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Chapter 1296 Bwonsamdi: The pattern is opened

Rezan has served as the Loa of the Zandalari Kings for more than ten thousand years, and the prestige accumulated over a long period of time is not something ordinary Loa dares to challenge easily.

According to the analysis of Sharlayan and Onyxia, there are definitely not many Loa who dare to blatantly jump out to compete with Rezan, and the unruly Bwonsamdi is the most impressive one among them.

From the kings of loa, Zandalar also enshrined many loa, including the pterodactyl Paku, the velociraptor Gonk, the direhorn Tokali, and the fine jaw dragon Gani.

Will these loas be convinced by Rezan, who is firmly seated on the throne of the kings of loas? Not necessarily.

If one day the kings loa are replaced, the Zandalari guardian loa with different status will most likely put on a posture of sitting on the mountain and watching the tiger fight, and don't spill blood on me.

Working with Rezan all the year round, the Loa such as Paku and Gonk are very aware of how strong Rezan is.

Except for Bwonsamdi, who seemed to them to be out of his wits, no one was willing... or dared to be openly hostile to Rezan, because there was no way he could win.

In addition to the Loa mentioned above, the Loa on Zandalar Island also has Kagwa the Frog, Toga the Tortoise, Sirik the Bat, Hershes the Viper, Grol the Shark, Sivalla the Tiger, Akunda the Thunder Lizard, Shadra the Spider, Jibble the Saber-toothed Tiger, and more.

Most of these well-known Loa did not dare to offend Rezan, and some even lost their followers and inheritance, and their strength was not as good as before.

After all the calculations, it seems that only Bwonsamdi has the courage to stand up and openly challenge Rezan... Of course, whoever wins the final battle will be the one to say.

Bwonsamdi knows his own style of doing things better than anyone else. Don't look at him always with a hippie smile and eccentric appearance. When Bwonsamdi really needs to deal with problems in person, he is usually more pragmatic.

... To put it more bluntly, it means being able to bend and stretch, unlike Rezan who would rather bend than bend.

Through Sharlayan and Onyxia's analysis of Zandalar's current situation, Bwonsamdi finally understood Rastakhan's concerns.

"After the disastrous defeat in the sea battle with Kul Tiras, although Zandalari's heritage is still there, it will not be able to quickly recover its national strength for at least the next ten years."

Sarlayan continued to explain calmly: "Since this is the case, Rezan, who insists on being tough, will not benefit the country in this situation. Instead, he will interfere with the U-turn of Zandalar's national policy because of his too strong influence."

"If I were Rastakhan, I should also secretly contact Loa, who dared to speak against Rezan, to stand up."

"Regardless of whether Rezan's dominance can be overthrown in the end, at least it will make him understand that the current Zandalar is no longer the powerful empire it was when the golden fleet still existed."


Bwonsamdi smacked his lips in displeasure: "In other words, Rastakhan doesn't care whether I can win the duel with Rezan, all he wants is someone to stand up and wake up Rezan who is too aggressive. ? Even at the expense of life?"

Sharlayan spread his hands and told a hellish joke: "How can you count as giving your life? As a death loa, you have no life from the beginning, and it doesn't matter if you die again... Maybe he thinks so?"

Onyxia shook her head amusedly: "So, Bwonsamdi, what do you think?"

"If Rastakhan and Talanji hide behind the scenes and provide you with some help other than fighting, with your current strength, maybe you really have the hope of overthrowing Rezan."

"But the question is, do you really want to be the loa of Zandalari?"


Bwonsamdi temporarily let go of his unhappiness, and calmly thought for a while before reaching a conclusion.


"As you all know, believers are very important to Loa. The more people who believe in and the more pious they are, the stronger the power of Loa will be."

Bwonsamdi withdrew his hippie smile and said solemnly: "The previous trip to the Shadowlands made me understand a lot of things."

"Azeroth is a sweet pastry, and everyone wants to come up and take a bite."

"In this crisis-ridden environment, it is better to ask for others than to ask for yourself. Only by having enough strength can I ensure that I have a greater chance of surviving in the ensuing turmoil in the future."

Sarlayan smiled and applauded Bwonsamdi: "You see, this is one of the reasons why Rastakhan chose you, because you are sensible and pragmatic enough."

"Rezan's strength is indeed very strong...but that's just based on other loas as a reference."

"Even if you don't mention the Shadow Realm and the Burning Legion and other aliens, there are many people in Azeroth who are stronger than him."

"Such as titan guardians and guardian dragons, and... the ancient gods."

Bwonsamdi nodded with a serious expression: "Rezan can only play tricks on Zandalar Island, and there are many demigods stronger than him in the Shadowlands, let alone true god-level eternals. "

Through a series of previous experiences in Blazing Wilderness, Bwonsamdi's horizons have been broadened a lot, and he has also personally seen the powerful strength of the Eternal.

Looking back, Rezan, who made him very jealous before, was actually the same thing, and it was nothing more than a coward.

This is also one of the reasons why Bwonsamdi, who has a detached personality, can endure loneliness and has been hiding in the underworld to retreat and strengthen his strength.

The legacy of Mouezara will one day be digested, and then Bwonsamdi will enter a long period of self-realization.

Since winning the position of the kings of Loa can rely on the beliefs of countless people to further strengthen his own strength in a short period of time, Bwonsamdi, who has awakened a sense of crisis, has no reason to refuse.

"Since you intend to win the title of Kings Loa, as friends, of course we will help you."

Sharlayan rubbed his chin thoughtfully: "Based on the attitude of Princess Talanji you described, Rastakhan should also hope that you can really overthrow Rezan, rather than hoping that he can Self-reflection through dissenting voices."

"After all... the country is easy to change, but the nature is hard to change."

Bwonsamdi said with some distress: "The problem is... I can't beat Rezan."

Onyxia said calmly: "Just relying on your hard power at this stage, it is indeed not Rezan's opponent in a head-to-head confrontation."

"But you also have an advantage now - intelligence."

Sharlayan also nodded and added: "With Rastakhan and Talanji providing detailed information about Rezan, you can know everything about Rezan deeply before the battle, even which fighting posture he is used to. It is very clear what killers you have in your hand and what weapons you have.”

"On the contrary, Rezan lacks sufficient understanding of you after your strength has been greatly strengthened."

"If the battle strategy is prepared comprehensively enough, coupled with some vigilant on-the-spot responses, the chances of sailing in the gutter of Rezan, who has always been invincible, are not low."

"I still say the same thing." Sarlayan raised his right index finger with a serious expression: "Regardless of war or battle, preparations before the official opening are the most important. Intelligence and logistical supplies are indispensable."

"Bwwonsamdi, during this time, you should first express your attitude to Rastakhan through Talanji, and ask them to provide all relevant information about Rezan, preferably in detail as to which foot he will habitually step first when fighting. "

"At the same time, you should also think about what props you might use in this one-on-one battle, and ask the Zandalari to provide them as much as possible, and we will help you fill in the gaps. "

Personal strength is not the only factor that determines the outcome of a battle. Weapons, armor and props will also affect the process and even the outcome of the battle to a certain extent.

For example, if Bwonsamdi can perfectly use the Eye of Aman'Thul, in the battle with Rezan, he can gain a greater advantage by constantly stopping time.

Of course, this is just a hypothesis. In fact, Bwonsamdi is not suitable to use the Eye of Aman'Thul because of the mismatch of powers.

Unfortunately, there is no artifact in the Pillars of Creation that can perfectly amplify the power of death.

But the reasoning is the same. With Bwonsamdi's current strength, it is obvious that Rezan will not easily kill him instantly, and those details that may affect the outcome of the battle will be particularly important.


The fire of soul in Bwonsamdi's eyes flickered: "Quel'Thalas is a magical kingdom, you should be able to provide me with many interesting gadgets?"

"Of course." Sharlayan said confidently, "You can make a request, even if you don't have it for now, I can get the magisters to start working on it right away."

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