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Chapter 1265 Luo Ning, you are punished

When Sharlayan first met Rhonin, this guy was still a fledgling and reckless little mage, and he even had an ominous title on his head as a dedicated teammate.

More than ten years have passed, and the young man at that time has become the pillar of Dalaran and one of the representatives of the new generation of mages.

But it's the new generation... In fact, Luo Ning is also in his 30s. According to the standard of human life expectancy in this era, he can already be said to be middle-aged.

Of course, this age criterion does not apply to archmages who can use arcane techniques to extend their lifespan.

Taking Antonidas as a reference, as long as Ronin does not encounter an accident and die, it is easy to live to be 150 years old, and it is not impossible to live to be 200 years old.

The archmage in his 30s is at the peak of his life, and he still has a lot of youth to squander.

Perhaps because of the long-term pampering, Luo Ning's face does not show any weathered look, except for a relatively calm demeanor, he is no different from young people in their 20s.

Rather, to be able to achieve Luo Ning's achievements at the age of 30, except for those innate wall hangings that cannot be regarded as universal standards... For example, Medivh, Luo Ning is considered unprecedented.

After taking over the position of Speaker of the Kirin Tor from Antonidas, Rhonin has not been able to spare much time to deal with personal issues until today.

However, such busy days are almost coming to an end, and Luo Ning has to start thinking about his lifelong happiness.

"Well...there is indeed an appointment."

Facing Sharlayan's gossiping question, Luo Ning embarrassedly scratched his well-groomed red mid-length hair.

"Speaking of which, you should also know her, at least you should have heard of her."

"Princess Tess Greymane of Gilneas, she was introduced to me by Queen Calia as an intermediary some time ago."


Sharlayan slammed his palm in a daze: "So it's Princess Tess, and it's true. According to the standards of nobles, it's time for that child to get engaged."

Tess Greymane, the eldest daughter of Jean Greymane, the current King of Gilneas, and Queen Mia, and sister of Crown Prince Liam.

Princess Tess, who was born in Heimen four years ago, has just turned 13 years old. It may sound like a punishment, but for the daughter of a noble family, this age is just right for engagement, and she will be able to get married after a year or two of raising her.

Although Luo Ning is over 30 years old, considering his theoretical life expectancy, as long as he does not suffer an accidental death halfway, there is no need to worry about Tess becoming a widow early.

"Speaking of..."

Speaking of Queen Calia, Sharlayan asked thoughtfully: "Calia has also entered the second half of her 20s, isn't she planning to find a prince to continue the blood of the Menethil family?"

After hearing Sharlayan's question, Rhonin glanced at him with a strange expression.

Salayan: "What are you doing?"

Luo Ning: "You still have the nerve to ask?"

"Ah this..."

Although Rhonin didn't make it clear, Sharlayan quickly understood what he meant.

The experience of her teenage years made Calia feel like she belonged to her already, but due to some practical reasons, she and Sharlayan had nothing to do with each other after all.


Luo Ning was also well aware of this, and sighed helplessly and said, "Queen Calia vaguely hinted to the ministers at the annual meeting of Lordaeron at the beginning of this year that she intends to dedicate her life to the Holy Light."

"If there are no special circumstances, Jia Liya does not plan to recruit the prince as a bride."

"In order to continue the rule of the Menethil family, in a few years she may adopt a gifted child of the right age from a branch of the family to raise herself."

Terenas has only two children, Calia and Alsace. Alsace is dead, and the only one who can continue the blood is Calia.

However, Calia's attitude of procrastinating on her marriage made Lordaeron's ministers very headache.

The inability to continue the royal bloodline is undoubtedly an unstable factor for Lordaeron, which is undergoing a period of revival.

Under the urging of many important officials of the kingdom, Jia Liya finally confessed to them, and initially expressed her intention not to get married.

As an alternative, Calia might choose to adopt a child from an offshoot of the Menethil family and raise him or her as heir to the throne.

Sharlayan smiled wryly and shook his head: "It's a good thing she still has the heart to introduce you to your fiancée."

Luo Ning rolled his eyes angrily: "Otherwise? Make it clear that you are not going to marry? Then you can only arrest me and use it as a shield to change the subject."

"If I hadn't known your temper for many years, I might have listened to the rumors in the aristocratic circles of various countries and regarded you as a scumbag who didn't recognize anyone in his pants."

"God lifts his pants and doesn't recognize anyone!"

Sharlayan was so angry that his mouth was twisted: "Which dog is spreading rumors?! There is nothing between Calia and me!"

Luo Ning spread his hands jokingly: "Who knows, anyway, the story about you and Jia Liya has already been compiled into a storybook and spread in a small area, but the name was changed to avoid suspicion."

"...But there is one thing to say, that script is quite outrageous, and it has nothing to do with your real experience at all."


Sharlayan smiled wryly and shook his head: "Forget it, the mouth of the people is better than that of Fangchuan, let them go, anyway, I have a clear conscience."

"Oh?" Luo Ning choked with a half-smile: "Jia Liya will be alone for the rest of her life. Do you really dare to say that you have no heart and no shame?"

"emmmmm..." Sharlayan changed the subject with a somewhat unnatural expression: "Let's talk about your Princess Tess, 13 years old, you're quite punished, an old cow eating old grass?"

Luo Ning suddenly jumped up and down: "Fart you! I'm still young!"

"...So you're not going to deny that your fiancée is only 13?"

"I the fuck..."


After a fight with Luo Nin, a bad friend whom he had known for many years, Sharlayan found Jaina, Tinagosa and others who were having a good time in the market in Dalaran.

On the way to the teleportation hall with the family, Jaina raised her mouth with a half-smile: "Did Ronin talk to you about sister Calia?"

Sharlayan: "?"

"how do you know?"


Jaina shook her head amusedly: "This is reciprocation among high-class people. Sister Jialiya helped Luo Ning introduce his fiancée. Of course, Luo Ning also wants to sell her a good one. Help her ask about your attitude. "

"Are you feeling a little guilty about Sister Jialia's choice?"


Noticing Valeera's suddenly sharp eyes, Sharlayan's mouth twitched and complained: "So this is another routine? I really thought..."

Jaina sighed: "Half and half."

"If you still don't get a response, Sister Jialiya can't wait forever. After all, she is just a short-lived human being, and her flowery youth is only about ten years old."

Onyxia, who was standing by the side eating melons and watching the show, smiled and encouraged: "Why don't you just accept her too, after this vote, Lordaeron will belong to Quel'Thalas."

Tina Gosa, who was also happy to eat melons, rolled her eyes and complained: "How can it be so simple, do you think Lordaeron is one of those small principalities that can only rely on mountains to survive?"

Little Xingxing lowered his head and pondered for a while before saying thoughtfully: "'s not impossible."


Someone dared to commit crimes against the wind at this juncture, and the little jealous Valeera immediately turned her sharp eyes towards her.

Stellagosa smiled and explained indifferently: "I'm just analyzing the theory, and I don't necessarily want Sarlayan to take action."

"If Calia is really interested and willing to make certain sacrifices, Sharlayan can use her status as the Grand Duke of the Unicorn Duchy to achieve a nominal marriage with Lordaeron."

"In this way, the relationship between Quel'Thalas and Lordaeron can be further shortened, and the interests of the two countries will be more deeply bound together."

"Of course, since both parties have responsibilities that cannot be let go, the probability of this marriage is just a formality."

"It is impossible for Calia, who is entangled in state affairs, to settle in Quel'Thalas for a long time. Sharlayan, who runs around all day, rarely even has time to go home, let alone go to Lordaeron to perform his duties as prince."

"If the marriage is achieved in this way, the political symbolic significance is far greater than the actual significance. The advantage is... Calia can find Sharlayan to keep a seed, and there is no need to pass the throne to the offshoot of the Menethil family."

Except for Valeera who has always been very jealous, the others did not express any clear objection to Stellagosa's proposal.

As the princess of the human kingdom, Jaina is undoubtedly the person who understands Calia's situation best. She seems to be a little moved by this walking marriage plan.

Sharlayan, who had a strong desire to survive, hastily interrupted the weird atmosphere at the scene: "Okay, what Stella said is just a theory, don't think so much about what you have."

"Compared to these wild thoughts, we might as well think about where to go next. Anyway, there are still several days before Kael'thas' wedding begins."

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