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Chapter 1278 Loken suddenly enlightened?

Since the restart of the Furnace of Origin, Loken, like a frightened bird, has never left Ulduar, and has been squatting in the city of Titans in panic all day long.

Sharlayan did not underestimate the former King of Wisdom. He ordered the Northrend branch of Backlight Blade to set up a strict intelligence blockade around the storm cliff.

Once Loken has any new actions, the thieves of Backlight Blade will inform the lord of New Sandara as quickly as possible, and then send the information back to the country.

Loken's sudden action this time has a strong purpose. The scouts he sent concentrated their superior forces to break through one by one, and broke through the blockade before the backlight blades that scattered the net came to support them, and headed straight towards Dongyong. Heading in the direction of the lake.

New Sandarah had reported to Sharlayan before.

The Titanforge in Wintergrasp is already overcrowded, and there is no room for more people to settle in.

In order to cover up the real scene of this large open-air lake, Sharlayan also specially asked people to build a phantom enchantment above Wintergrasp Lake. The scenery inside and outside the enchantment is completely different.

"Don't panic."

Sharlayan frowned and said to Stellagosa who was fidgeting a little: "Although it is indeed a bit unexpected, the sky will not fall. At most, we need to launch a plan in advance."

Stellagosa said with some concern: "But your body..."

After bestowing the blessing of life on Calia, Sharlayan's vitality has not yet fully recovered.

The previous battles with the Rukhmar zombies mainly used Rukhmar's own strength and authority, and he was at best a proxy fighter.

"It's not a big problem."

Sharlayan tried to feel the power in his body: "Now it is only 60% of its strength in its heyday, but even if Loken finds out the clues, it is impossible to immediately launch a general attack. The engine of the Creator will need some time to deploy resources if it wants to storm the army. "

"However, Loken's move really caught us by surprise."

Sharlayan rubbed his brows and said, "I can't follow the steps step by step...I'll go and settle the arakkoa first, and you go to contact the pandaren on the Wandering Isle so that Shen-zin Zi can come to the Lost Islands to join me as soon as possible. "

Stellagosa's eyes flickered slightly: "Are you going to be tough on Shaohao?"

Sharlayan nodded helplessly: "I'm in a hurry, I don't have time to finish that old stubborn test slowly."

"Ask about Jaina's situation and ask her and Ronin to close the net immediately."

"Dalaran doesn't need to send people to directly participate in this battle, but I hope they can drive the floating city to Crystalsong Forest as a front-line transfer station to provide necessary logistical support for the battle at any time."


Loken's unexpected action disrupted Sharlayan's planned schedule.

Fortunately, the contingency plan exists for such times. After all, no one can guarantee that the plan will go on smoothly as expected, and accidents are unpredictable.

Under Sharlayan's reassurance, the flustered little Xingxing quickly regained his composure, and followed his instructions to act.

Considering that he will go to Pandaria again in the future, before Sharlayan left the Wandering Isle last time, he asked Stellagosa to leave the teleportation coordinates at the Temple of Five Dawns on the Wandering Isle.

No matter where Shen-zinko swims, Stellagosa, who has officially stepped into the demigod realm, can be teleported to the Wandering Isle immediately.

Sharlayan was lucky, and Shen-zinko, who had traveled around the world, happened to swim near the port of Estorante in the north of Kalimdor.

According to Stellagosa's prediction, it only takes about half a month for Shen-zin Zi to come down to the Lost Islands to fight Sharlayan.

The Dark Portal is located in the cursed land in the south of the Eastern Continent. It is not difficult to go to the sea in the cursed land, but it is not half a month to reach the Lost Islands across the sea.

The huge number of arakkoa requires a large number of ships to transport, and it is inevitable to call for help from the sea kingdom of Kul Tiras.

Sharlayan didn't intend to follow the arakkoa army all the way. He took Ansu, Rukhmar and some of the elite arakkoa of the two factions to go ahead, and directly crossed the sea to Durham through the portal opened by Stellagosa. Lonthal.

Goyle, who was busy exploring around, heard the news and hurried over in person.

As the saying goes, when enemies meet, they are extremely jealous.

If it wasn't for Salayan's reconciliation, and Rukhmar and Ansu's help to appease them, facing the orcs who once invaded the peak forest of Arak, the elite arakkoa who followed Salayan would definitely not be so peaceful.

Goel is a new generation of orcs born in Azeroth, but he is studious and has heard from the shaman teacher Drek'Thar about the crazy aggression of the old tribe when they were in Draenor.

Facing the hostile eyes of the arakkoa elite, Goel, the great chief of the tribe, could only accept it with a wry smile. He also knew that this was a sin that the orcs could not escape.

As compensation, Goel offered to arrange a ship to transport the arakkoa to the Lost Isles off the east coast of Kalimdor.

"That's not necessary."

Sharlayan patted Goel's thick shoulders, which had become more mature and stable: "I have arranged for other helpers...Look, they are here."

Following Sharlayan's finger, Go'el turned his head and looked towards the northwest of Durotar, in the direction of Mount Hyjal.

Rukhmar was not just playing around in the Emerald Dream some time ago, she met many friends in the dream world, the best relationship is undoubtedly the demigod messenger Aviana who is also the mother of all birds.

After returning to Azeroth, Rukhmar used Sharlayan, which was directly connected to the Emerald Dream, as a signal transfer station, and asked his friend Aviana for help in advance.

Aviana, who was also willing to make friends, of course would not refuse, she immediately arranged a group of large bird families to come to the seaside of Durotar to help.

Sharlayan, who was still busy with important matters, hurriedly bid farewell to Goel, who was also full of miscellaneous affairs, and transformed into a brand-new avatar of Rukhmar, escorting the arakkoa to ride these large birds across the sea to the Lost Islands.

After watching Salayan and his party leave, Goel showed a thoughtful look on his face.

"Counterattack Ulduar... Although Sharlayan said that we don't need to participate in the battle in person, it is not easy to encounter such an international event. If we want to further integrate the Horde into Azeroth, we still have to make some gestures." OK."

Thrall's advisor Eitrigg nodded in agreement: "Durotar lacks everything, except all kinds of ores."

"Since Grand Duke Deep Shadow clearly mentioned that making Titan creations requires a lot of ore, we can just take this opportunity to provide them with a large amount."

Goel said approvingly: "Very good, Eitrigg, I will leave this matter to you."

"In addition, to increase intelligence support to Northrend, we need to keep abreast of the frontline movements."

"Yes! Great Chief."


The Lost Islands are not far from the continental shelf of Kalimdor, and Sharlayan and his party quickly found the right location, and the massive raptors landed in the primitive jungle of one of the islands one after another.

Such an obvious movement naturally attracted the attention of the local aborigines. Many short stature Pygmies rushed out of the forest screaming strangely, trying to launch a surprise attack while the invaders were not firmly established.

However, this is of no use.

Long before landing, Sharlayan reminded all the arakkoa to be careful of sneak attacks from the local aborigines after landing.

As soon as the Skettis arakkoa landed, they cast spells together, and set up a dark sky near the landing place.

All the pygmies who entered the sky barrier immediately lost their vision, and there was only darkness in front of them.

This spell is not really powerful enough to change the sky, it is essentially just a large illusion enchantment.

But for the Pygmies who have not yet formed a civilization, this spell does work very well.

It was suddenly dark in an instant, and the Pygmies, who still worshiped and feared the power of nature, panicked on the spot and ran around like headless chickens.

The arakkoa did not kill them ruthlessly. They adopted Sharlayan's suggestion and captured all the invading pygmies, and kept them as bargaining chips for negotiations with their chief.

It was not the first time Sharlayan had seen Pygmies. He had dealt with the local Pygmies during his trip to Uldum a few years ago.

However, to Sharlayan's surprise, the Pygmies of the Lost Isles were completely different from their kin in Uldum.

The Pygmies in Uldum have already learned to speak. Although the accent is a bit strange, it is indeed the popular local Titan language.

As for those of the Lost Isles... Sharlayan couldn't understand what they were trying to express with their strange screams.

In the words of barrage, this is the difference between raw and familiar in their cognition.

... The fan drama mentioned here is not the fan drama that some people think of at the first time, but the fan people, that is, the barbarians.

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