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Chapter 1238 Succeeded, run away!

As Sharlayan and Valeera went all out to attack one after another, the two parties who cooperated with each other but were wary of each other temporarily let go of their suspicions about each other.

Prius finally summoned the completed prototype undead structure monster.

With such a behemoth occupying the position, Sharlayan consciously withdrew from the position of the main resistance line, changed back into a human form and wandered around with two swords in hand, looking for opportunities.

The scarlet blade that Valeera slashed at the opportunity successfully penetrated Visalia's defense.

Maybe it's because C'Thun's focus on transforming this Xeraki is different from Emperor Yaki's, or maybe it's just a simple difference in strength.

At least for a short period of time, Visalia didn't seem to be affected by the obvious poison, and she still looked alive and well.

Valeera didn't seek meritorious service with a single blow, and quickly leaped backwards after succeeding, just in time to avoid the sweep of Visalia's thick tail.


The gigantic structural beast with a huge body, full of strength and endurance stepped forward and punched, and the powerful fist hit Visalia's defensive net made of three pliers.

Although the movements of this structural monster seem a little inflexible, at least it does have some strengths.

Visalia, who was also physically strong and had a solid foot, was actually forced back two steps by this punch. Seeing this scene, Prius's eyes flashed with joy.

However, as a first-generation prototype, the unnamed Undead Construct Behemoth also has obvious shortcomings, it is too slow.

Not only is it slow to act, but it is also slow to react.

Visalia, who was forced to retreat, quickly adjusted her posture, and a short body bypassed the unretracted big hand of the giant structure beast and rushed into its embrace.

Three extremely sharp and powerful giant pincers were aimed at the chest of the giant structure beast and tore frantically.

With the rupture of the sutures, the body structure of the structural monster became a little unstable, Prius, who was originally beaming, immediately changed his face and frowned.

‘Sure enough, problems are most likely to be exposed in actual combat, and further improvement is needed. '

With such a huge and conspicuous tank to attract fire, Sharlayan, Valeera, and Prius can free their hands and feet to flank and attack together from the side and rear.

Before the strength of each other can't widen the gap between heaven and earth, the side with more people will undoubtedly have an advantage.


Taking advantage of the structural monster raising its arms and embracing Visalia's upper body forcibly regardless of defense, Salayan used his strength to jump up on Visalia's huge arthropod body several times. The gigantic giant sword slashed down.

Visalia's three pincers are very strong, and its frontal offensive and defensive capabilities are fully utilized.

But at this time, Visalia was temporarily restrained by the monster structure with amazing strength and endurance, unable to move around.

Sharlayan seized the opportunity with a giant blow that just hit the joint between one of the pliers and the body, breaking it in two.



The incomprehensible Shasyar language spewed out from Visalia's mouth. Judging from Prius' dark face, it was obviously not a good word.

Sharlayan didn't bother to delve into what this guy sprayed. After avoiding the pincer attack of the other two pincers, he stepped on the side of one of the pincers passing by to borrow strength.

After launching the heroic leap and jumping high into the air, Sharlayan simultaneously activated the transformation into a dragon and the avatar, pointed the tip of the giant sword at the top of Saville's head and sat down.

"I don't understand! Eat my great sword!"

Feeling the deadly threat, Visalia briefly shook off the hug of the structural monster like an adrenaline burst.

At the same time, Prius and Valeera, holding an energy long sword, attacked almost simultaneously.

The Prius specifically aimed at the lower three lanes, swiftly cutting off the three left arthropod legs used by Visalia to support the body.

Valeera stabbed the two knives very precisely into the two wounds she had created before, and viciously rotated the handle of the knives 90 degrees in Visalia's wound.

At the end of the day, Visalia, who was at a loss, still failed to adopt the correct posture to deal with Sharlayan's great sword falling from the sky.

Due to the lack of a supporting leg on one side, the balance of the body was affected, and its center of gravity unconsciously shifted a few degrees to one side.

Valeera's paralyzing poison also began to take effect at this time, and the orders issued by Visalia's brain to her body were unable to take effect for a long time.


Sharlayan, who was fully buffed, pierced Visalia's left eye with a sword coincidentally, and the giant sword falling with gravity penetrated deeply into Visalia's forehead.


While stepping on Visalia's head with both feet and jumping backwards, Salayan took a deep breath while maintaining the dragon form.

As the great sword was pulled out of the wound, the dragon wings on Sharlayan's back spread out, hovering in mid-air with a controlled posture.

"hold head high!"

Miniaturized deep breaths poured into the screaming Visalia along the wound pierced by Valaghar's war sword, and the dragon's breath flames erupted from within sounded the final death knell for this mighty Xeraki .

The corner of Prius's mouth twitched when he withdrew from the battle circle and saw this scene: "It's really cruel..."

It has to be said that the vitality of Visalia, which has been transformed by C'Thun many times, is extremely strong. Even after suffering the terrible internal damage, its body still has not completely collapsed.

After her brain was destroyed and she died, Visalia's body was still standing. Prius swiftly began to arrange the psychic circle that had been prepared, and finally got this precious trophy into his pocket.


After landing, Sharlayan canceled the transformation of the dragon man and the descending of the gods. At this time, the multiple traps Valeera arranged at the intersection leading to East 3 were triggered one after another, which meant that the enemy's reinforcements were about to arrive.

"Prius, we should get out."

After storing the corpses of the giant construction beast and Visalia in the portable psychic space, Prius solemnly nodded to Salayan and Valeera.

"Let's evacuate in an orderly manner according to the plan. The rear has lost two confidant generals one after another. I'm afraid Ke'suen will not be able to sit still. I don't want to face its monstrous anger in this state."


Just as Prius said, after sensing the disappearance of Visalia's vital signs, C'Thun, who managed to sacrifice two Xerakis to barely block the ruling of order, changed his mind.

After some weighing, it finally made a choice helplessly.

C'Thun decided to abandon the frontline where the situation was completely corrupted, and ordered all remaining troops to retreat to the front line of the holy city of Ahn'Qiraj as much as possible, and prepare for the final desperate fight.

At the same time, C'Thun intends to re-project his main consciousness back to the Temple of Ahn'Qiraj, and quickly take over the defense of Ahn'Qiraj, which is also in a mess.

C'Thun's choice did not exceed Sharlayan's expectations.

Losing to the Titan Guardians is at most being sealed, and they should no longer take the risk of continuing to hurt Azeroth by pulling themselves out and killing them.

As long as he bears the humiliation for tens of thousands of years, there will always be a chance to see the sun again.

If the troublemaker in the rear is really from the Shadowlands as C'Thun predicted...then the nature is completely different.

Visitors from the Shadow Realm don't love the nascent world of Azeroth as much as the Titans did. Once they make a ruthless attack, it may really pose a threat to its life.

The lesser of two evils, in Sharlayan's view, C'Thun's choice is logical.

Therefore, the three of them did not dare to stay for a moment after they succeeded.

Taking advantage of the fact that the city's defenses hadn't been reorganized, and C'Thun hadn't officially returned yet, relying on Valeera's spreading shadow power, the three of them bypassed the compound eyes that were still searching mechanically without anyone noticing, and escaped smoothly. Out of the city of Ahn'Qiraj.

"Dude Prius."

After arriving at a barren mountain cave outside the city, Sharlayan showed joy with a smile that was not a smile, and Prius, who seemed to want to start researching immediately, said: "We have completed your commission, and it is time for you to fulfill your promise. .”

Prius suppressed his excitement, and said to Sharlayan with a smile on his face: "Of course, since I have sworn on my own honor, I will never break my promise."

Temporarily suppressing the boiling research desire, Prius gathered two colorless light spheres on both hands and handed them to the two.

"You two, please accept it. These two light spheres contain the knowledge and experience you want."

Sarlayan and Valeera didn't absorb the light ball on the spot after receiving it, but just dipped their consciousness into it to check the contents.

After confirming that it was correct, the two nodded at the same time to acknowledge that the transaction was officially completed.

Prius waved his hand to them freely: "Okay, the transaction is completed, I should go back and start a new research project."

"As you can see, the first-generation undead structure still has many flaws. I hope that my theory can be further improved through the study of this Xeraki."

"Two little friends."

As the projection avatar gradually faded and returned to the shadow world, Prius said goodbye to the two meaningfully: "I hope that one day in the future, we will have the opportunity to cooperate again. I will wait for your 'return' in the distant future."

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