their duties of guarding Atu Aman and fight Zandalar. Besides, they probably will not take the initiative to provoke enemies for themselves Decide.

"Actually, you mentioned it before." Onyxia said solemnly: "Jibul and Akunda, there are reasons behind the decline of these two loa."

"Sulsis mentioned to me before that Akunda has not appeared in front of people for a long time. According to the information obtained by the snake man scouts, he seems to have been conspired and taken away by a traitor among his followers."

"Coincidentally, this traitor happens to be from Zandalar."

Onyxia continued to explain meaningfully: "As you know, I had contact with fox people for a while before."

"Compared to Setaris, who believes in the snake people, the fox people do not have the support of Loa behind them, which is also the main reason for their low status on Zandalar Island."

"If we can help Akunda set things right, expel his rebellious believers from Zandalar, and then help the Foxman and Akunda bridge the gap..."

Sharlayan's eyes brightened: "Even if the Vulpes and Akunda will not take the initiative to be hostile to the Zandalar, Zul will definitely pay more attention to the Voldun Desert, and reduce the pressure on the far away Drakkari Empire in disguise." support?"

"That's right." Onyxia's plan didn't finish here: "Secondly, we can contact Azshara and ask her to send a partial division to land on the coastline of Voldun."

"I took the time to ask the Tortoise Tribe by the seaside of Wharton before. If their description is correct, the Naga who attacked Jibul believers should be the Void Naga under N'Zoth's command."

"Hmm..." Sharlayan narrowed his eyes slightly and said by analogy: "Azshara should be very happy to weaken N'Zoth's power, and we can also take this opportunity to liberate the souls of those cursed believers in Jibul, and thus obtain his friendship."

"Gibble, who has lost all his believers, will inevitably need a group of new believers after he untangles his heart. Oni, which race do you plan to introduce to him?"

Onyxia spread her hands: "I haven't thought about it yet, or...or fox people and snake people?"

"The fox people should be fine, the snake people..." Sharlayan asked hesitantly: "Are you sure their senior management will agree to believe in other loa besides Sethralis?"

"It's up to people." Onyxia smiled meaningfully: "As long as Setaris himself does not object, Sursis and Warwick adopt a tacit attitude, and the people below will believe in whoever the snake people high-level It’s not good to interfere too much.”

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