The war to counterattack Ulduar is bound to break out, and this war has almost nothing to do with the mortal kingdom, at most it is to let them be responsible for some logistics and transportation work.

To use Titanforge to defeat Titanforge, the main force to attack Ulduar must be Titanforge.

In order for the Nalaksha engine to have sufficient production efficiency during the war, so as not to lose to Ulduar's Creator Engine in terms of violence, Sharlayan must ensure the energy supply system of the Nalaksha engine in advance.

It is obvious that the small water pipe of the Fountain of Youth in the Valley of Eternal Blossoms alone cannot meet the needs of violent soldiers during wartime.

Sharlayan has solved the problem of the energy supply source in advance. Under the debugging of the four guardians of the Hall of Origin, the Furnace of Origin has already made preparations for the remote connection to the Engine of Nalaksha.

However, since Pandaria is still shrouded in mist, the energy transmission from the Hall of Origin to the Mogu'shan Vault will inevitably be affected by the dense fog, resulting in a significant attenuation.

This is because the mist covering Pandaria is not just a purely natural phenomenon, it is essentially a super-large magic barrier created by Shaohao sacrificing his body.

Isn't it a matter of course that teleported energy suffers wear and tear as it travels through an enchantment?

In the words of the barrage, it is as if the communication signal is disturbed by a magnetic field.

Speaking of communication signals...

Sharlayan took out an unknown number of portable communication devices that Mimiron had given them before parting from the space package.

"Even if it is to repay Mimiron's care over the years, we must get Ulduar out of trouble as soon as possible and restart the furnace of will."

Things have to be done one by one. The most urgent thing is that Sharlayan needs to convince Shaohao's soul to let him lift the fog surrounding Pandaria, so that this lonely overseas continent can reconnect with the mainstream of Azeroth. Civilization is in line.

The Four Heavenly Gods also knew that this day would come sooner or later, and they had already made corresponding psychological preparations.

And there is one thing to say, squatting on this completely closed continent for 10,000 years, they also began to feel bored.

Chi-Ji, who has a more lively personality, can't wait to leave Pandaria to visit relatives and friends... but he doesn't know if his friends are still alive.

As Shaohao's good friend, the Four Heavenly Gods knew very well the stubborn temper of the last pandaren emperor, and it would be no easy task to persuade him to change his closed-door policy.

Yulong said thoughtfully: "If you want to convince Shaohao, you can't just rely on words, you have to take practical actions."

Niuzao added with a thick and gentle deep male voice: "The example of Azeroth's concerted efforts to defeat the Burning Legion twice should shake his mind to a certain extent, but it is not enough."

Xuen nodded and said, "Shaohao's biggest worry is the Sha demons hidden in the land of Pandaria. He worries that his descendants will be corrupted by the negative emotions brought about by the Sha demons."

As early as 10,000 years ago, with the help of the four gods, Shaohao successively sealed the six major demons among the seven Y'Shaarji wreckages by controlling his emotions. Only the last Sha of Pride escaped, so It left a huge hidden danger for Pandaria.

The corresponding emotion of the Sha of Pride is arrogance, and Shaohao was unable to overcome the deep arrogance hidden in his heart until the end, which eventually left a glaring hole in his noble self-sacrifice.

"The Sha of Pride..."

Sharlayan put his chin in his hand and pondered: "Indeed, it's time to solve this problem."

Valeera tapped her forehead lightly with her slender fingers and thought, "Since the Sha of Pride can greatly incite the arrogance in people's hearts..."

"Thinking about it from another angle, can we artificially attract and destroy the hidden Sha of Pride by accumulating a lot of arrogance on someone?"

Sharlayan: "Well... theoretically it is possible."

In the original history, the Sha of Pride appeared because he sensed the boundless arrogance of Brainless Roar, and was finally defeated and sealed by the foot man because he took the initiative to materialize.

Xue Nu frowned and asked, "Pile up arrogance? How are you going to do this?"

Yulong also cautiously reminded: "There is nothing wrong with this idea itself, but you must be cautious when implementing it."

"The Sha Demon is very good at guiding emotions. If the bait target you choose is possessed by the Sha of Pride, or even completely merged with it... the consequences will be disastrous."

Sharlayan nodded solemnly: "I will carefully consider the candidate. First of all, I must ensure that the person's mind is strong enough, and at the same time, he must have enough arrogance in his heart... huh?"

Speaking of this, Sharlayan suddenly thought of a suitable candidate.


An idea flashed in Valeera's mind, and she turned her head to look at Sharlayan, who also had something to gain.

Through the exchange of eyes, Sharlayan and Valeera, who had long been connected with each other, unexpectedly raised their eyebrows at the same time.

"It seems that we think of different people."

"Indeed, you go ahead."

Sharlayan didn't play unnecessary humility with Valeera, he straight to the point said the candidate he thought of.

"Illidan Stormrage."

"Sure enough." Valeera shrugged and said, "I want to choose Yrel."

Needless to say, Illidan's willpower and arrogance, just judging from these two requirements, he is undoubtedly the right candidate.

But there is a problem that cannot be ignored at the same time, that is, Illidan's character of unscrupulous means to achieve his goals.

Sharlayan wasn't sure whether handing over this task to Illidan would be a problem, he always felt that the demon hunter would take this opportunity to take the power of the Sha of Pride for himself... just like Brain Roar.

Considering this, if Illidan is used as the bait, there may be a possibility of playing off in the end.

Valeera's suggestion of Yrel left Sharlayan in deep thought.

Yrel's willpower need not be questioned, what Sharlayan considers is whether the arrogance in her heart can attract the Sha of Pride.

Valeera calmly analyzed: "Yriel is the most proud disciple of the Prophet Velen. How can a genius like her who became famous at a young age not have arrogance in her heart?"

"What we need to do is to temporarily guide and amplify the arrogance in Yrel's heart through various methods, so that she can attract the Sha of Pride's attention in this special land of Pandaria."

The wreckage and heart of the seven Y'Shaarj are in Pandaria. Even though they have died long ago, the remnants of Y'Shaarj still have a profound impact on this land.

In the words of Zhu Taran, the leader of the Shado-Pan faction, the land of Pandaria is very sensitive to emotional fluctuations. Once the accumulation of negative emotions exceeds a certain threshold, it will give birth to large and small Sha demons.

Therefore, pandaren in Pandaria should learn to manage their emotions from an early age, try to keep their mood happy, and try to avoid giving birth to sha.

"Well... maybe, it's doable."

Illidan was an out-and-out double-edged sword, and Sharlayan didn't want to use him lightly unless he had to.

Now that Valeera gave a better answer, Sharlayan is willing to try Yrel as the core of the plan, and regard Illidan as the last insurance...unstable insurance.

"Since that's the case, it's not too late, we... eh?"

Just when Sharlayan was about to bid farewell to the four gods and leave Pandaria, he suddenly felt some kind of change from the withered world of Zlos.

"This is?"

Sharlayan immediately projected his consciousness into Thloth, which was bound to his soul, and soon discovered the source of the abnormality.

The red giant egg that had been quiet before began to pulsate at an accelerated rate, and the surrounding temperature was rising sharply.

"Ah this..."

Salayan had been busy with time travel for some time before, and Sharlayan completely forgot about the firebird demigod Rukhmar.


Before he had time to greet the four gods, Sharlayan used his familiarity with the magic net of the Vale of Eternal Blossoms to instantly activate the teleportation technique, and arrived at the small lake in front of the Mogu'shan Palace first.

Taking Rukhmar's giant egg from the Blight Realm, Sharlayan carefully sank it into the lake and placed it on the magic net node of the Fountain of Youth.

What? Hot?

Have you ever seen dragons scalded by fire?

Under the mobilization of Sharlayan, a large amount of magic power of the earth veins poured into the egg, and the water of the Fountain of Youth boiled in just a few seconds.

Valeera and the Four Heavenly Gods also rushed out at this time, seeing the translucent red giant egg floating in the center of the lake, Valeera immediately guessed what was going on.

The Four Heavenly Gods sensed a familiar yet unfamiliar aura from this giant egg that was moving faster and faster, the aura of a strange demigod.

Xuen, who had the most martial virtue, immediately lowered his body, bared his fangs, and assumed a guard posture ready to attack at any time.

The gentle Yulong frowned slightly and asked Valeera, "What's going on? Where did that illusory demigod egg come from? Why don't we have any impression of it."

Valeera gently stroked the bristling hairs on Xuen's body and comforted him: "Don't be nervous, those are not enemies."

"If all goes well, this foreign demigod who has been approved by the star soul of Azeroth will soon become our new partner."

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