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Chapter 1198 Information leak? bait

When Sharlayan and Solas were talking about serious matters, Yrel, Valeera and the others remained silent and listened.

It is not that the Draenei have never been in contact with the undead, after all, their traditional Auchenai priests are responsible for communicating with the dead.

However, Auchenai priests have never attempted to reinfuse the souls of the dead into their bodies to form new undead creatures.

Therefore, when Yrel first learned of the existence of the Scourge, she subconsciously rated these undead who were unwilling to be reborn in the Shadow Realm as "dirty".

Yrel originally thought that the Lich King, the leader of the undead from the Scourge, would be a bitter and vengeful spirit who would howl all day long to take revenge on the living.

However, after listening to Sharlayan and Solas's methodical discussion, she gradually changed her stereotype of undead creatures.

Sarlayan has no time to take care of Yrel's emotional changes at the moment, so Valeera and Stellagosa consciously took over the task.

In name, the Scourge and Illidan are allies on the same front, but there is still a big difference in the style and philosophy of the two.

Like a master, there must be a servant, and the people brought out by Illidan are more or less extreme.

Let such a person who is prone to go to extremes practice evil energy, and if he is not careful, he will be confused by the chaotic will contained in this power.

This is why Illidan's subordinates often jump out a few traitors who have defected to the Burning Legion.

Illidan is well aware of this, but with greater goals, he does not intend to waste time changing the status quo.

From Sharlayan's point of view, Illidan can be used, and it is very useful, but at the same time, he cannot relax his attention... or his subordinates who may jump back at any time.

The Scourge is the limiter Sharlayan specially prepared for Illidan.

With the help of Solas and others, Illidan successfully defeated the mighty Magtheridon and took down the Dark Temple.

Since then, Illidan has been trying his best to find the whereabouts of Mardum in the broken world, in order to obtain the Sargerite keystone, he has spent all his time on an expedition.

Illidan was willing to give Shahraz his trust, but Sharlayan could not pin his hopes on a high-level demon who originally belonged to the Burning Legion.

In the words of barrage, this is like an old technician who has been in the industry for many years saying that he wants to marry you.

In principle, Sarayan is happy to see her success, and is even willing to give her corresponding help and guide her to be good.

But... in order not to get a few more green spots on his head inexplicably, he still can't let go of the precautions he should have.

Solas: "According to your arrangement, Kel'Thuzad has been staying in the Dark Temple to 'do research'. He helped Illidan solve many technical problems."

"According to the information that Kel'Thuzad regularly sends back through the Soul Network of the Helm of Dominion, at least so far, there has been no change in the defected demons, including Shahraz."

Sharlayan was not surprised by this: "As expected, not long after I joined Illidan, if it were me, I would hide my true purpose at this stage and show a loyal look."

"Let Kel'Thuzad continue to pay attention, the next step is the focus."

"Illidan himself pays no attention to this, and we cannot let it go."

A cold light flashed in Sharlayan's eyes: "In order to give Illidan enough motivation, I deliberately threw a heavy bait in front of Shahraz."

"If she really has a different heart, she should take action in the near future."

Solas asked curiously: "What heavy bait? Can it satisfy my curiosity?"

Sharlayan looked up and looked around the throne hall, and Solas waved away all the Royal Terror Guard knowingly, leaving only Alonsus Faol by his side.

After confirming that no one could eavesdrop, Sharlayan said calmly: "I told Illidan that the Titans of the Pantheon have fallen, but they have not completely fallen."

Under the increasingly horrified gazes of Solas, Faol, and Yrel, Sharlayan told Illidan the information he had mentioned before.


After Sharlayan's voice fell for a while, Yrel subconsciously took a deep breath.

She smiled wryly and rubbed her throbbing temples: "You just revealed such important news to a high-ranking demon who doesn't know where he stands?"

There was a mysterious smile on the corner of Sharlayan's mouth: "Heavy? Indeed, for those who don't know the inside story, the news that the Titan has fallen but the soul is still alive is indeed heavy enough."

"But don't forget, Shahraz was originally a member of the Shivarla Witches' Guild. Do you really think she doesn't know this information?"

"As for Eonar..." Sharlayan jokingly shrugged: "What did I say? I just told Illidan that she was still on the run, but I didn't tell her exact coordinates... Besides, I really didn't Know."

Solas took over the words with a dazed look on his face, "So, did you deliberately fish with a piece of 'heavy' information that Shahraz already knew, but Illidan didn't?"

Alonsus Faol shook his head with a wry smile: "Master Deep Shadow, I can only say that it is you."

Valeera and the others have long been accustomed to Sharlayan's one-step, three-calculation operation, but Yrel, who has not been in contact with Sharlayan for a long time, quietly looked at him with rather complicated eyes.

‘Is this the overall view and vision that a good commander should have? learned. '

Unlike Velen's foresight ability that is difficult to replicate, Sharlayan's foresight is the true "wisdom of mortals".

The wisdom of mortals mentioned here is not derogatory, but refers to the height of wisdom that mortals can achieve through hard work.

"Oh, right."

Sharlayan suddenly remembered something, broke the silence and raised his hand to pat his forehead.

"Sword, Solas, where is the Frostmourne Broken Sword I asked you to collect?"

"Huh? Oh, that one."

After regaining his senses, Solas reached out his hand into his spatial package, and used the power of his soul to wrap the broken Frostmourne in two and take it out.

"Here, by the way, what do you want to do with this broken magic sword?"

Frostmourne is the archetypal sword of the Mourn Sword series, and theoretically its wielder can have a direct soul connection with the Lich King who holds the Helm of Domination, just like Ner'zhul and Arthas.

However, in fact, it is not Ner'zhul who is connected to the soul of the user of Frostmourne, but Denathrius who projects consciousness through the signal amplifier of Icecrown Fortress.

Far away from Icecrown Citadel, the closest region to the Shadowlands, Denathrius could no longer spy on the nascent Scourge on Draenor.

However, if the magic sword Frostmourne made by the soldier master is used as a signal relay, the peeping tom can still find out the whereabouts of the Lich King and the Scourge.

Leaving aside the miscellaneous off-site additional factors, the Frostmourne created by the warlord is indeed of extraordinary quality, and it would be a pity to let it be abandoned like this.

Sharlayan intends to find a way to recast Frostmourne, but before that, he must first block the hidden backdoor program in Frostmourne.

Yrel has been paying attention to Sharlayan's every move. When he used some kind of power to catch Frostmourne in the air, Yrel suddenly noticed that Sharlayan's eyes turned golden.

"This is?!"


Onyxia put her fingers in front of her sexy lips: "Shut up, this is Salayan's unique talent as a colorful dragon, so watch with peace of mind."

"Colorful... dragon?"

Hearing the news suddenly, Yrel started a brainstorming subconsciously, and then looked at Onyxia and Stellagosa with a dazed look on her face.

"It's no wonder that Sharlayan has you two dragons among his companions. Could it be that he is also..."

Valeera asked in a low voice with some embarrassment: "Didn't we tell you? Sharlayan is a hybrid of dragons and high elves."

'really. '

Red, blue, and green, three-color light wandered back and forth near the broken sword of Frostmourne, and when Yrel was distracted and didn't notice, a ray of gray light quietly joined it.

"found it!"

Guided by the pure death power derived from the Thornyspeaker class, Sharlayan discovered Denathrius's prying eyes buried deep within Frostmourne.



Shadowlands, Revendreth, Fort Nathria.

Ever since Renathal and Stonesmith adopted Sharlayan's suggestion and gave up head-to-head confrontation with Revenders' official army, and officially entered the guerrilla state, Denathrius hadn't flexed his muscles for a long time.

Every time he heard the news and rushed over at the fastest speed, Denathius could only see some insignificant small miscellaneous fish.

Over time, after seeing through Reynathor's purpose, Denathius didn't bother to take any action himself, and could only sit in Fort Nasria and wait impatiently for his subordinates to bring him good news.

Right or left, Denathrius has been trying to remotely reconnect Frostmourne lately.

After all, Frostmourne is a high-quality artifact. Although it was broken in the hands of Alsace, this is not because it is weak, but simply because of the problem with the way Alsace uses it.

Denathius does not believe that the undead of Azeroth can withstand the temptation of Frostmourne, they will definitely find a way to recast the broken sword.

Just today, Denathrius finally contacted Frostmourne who did not know where he was.

However, before he had a happy expression on his face, Denathius suddenly screamed without warning, and fell off the throne of Fort Nasria in embarrassment.

The Venthyr nobles standing around were taken aback, and rushed forward to help the fainted Denathius up.


Sharlayan, who just crushed something, said to everyone present with a sneer on his face: "That guy Denathrius...he actually used his soul fragment as a backdoor program to insert into Frostmourne, this is a shocking thing." Enough for him."

"Split the soul..."

As undead whose souls drive their bodies, Solas and Faol knew very well the pain of being destroyed, and they looked at each other with pity.

"Hope others are ok (put hands together)"

【Earth Explosion Star! 】

[? ? ? 】

[God exploded the stars and made the world feel the pain? 】

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