Live Streaming: Azeroth

Chapter 1214 Freya: Sour! very sour!

In terms of combat power, Freya, who doesn't like to fight, ranks last among many Titan Guardians.

Today's great inventor, Mimiron, has not yet lost his guardian body. When Mimiron is allowed to use his weird inventions, Freya is the most powerful one among the titan guardians.

The mild-tempered Freya had no interest in fighting at first. When Odin and Raiden assigned tasks, she was not surprised to get the job of repairing Azeroth's wounds in the rear.

This was originally the most suitable task for her.

As Freya experimentally sowed tree seeds near the huge wound, these trees nourished by the Well of Eternity quickly rose up, using their thick root system to stabilize the land by the lake, preventing the wound from getting worse.

Freya found joy in this job of planting trees, and she began to conduct preliminary research on the evolution of life in Azeroth, making preparations for filling the entire planet with a large number of animals and plants after winning the war in the future.

Freya's idea of ​​transforming the blueprint world of Azeroth was not formed overnight, but she had already had this plan.

As a secondary titan, Freya is not like those elemental creatures and ancient god-type creatures who are destroying the surface of the planet all day long. It is easy to gain the trust of Azeroth's star soul.

This is based on the instinct of being connected by blood of the same race.

Therefore, when Freya proposed to the ignorant Star Soul that she wanted to transform the blueprint world for experimenting with life evolution, the still babbling Star Soul readily agreed to her request.

Thanks to the efforts of a large number of titan creations, the wounds left by Y'Shaarj being pulled out of the earth have basically healed, and the state of the Well of Eternity has gradually stabilized.

Freya can spend a lot of time every day squatting in the blueprint world to enlighten her life. The mirror plane, which was originally as bare as the material world, has long since become green... except that she occasionally sees some strange creatures with different shapes wandering around.

These weird creatures that neither look like animals nor plants are the product of Freya's failed experiments, and she hasn't had time...or she hasn't been able to get the heart out of destroying them.

After arranging the work for the last month, Freya immersed herself in the blueprint world as usual, continuing her great cause of promoting the evolution of life.

However, just as Freya was happily installing the dorsal fin on a four-legged creature, her eyes were suddenly in a trance. A beautiful garden full of flowers replaced the open-air testing ground she was in before.

"This is... an illusion?!"

As the founder of the Emerald Dream and the guardian of the titans who possessed the power of life, Freya immediately noticed the abnormalities around her.

"Who is playing tricks? Get out of here!"


As Freya's left foot made of rune rocks stomped heavily on the ground, there was a distorted shaking in the originally peaceful and peaceful fantasy garden, but it still remained firm.

"Life power?"

Freya frowned and looked around, not making any rash moves.

'The Old God? No, it's impossible. '

‘N’Zoth has long been sealed, and Azadas is guarding Ny’alotha. '

‘C’Thun is busy defending against the attacks of Odin, Thorim, and Hodir, and Yogg-Saron is also watched by Rai, Tyr, and Loken. '

'The reverberation of Y'Shaarj?'s impossible, Mimiron is guarding that guy's heart. '

'Could it be the wild spirit born naturally in Azeroth? But why would they pull such a prank all of a sudden? and……'

Freya took a closer look at the garden in front of her: 'It's well-ordered, it doesn't look like it was built temporarily, and it can even be said...not like the scenery that should appear in this barbaric era. '

Just as Freya suspected, the garden that Sharlayan built using the power of dreams was not out of imagination, but directly copied the flowery back garden of the Sunstrider Royal Court.

As we all know, high elves have extremely high artistic aesthetic ability.

Although Freya still doesn't quite understand the layout of this garden, she can at least appreciate a different kind of beauty from the scenery in front of her.

"Freya, guardian of life, please don't be so nervous, I don't mean any harm, I just have a friendly discussion with you."


Freya did not let down her vigilance because of the other party's words. Although she thought she was not good at fighting, in this chaotic era, logistics personnel must also have a certain ability to protect themselves.


Just when Sharlayan was about to get straight to the point and tell his reason for coming, he who was hiding in the blueprint world suddenly had an inexplicable feeling.

‘This is… the rejection of the world? '

The Well of Eternity is located in the very center of Azeroth. Thanks to this large lake directly connected to the core of the Star Soul, the consciousness of the Star Soul of Azeroth is more active near the Well of Eternity.

But that's all, otherwise, she wouldn't have allowed the ancient gods and elemental creatures to wreak havoc on the land for so long.

The blueprint world of Azeroth is a refuge that Star Soul built for himself to escape the cruel reality, that is to say... At least in this current era, the right to manipulate this sub-plane is completely in the hands of Star Soul.

"Girl, don't get excited, it's me."

Feeling the repulsive force of the blueprint world trying to force himself out, Sharlayan laughed and showed the token that Star Soul would bestow on him in the future.


In fact, Star Soul didn't make any sound, this onomatopoeia was made up by Salayan himself.

But that's probably what it means.

The newborn star soul can't accurately distinguish between good and evil, she can only instinctively feel who is good to her and who will pose a threat to her survival and development.

The very familiar aura on Sarlayan's body stunned the ignorant Star Soul. Of course, she could recognize that the power in Sarlayan's body came from herself.

Although he still didn't understand what was going on, Star Soul finally stopped pushing Sare out of the blueprint world, and planned to wait and see what happened.

As the founder of the Emerald Dream, Freya, who has been in the blueprint world for a long time, is very familiar with the particularity of this subplane.

She also felt the slight changes before, and quickly guessed that the unhappy star soul was acting on its own.

However, to Freya's surprise, Star Soul's rejection failed to carry through to the end.

"……what's the situation?"

Freya raised her hand and rubbed the center of her brows: "Well, at least one thing is certain, it must not be an ancient god-type creature that is hostile to this world, otherwise Star Soul would not stop so honestly."

"Who the hell are you? What's the purpose of arranging this illusion?"

After finally appeasing the child-like Star Soul of Azeroth, Sharlayan finally breathed a sigh of relief and refocused on Freya.

"My origin is more complicated to say. In order to maintain the stability of Azeroth's timeline, it is inconvenient to say more about the specific situation."

'timeline? '

Anyway, Freya is also a sub-Titan made by the Titans of the Pantheon. When the Titans created them, they gave these children the necessary knowledge and common sense needed to protect Azeroth, including the concept of timelines.

However, considering that the concept of time and space is too complicated, at least at this stage, Aman'Thul, the father of the gods, does not intend to give the guardians the time power to manage the timeline.

"So that's how it is..." Freya thought thoughtfully: "The son of Azeroth from the future? Worth mentioning. '

"Okay, I can stop asking about your background."

Freya's expression became a little more relaxed: "Child of Azeroth, tell me why you came."

"Cheer up, then I won't be polite."

Sarlayan said straight to the point: "Due to some reasons that are inconvenient to explain, I need to stay in this era for a while."

"In order to complete the task assigned to me by a certain boss in a more targeted manner, I hope to obtain the authority to enter and exit the blueprint world at will and communicate directly with the star soul."


Freya rejected Sarlayan's request without hesitation: "If you want to stay in the blueprint world, I can decide to allow it, but you also know that the current star soul is far from mature, and I don't trust her to have direct contact with outsiders. comminicate."

Freya, who was left behind to take care of the logistics work, also took on the important task of enlightening the consciousness of the star soul.

At this juncture, she couldn't safely allow the star soul, who was still in the early stage of personality shaping, to contact outsiders of unknown origin.

Who knows what this guy will teach Xinghun, if Xinghun's three views are wrong... the consequences will be disastrous.

Sharlayan was not surprised by Freya's rejection, after all, he also knew the current state of mind of Star Soul.

"Regarding this point, please don't worry, Your Excellency Freya. I can swear with my own soul that I will never teach Xinghun bad."

"And... please look at this."

An indistinct emblem was projected in front of Freya's eyes through the power of illusion.

"This is……"

Freya unconsciously revealed a look of astonishment: "The token given by Xinghun himself?! This..."

‘Who the hell is this guy? Are you actually more trusted by Star Soul than me, a sub-Titan? '

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