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Chapter 1191 How can a real man live in heaven and earth for a long time?

Kargath didn't belong to any clan originally. He was a slave of the Gorian Empire and a gladiator raised by ogre nobles.

Kargath's slave master once promised him that he would be free as long as he could kill 100 enemies in the arena.

However, this promise turned out to be a lie.

The angry Kargath did not want to continue to be bound by the ogre, he longed for freedom.

Kargath, who was as cruel to the enemy as he was to himself, cut off his chained left hand, and the orc slaves who were willing to follow him followed suit.

These orc slaves who escaped from the dungeon tied their weapons to their severed arms. They successfully broke through the ogre slave master's defenses and escaped from the cruel arena.

Called by Kargath, these handicapped gladiators formed the Shattered Hand Clan.

When the Old Horde Project was established, the Shattered Hand clan was also invited, and Kargath was one of the chieftains who followed Grom in drinking the blood of the demon.

The old tribe invaded Azeroth through the Dark Portal, and Kargath and his Shattered Hand clan were ordered to stay in Hellfire Citadel to guard.

It wasn't until the five heroes headed by Turalyon led the Alliance Expeditionary Force to counterattack Draenor that Kargath officially fought against the Alliance for the first time... and then was crushed by the Alliance with high morale.

According to Illidan... or the information provided by Matron Shahraz, after fleeing the battlefield, Kargath and his clan joined the Burning Legion.

Under the temptation of Magtheridon, they drank the blood of demons again for stronger power, and turned into evil orcs with blood-red skin and spikes all over their bodies.

After Illidan captured the Dark Temple, with the cooperation of Mistress Shahraz, he took over the "property" left by Magtheridon, including these evil orcs whose brains had been burned out by the evil energy.

In order for the evil orcs to have the most basic ability to obey orders, Illidan adopted the plan developed by Kel'Thuzad, using pure shadow power to neutralize the excessive concentration of evil energy in their bodies.

Orcs have always admired Kargath's courage to break through the shackles and pursue freedom, as well as his determination and will to pursue his ideals at all costs.

But even the orcs of the old Horde had to admit that Kargath was a sadist with an unhealthy mind.

The tragic experience in the early years made Kargath's character full of cruel and violent colors. He and Grom are old tribal sharp swords in different senses, and the two also ushered in completely different encounters because of their differences in personality.

During the period when Magtheridon served as cannon fodder, Kargath, who completely lost his mind, cut off his original good right hand, and added a fist ax to the severed hand.

Today, Kargath and his Shattered Hand clan remain in Hellfire Citadel.

Through Stellagosa's messenger, Sharlayan got in touch with Mistress Shahraz who was looking after the house in the Dark Temple in the second half of the holiday.

When it came to Kargath Bladefist, Shahraz, the chief steward of the Dark Temple, didn't even need to ask Illidan for instructions, and readily handed over his fate to Sharlayan.

"Kargath Bladefist still has an unyielding will in his bones. He yearns for freedom and doesn't want to be inferior to others."

"This guy is the biggest thorn in Draenor's evil orcs, not one of them. Lord Illidan has long disliked him."

Here is the answer left by Shahraz in the letter.

【... How can a real man live in heaven and earth, so he can live in depression for a long time? 】

[6, If the public does not abandon, Kargas is willing to worship as a foster father? 】

【Grass! Kargath Fengxian Blade Fist, right? 】

"Hmm..." Sharlayan rubbed his chin thoughtfully: "It's no wonder Kargath and his Shattered Hand clan were left on the Hellfire Peninsula far away from Shadowmoon Valley. That's why."

It needs to be specifically mentioned here that not all evil orcs come from the Shattered Hand clan, and Kargath is just the leader of one of the massive evil orc clans.

For Illidan, disobedient subordinates would be very difficult to use, so he did not let Kargath and other evil orc elites move to the Black Temple to stand by, but sent him far away to guard the gate of Hellfire Citadel .

To be precise, Kargath's mission is to monitor the throne of Kil'jaeden located north of Hellfire Citadel.

However, as the Mag'har orcs and the Alliance Expeditionary Force successively established outposts on the Hellfire Peninsula, the existence of the Shattered Hand clan sitting in Hellfire Fortress became more and more meaningless.

Illidan didn't instruct Kargath to initiate conflict with the Alliance and the Mag'har, but that's exactly what he did.

From this point of view, Illidan has always wanted to find a chance to get rid of Kargath and the Shattered Hand clan who were looking for trouble for him.

However, most of the demon hunter's energy is now focused on finding the Sargerite Keystone, and he has no time to pay attention to a group of rebellious youngsters.

Since Sharlayan intends to help clean up the portal, Illidan will naturally not refuse.

In the next communication with Mother Shahraz, the two sides gradually finalized the details of this operation.

Mother Shahraz first sent people to the Hellfire Peninsula to secretly transfer Magtheridon, who was locked under the Hellfire Citadel, back to the Dark Temple through the fel energy portal.

Sharlayan sent letters to Shattrath, Honor Hold and Galadar through the arcane familiars of Jaina, Tinagosa and Stellagosa one after another.

Whether it's the Alliance, Mag'har, or A'dal who sits in Shattrath, they have long wanted to knock out the Shattered Hand clan that always jumps out to make trouble.

In name, the Shattered Hand clan's task is to monitor the demonic movements on the throne of Kil'jaeden, but in fact these guys who provoke regardless of enemy or friend have been hindering other forces.

With Sharlayan's help, the three parties with the same will hit it off.

Sharlayan's appeal in the alliance was no longer what it used to be. After receiving his message, the guards of the Watch Castle immediately dispatched an elite army to enter the Hellfire Peninsula through the Dark Portal.

Mag'har's Matron Gaiaan also quickly arranged for Garrosh Hellscream, Jolin Deadeye, and Dranosh Saurfang to lead a team from Nagrand to Hellfire Citadel to collect Orc traitor.

At the same time, Adal also organized an army mainly composed of draenei, and arranged for two naaru, including Muru, to act with the army.

When the three major forces of Draenor and Mistress Shahraz completed their respective preparations one after another, the Salayan family far away in Farland finally ended their vacation and embarked on their return journey.

After bidding farewell to the village head of Falenlon, Onyxia vigorously flapped her wings and accelerated her flight in the direction of Hellfire Peninsula.

It was different from when she came here. At this time, Onyxia had an extra person on her back——Yriel.

Knowing that Sharlayan had remotely arranged all the preparations for attacking Hellfire Citadel in just half a month, Yrel, who had already guessed his extraordinary identity, couldn't help but be surprised.

Then again, Yrel is definitely not stupid.

From the fact that Sharlayan was directly entrusted by the prophet Velen, Yrel could roughly guess that this seemingly easy-going and unassuming high elf was by no means an ordinary person.

...Besides, it is impossible for ordinary people to let so many beautiful women with their own characteristics willingly accompany him.

Even though he had been prepared in his heart, Yrel was still very surprised by Sharlayan's ability to pull out a combined army with his lips.

"You...or you, who are you?"

Sharlayan shrugged with a smile: "Those who come to Farland for vacation are just passing tourists, don't worry about it."

"Compared to our identities, what you need to pay more attention to right now is the siege of Hellfire Citadel?"

"Huh~ That's right."

Yrel, who was not yet in armor, patted his cheeks vigorously, temporarily put aside the doubts and curiosity in his heart, and looked sharply at the far end of the Zangar Sea.

"Kargath's time to pay your blood!"


When Sharlayan and his party arrived at Hellfire Peninsula, the three-party coalition forces had surrounded the Shattered Hand clan in Hellfire Fortress.

All the strongholds of the Shattered Hand clan outside the fortress have been completely wiped out, and they can only enter the dilapidated fortress with an order from Sharlayan, who is the commander-in-chief of the coalition forces.

To Sharlayan's surprise, the alliance's army was actually led by Bolvar Fordragon, who had just succeeded the Grand Marshal of the Stormwind Kingdom.

Needless to say for the Mag'har orcs, the three young and promising commanders are all old acquaintances.

As their limiter, Agna, the shaman representing Mother Gaiaan, also went out with the army.

As for the Legion of the Holy Light... If you insist, the Naaru sent by Adal should be the leader—Muru and Kexili. The draenei whose main force moved to Azeroth lack heavyweight generals .


When the draenei soldiers from Shattrath saw the female draenei limping off the back of the black dragon, many people shouted in surprise.

"Why are you here? Didn't the Prophet tell you to..."

Yrel resolutely said to his compatriots: "I know, I will go to Azeroth to find the prophet to receive the punishment in person afterwards, please allow me to be self-willed for a while."

"Kargath Bladefist! The butcher who killed Samara is hiding in this castle!"

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