Live Streaming: Azeroth

Chapter 1262 Three thousand years of life is like a dream and an illusion

The fishing plans of the Sunstrider royals were just fun for the Sharlayan family.

Except for Valeera, who is on duty, and Onyxia, who is interested, who will pay more attention, everyone else has their own things to do, and it is impossible to focus on this trivial matter all day long.

That's right, the turmoil this time is very important to those nobles who think they are great.

But for the Sharlayan family, it was nothing more than a farce that caused many chatter topics after dinner.

Under the personal supervision of Sharlayan, the arcane puppets used by the construction day and night only took more than half a month to build a whole new test area building complex.

With the assistance and deployment of Stellagosa, Sarlayan met all the requirements of Romuel and the others, giving people and money.

It may be a bit of Versailles to say this, but money is really just a number to Sarlayan today, and he doesn't even bother to ask it himself.

Not all needs can be met with money.

Some of the high-tech equipment that Rommel needs cannot be bought with just money.

For this reason, Sharlayan also made a special trip to New Shattrath to have an interview with Prophet Velen, and finally got him to agree to temporarily lend the experimental equipment carefully preserved by the draenei.

It is said that many of these experimental equipment have a history of tens of thousands of years, and they were taken away by Velen when he led people to escape from Argus.

Due to the unavoidable losses in the process of fleeing, the Draenei suffered from technological eradication.

In other words, before the progress of re-climbing technology has not reached a certain level, it is difficult to copy these devices even if they have resources. It is no wonder that Vinylon treasures them so much.

Fortunately, Sharlayan, who has a very wide network of connections, took the initiative to run around, and finally gathered all the equipment and resources Romul needed.

The research team led by Archbishop Romuel, a draenei technician, officially started work three days ago, and it is estimated that it will take at least three months to produce preliminary results.

Time is not particularly important to the long-lived species, and Sharlayan, who has gradually adapted to the living habits of the long-lived species, did not care about the mere three months.

The power center of Quel'Thalas centered on Silvermoon City is still in full swing, and it is likely that it will not subside at least in the next half month.

Now that Kael'thas and Anasteria have a comprehensive plan, Sharlayan doesn't plan to get involved any more. He can eat melons and watch movies with peace of mind while enjoying his daily work and life.

Recently, Sharlayan tried to communicate with Star Soul many times, but unfortunately, he never received any response.

[Sure enough, due to the shutdown of the Furnace of Origin and the Furnace of Will, the development progress of the Star Soul is not optimistic. 】

【She was in a deep sleep state most of the time, and she should have been awakened last time when she received an alarm that a foreign demigod had entered Azeroth. 】

[Eight achievements should be like this, the reward of An Wei Na is likely to be given at that time. 】


Sharlayan rubbed his chin thoughtfully: "That is to say, if I want to wake up the sleeping star soul again, I can only repeat the old trick and wait until the next time I bring Ansu here?"

[Almost, unless you roughly activate the imprint that Star Soul left on you. 】

Sharlayan shook her head: "Forget it, I don't want to trouble her many times in a short period of time, let's do it together when Ansu comes next time."

This time, Sharlayan contacted Star Soul to obtain her permission, so as to prevent the Storm Fleet from being blocked by the planetary barrier when they searched for it along the coordinates in the future.

But as Sarlayan said, there is no rush for this matter, and it can be piled up and told to Star Soul next time.

According to Sharlayan's schedule, after Kael'thas's wedding is over, his first task is to return to Draenor to solve a series of follow-up issues related to Rukhmar and Ansu.

After that, we must concentrate on the preparations for the battle of Ulduar.

In addition to these two major events, Sharlayan also needs to find an opportunity to meet Nefarian, find a way to trade the Seed of the Shadow Flame from him, and understand his natal power as soon as possible, so that he can find the right direction and move forward .


In early March of the 17th year of Black Gate.

After a period of "marinating", all the pork that took the initiative to enter the pot has tasted, and Anasteria, who felt that his time was running out, did not want to wait any longer.

As for those founding nobles who did not enter the game because of timidity or vigilance, let's count them as escaped.

Anasterian believed that with the lesson learned this time, Kael'thas would no longer have to worry about these frightened birds in the future.

Just when the nobles in Silvermoon City were actively looking for the missing Cinderella, the old king, who had not appeared in front of people for a long time, appeared in front of the gate of the Sunstrider Royal Court with a staff.

Bathed in the warm sunshine of Silvermoon City which is like spring all the year round, the old-fashioned Anasterian half-closed his eyes and looked at the blue sky above his head.

After a while, the nobles who were busy searching around in the city noticed the hunched old man.

Anasteria didn't mind being ignored, on the contrary, he thought it was a good thing.

The less impression the old king left in the memory of the nobles, the more it showed how much psychological shadow Kael'thas had caused them during the past few years.

Looking back on her long life, Anasteria, who had already stepped into the coffin, was a little bit embarrassed.

In order to avoid the surviving previous kings, Quel'Thalas has not yet made a final evaluation of the fourth-generation Sun King.

However, countries other than Quel'Thalas are not so taboo.

After retirement, Anasterian has read the history books of many countries, including Lordaeron, Gilneas, and Kul Tiras. Most countries have similar evaluations of his 3,000-year governance—contributions and demerits.

During Anasterian's reign, Quel'Thalas experienced the most dangerous period since the founding of the country, only one step away from being attacked by the forest trolls in full swing.

It was also thanks to the joint diplomatic efforts of Anasteria that Quel'Thalas and the Arathor Empire reached a strategic cooperation and jointly defeated the mighty forest trolls.

If Anasteria retreated bravely at this time, the evaluation of him in the history books would not be mixed, but mostly praised.

With the deadly external threat out of the way, the complacent Anasterian didn't have much fun for long.

The nobles who once cooperated with the royal family to win the troll war began to use the Silvermoon Council to attack the Sunstrider royal family, trying to seize a greater right to speak from the royal family.

This internal friction that led to the stagnation of Quel'Thalas' national power lasted for more than 2,000 years, and it also gave humanity, a rising star, the opportunity to catch up with and even surpass Quel'Thalas.

Throughout the 3,000-year ruling career, Anasteria's evaluation of himself is--he has regrets, but he has no regrets.

Before abdicating the throne to Kael'thas, Anasterian took the risk of discrediting his name behind him, and dealt a fierce blow to the great nobles who still had a lot of energy left at that time.

However, a few years later, Anasteria looked back and found out depressedly that the foundations of the great nobles with profound backgrounds had not been damaged, which made him feel like the wild fire was endless, and the spring breeze was blowing and reborn.

So this time, Anasteria completely gave up on Huai Rou's idea, and he planned to do one last thing for Kael'thas before he passed away.

He wants to take away those old buddies who accompanied him to participate in the troll war, as well as their direct descendants who have long been decayed.

"Name behind? Heh..."

Anastria, with cloudy eyes, retracted his gaze towards the sky, and once again showed sharp eyes to the old acquaintances with whom he had been pulling each other for many years after many years.

"I wish Quel'Thalas would last forever, the old antiques abandoned by the times, follow me to the Shadow Realm"

"Wang court guards obey orders!"


The spellbreakers who had already had their swords out of their bodies immediately stood up, erected their shields neatly, and revealed their weapons.


Anasteria paused heavily for the staff that had been with him for many years and said in a deep voice: "According to the list, take people and order them in the name of Anasteria Sunstrider. No matter what family the opponent comes from, we will never tolerate them." Any sinner!"

"Obey! In the name of the Sunstrider!"


At the same time, Sharlayan was handling the day's official duties in Unicorn City.

Subtle arcane fluctuations came from the far north, and Sharlayan, who was very sensitive to arcane power, suddenly stopped stamping.

Beside Sarlayan, Stellagosa, who was about to hand him another document, also looked up out of the window unexpectedly.

"Sharlayan, this is..."


Pausing for a moment, Sharlayan continued to seal with his usual expression.

"The network collection operation has begun, but it's none of our business. Keep working. I'm going to Boralus this afternoon."

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