Live Streaming: Azeroth

Chapter 1211 The Rebellious Water Element

After some communication with the water elemental named Montadi, Sharlayan realized that he had made a common sense mistake.

Among the countries that Sharlayan knew, at least there would be a unified official language in the country, but this was not the case in the Dark Empire.

Qiraji is only one of the official languages ​​of the Dark Empire, and flesh and blood creatures including Enraki and Keseraki have their own language family, and both are the official languages ​​of the Dark Empire.

At the beginning, Montadi habitually spoke the elemental language that is very rare in later generations. Seeing that Sharlayan and Valeera didn't respond, he immediately switched to the official language used by the Faceless, but it still didn't work.

At this time, Sharlayan and Valeera had lost patience and launched the attack first. Montadi, who was not prepared enough, wanted to use Frost Nova to control the two of them before changing the third language.

Who would have thought that his confident move would be fruitless, but the two of them seized the opportunity to come up with a combo combo.

Just when Sharlayan was about to take advantage of the victory and continue to perform ultimate moves, Montadi finally spoke the Qiraji language he could understand.

In today's era, there is no such complicated division of camps as later generations, and there are only three forces after calculation.

Titan-forged, elemental, flesh-and-blood, gone.

In Montady's view as elemental creatures, the soft-skinned Sharlayan and Valeera were obviously not those titan creations with sharp-edged bodies, and he was sure that the two had nothing to do with the elements.

Then there is nothing to say, these two people are definitely flesh and blood creatures under the command of the ancient gods, so they should be regarded as allies.

Sarlayan and Valeera communicated calmly through the soul link, and they both agreed that they should follow Montady's train of thought and continue to fool him for the time being, trying to get some more information.

Valeera raised her own question through the soul link channel: "Montady? In my impression, there doesn't seem to be any water elemental lords around Neptulon with this name?"

Sharlayan: "I haven't heard of it at this stage, but I can't guarantee that he will not live to the future."

"Only a part of the water elemental lords that Neptulon's avatar brought to Azeroth, and some stayed at the throat of the abyss in the water elemental world, to prevent their hometown from being stolen by other elements when the rear is empty."

"Perhaps, this Montadi is one of the water elemental lords staying in his hometown?"

Valeera curled her lips and raised her eyebrows: "It's also possible that he didn't survive this war at all. After all, this guy doesn't look very smart at first glance."

Unlike Valeera, Sarlayan didn't think Montady was stupid, he just couldn't see through the true position of Sarlayan and Valeera beyond the influence of the background of the times.

The elemental lord can be regarded as a high-level person in this war between the Dark Empire and the Titans, and Montadi does know a lot of important information.

The brief confrontation before made Montady realize the strength of the two of them. He guessed that Sharlayan and Valeera should be a newly modified species of an ancient god, a specialized race specially designed to deal with the creation of Titans.

Sarlayan and Valeera would not try to correct Montady's misunderstanding, and they used his misunderstanding to obtain a lot of information that they hadn't obtained before.

As Sharlayan speculated, Y'Shaarj was torn apart by Aman'Thul thousands of years ago.

Since then, the sub-Titans created by the Pantheon Titans have gradually expanded their sphere of influence outwards based on the original territory of Y'Shaarj.

The violent speed of the Titan creations makes the ancient gods who can also mass-produce flesh and blood creations feel inferior.

Given enough iron and stone, Lesser Titans can create an entire army with one click.

N'Zoth, the weakest of the five ancient gods, was over 800 years ago when his lair was breached by a sea of ​​soldiers created by Titans, and he himself was sealed in a ruined city of a dark empire called Ny'alotha.

After the first victory, the titans continued to attack without stopping.

"If nothing unexpected." Montady's eyes revealed a little gloating color: "In three years at the latest, C'Thun and Al'Akir will also be defeated."

"Although Yogg-Saron is powerful, it is only a matter of time before it fails in the face of the army of Titans who gather all their forces."

"The dark empire that has ruled Azeroth for countless millennia may soon come to an end."

Sharlayan raised his brows slightly, looked at Montaddi's transformed Jebao with a strange expression and asked, "It don't seem to feel sad or worried about this, but gloated a little?"

Montadi smiled indifferently: "Otherwise? You don't really think that the elemental creatures are sincerely surrendering to the ancient gods, do you?"

"...Of course, that idiot Ragnaros is another matter."

"Ah this..."

The corners of Valeera's mouth twitched, and she complained to Sharlayan through the soul link: "The words that fire and water cannot be tolerated are not just words."

Before the ancient gods descended from the sky, among the four elements, the most fierce were the fire element and the water element.

As mentioned earlier, the earth elementals are inherently more Buddhist, and they participate in the elemental war just because they don't want to be put in the same shape by other elements after they fail.

The foundation of wind elements is not on the earth, the sky is their home field.

Excluding these two elements that are not very motivated to fight, only the water element and the fire element are left to fight for the control of the ancient Kalimdor continent.

I don't know if it is due to nature, but the water element and the fire element have diametrically opposite positions and opinions in all aspects.

If you burn the earth, I will flood the world.

If you want to be a loyal dog to the ancient gods, I will act like a loyal traitor to you.

Sharlayan rubbed his eyebrows dumbfoundingly: "Montadi, aren't you afraid that we will tell Yogg-Saron that the water element's position is not strong enough?"

Montadi shrugged indifferently: "Please feel free, the attitude of water elements is nothing new in the Dark Empire, we have survived until now."

"Besides..." Montady smiled meaningfully: "Do you really think that Yogg-Saron can still spare time to clean up the interior?"

"As long as there is a sufficient supply of materials, Titan Creation can produce endless output."

"It is true that the secondary titans are leading the main force to attack C'Thun, but this does not mean that they will let Yogg-Saron rest assured to accumulate strength."

"Hmm..." Sharlayan rubbed his chin thoughtfully: "If, I mean, if, the water elemental has a chance to have a place in the new world reshaped after the victory of Titan Forge, Montady, what would you do? make a choice?"

Montadi gave Sharlayan a meaningful look: "How to choose? We don't choose anything."

"Boy, although I don't know which side you are on, don't help Titan Creation to fool us."

"Of course the ancient gods are not good things, and those tin woodmen are not good men and women. Many high-level individuals among them have great hostility towards all non-Titan creation life forms."

"I don't think those lesser titans who are decisive in killing will let go of the elemental creatures that helped the ancient gods. You should save your persuasion."

"Is that really the case..."

Sharlayan shook his head and showed a wry smile. The failure to persuade him to surrender did not make him too surprised.

Just as Sharlayan analyzed Valeera before, the hole cards in his hand are seriously insufficient now, and it is difficult to persuade the water element, which is already determined to retreat, to jump back.

Besides, even if he persuaded the water element to surrender at a super level, he couldn't persuade those stone heads on the Titan Forge.

The character and behavior of the Titan Guardians in this era are very different from those in the future, and Sharlayan is not sure that he can persuade them.

As discussed in the barrage before, if he and Valeera walked up to the guardians of the titans, there is a high probability that they would be crushed to death on the spot by them as flesh and blood creatures under the command of the ancient gods, and they would not even be given a chance to explain .

This is the usual practice in war years.


Sharlayan scratched his head in distress: "Then let me put it another way."

"Montadi, have you... and the tide hunter Neptulon behind you, have you considered the future of the water element?"

Montady's eyes flickered. "The future? Do we have a future?"

"The fate of Ragnaros and his fire elements is our future. Sooner or later, all elements will be driven to the subplane seal outside the material world. This is a fate we cannot escape."

Sharlayan shook his head meaningfully: "I didn't mean to say this, the future I'm talking about is far beyond this."

"You don't want to be sealed in the elemental world forever and cannot return to your hometown, do you?"

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