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Chapter 1091 Wonderful Historical Inertia

Facing the question raised by Varian, Sarlayan and Kael'thas exchanged a glance, and the Sun King's eyes revealed such a look imperceptibly.


Sharlayan smiled and said, "Actually, it's not so mysterious. It's just that Quel'Thalas planted spies in Stratholme City in advance, so they can spy on the Scourge's rear at close range."

"About the spy..." Sharlayan looked at Calia apologetically, "Quel'Thalas needs to apologize to Lordaeron."

Jia Liya waved her hand indifferently: "In fact, everyone is doing this kind of thing. As long as the spy's behavior is not above the line, there is no need to bring it to the table to put it on the line."

Calia, who is the party involved, has already said so, and it is not good for Varian to continue to ask about the spy.

But the shrewd king, who had suffered through childhood and inherited the throne at a young age, still had doubts in his heart.

"Duke Deep Shadow, Queen Calia, please forgive me, in Stratholme...are there still people alive?"

After Alsace completely exposed the fact that he had already joined the Scourge, including Calia, the high-level leaders of the alliance countries subconsciously believed that the city of Stratholme, which was the base camp of the Scourge in the Eastern Kingdom, had long been reduced to Paradise of the dead.

But in fact it is not the case.

Sharlayan patiently explained to Calia, Varian and others who were also concerned about this matter: "There are still living people in Stratholme City. According to the information our intelligence personnel inquired, it is Stratholme Lord Revan. Baron Dale proposed to the Lich King to save it."

"Lord Rivendell..."

Jia Liya rubbed her temples with some headaches: "To be honest, I still don't understand why he turned to the undead. Judging from his speech and behavior when I met him, he doesn't look like that kind of ambitious lord."

"About this." Sharlayan sighed softly: "Quel'Thalas has obtained some information."

"In a word, Lord Titus Rivendell joined the Scourge out of a survival instinct."

Calia asked suspiciously: "Survival? Could it be that the Scourge threatened him with the safety of his family?"

"That's not true."

Sharlayan shook his head and corrected: "The contemporary Baron Rivendell has been suffering from illnesses since he was a child, and the priest once thought he would not live to be 20 years old."

"Facing death that may come at any time is not as easy as imagined. Survival is a human instinct. The Rivendell family has tried every means to extend Titus' lifespan."

"Just at this time, Kel'Thuzad, the original Dalaran Archmage and Kirin Tor member, appeared."

"As far as I know, Stratholme is the hometown of Kel'Thuzad before he went to Dalaran for further study. He and Titus have been inseparable since childhood."

Having said that, everyone present subconsciously followed Sharlayan's gaze and looked at the current Kirin Tor speaker Ronin.

Luo Ning froze for a moment before scratching his head and confirming: "According to Dalaran's records, Kel'Thuzad's hometown is indeed Stratholme."

Sharlayan took the words and continued: "At this stage, Baron Rivendell has not completely transformed himself into an undead. I guess, he should be in order to avoid being completely undead. After being completely undead, he will be forcibly controlled by the Lich King with the Helm of Domination."

"After all..." The corner of Sharlayan's mouth curled up into a meaningful smile: "The pursuit of free will is the nature of all intelligent creatures, right?"

"Perhaps out of a desire to keep some of my countrymen for myself until the last moment."

"Baron Rivendell firmly rejected Alsace's proposal to turn the entire city of Stratholme into undead, and with the help of his old friend Kel'Thuzad, he persuaded the Lich King to suspend his actions."

There is a reason why Sharlayan specifically pointed out this key information at this time, and it laid the groundwork for the future cleansing of Baron Rivendell.

"Don't look at the fact that the rights of the Scourge Legion seem to be all in the hands of the Lich King who holds the helmet of dominance. In fact, in my opinion, there are many hidden dangers inside them."

Sharlayan snapped out a finger and said, "First of all, Arthas is not completely under the control of his will, but continues to be influenced by the whispers of the Lich King."

"Secondly, the Grand Lich Kel'Thuzad, who has gained all the trust of the Lich King and is more than 10,000 people, has also not been affected by the Helm of Domination."

"The last is Baron Titus Rivendell, who has not yet been transformed into an undead, and Thoras Trollbane and Alonsus Faol, who are outside the spiritual network of the Helm of Dominion."

"Arthas, holding the magic sword Frostmourne, has long been shrouded in darkness, but this does not mean that he and Ner'zhul, the Lich King, are of one mind, especially..."

Sharlayan twitched the corners of his lips with a half-smile: "If he knew that Ner'zhul was just a container for his own soul, the arrogant Alsace would definitely not sit still."

"On the other hand, based on the information we have, it seems that Kel'Thuzad and Baron Rivendell, a pair of good friends who cooperate with each other, seem to have other ideas about the future of the Scourge."

"If we can find the crux of the matter and give them enough benefits, we may be able to find a way to instigate them from within the undead."

"Combined with Solas and Faol's actions, we can completely strip the Scourge from the bare commander Ner'zhul and return free will to all the undead controlled by the Helm of Domination."


Jialia frowned and lowered her head in deep thought: "It's a bold plan. Does the Duke of Deep Shadow want to include the undead in the camp of Azeroth's defenders? How sure are you?"

Sharlayan spread his hands and said, "I'm not sure for now. After all, there are still many things that are still unclear at this stage, but we might as well work towards this direction."

"Archimonde, who has learned about the World Tree, will inevitably lead the main force of the Burning Legion across the sea to Kalimdor. Once the demons leave, the biggest enemy facing the Eastern Kingdom will be the Scourge backed by people behind them."

"Before the Lich King and the Burning Legion are completely torn apart, let's make a plan based on this situation, and then adapt to the subsequent changes in the situation."

For the alliance whose core power is located in the Eastern Kingdom, it is not their turn to worry about the Burning Legion that is about to travel westward. The night elves, an ancient powerful country across the sea, will find a way to solve the crisis brought by Archimonde.

The Scourge, which had been keeping a low profile and accumulating strength before, suddenly became popular. Both Azeroth and the Burning Legion wanted to bring this undead army under their control, and the current Lich King Ner'zhul would not sit still.

This three-party struggle will become the mainstream of the Eastern Kingdom's situation changes for a long time to come, but the battles in this area are more concentrated below the table.

Considering the total number of troops currently possessed by the Scourge that has not yet rolled the snowball, the number of troops that the alliance needs to use is really not too much.

Not to mention that Alsace also took away a group of natural disaster elites and rushed back to Northrend to rescue them.

Under this premise, Sarlayan made a second suggestion.

Gather the remaining troops and cross the sea to Kalimdor by boat to provide necessary help to the Dark Night Republic, which is facing the pressure of Archimonde independently.

It is true that the night elves who have survived for more than ten thousand years have a profound heritage, and their national power is far higher than any country in the Eastern Kingdom.

But it is impossible to defeat Archimonde and the main force of the Burning Legion just by relying on the night elves as mortals.

In the original history, the night elves also received assistance from the new tribe and a part of the remnants of the alliance led by Jaina, and they killed Archimonde at a huge price.

The Dark Night Republic, which has reformed its political system in advance, will theoretically be stronger than the original historical national power, but don't forget that they just fought a battle with the Naga controlled by N'Zoth not long ago.

The night elves are also long-lived species, and it is not so easy to recover the lost population. After this addition and subtraction, the national strength of the Night Republic should not be much different from that of the night elves at the same time in the original history.

In order to avoid uncontrollable changes in the situation due to the butterfly effect, Sarlayan deliberately balances the military forces distributed in the two continents.

However... As Sharlayan expected, most of the kings present showed little interest in his proposal.

Except for Dalaran and Kul Tiras, which are closely related to Quel'Thalas, other countries only gave some leftover troops symbolically.

One thing to say, Sharlayan is not unable to understand their thoughts.

Compared with the crisis that cannot be seen far away on the other side of the sea, the safety of one's own hometown is more important.

Although Sarlayan's analysis and plan are sound, who can guarantee that the situation will develop as he predicted?

What if it is impossible to stir up the infighting of the Scourge Legion, what if Ner'zhul shows great power to get rid of Archimonde's backers, and then aggressively attacks the Eastern Kingdom with all his strength?

If there are not enough troops in hand, these kings always feel uneasy when faced with emergencies.


Although he had expected it in his heart, Sharlayan was still a little helpless when he saw this scene with his own eyes.

"After all, do we still have to go back to the old path and put our hope of reinforcing Kalimdor on the orcs..."

After the meeting ended, Sharlayan and Kael'thas walked out of the alliance conference hall side by side.

Under the comfort of Kael'thas, Sharlayan, who had prepared in advance, quickly regained his fighting spirit.

"Forget it, as the so-called raising soldiers for a thousand days, use them for a while."

"It was precisely for this moment that I tried my best to persuade Dai Lin to suspend attacking the leaderless orcs."

I have to say that historical inertia is really amazing.

Not long ago, the Backlight Blade sent a piece of news that surprised Sharlayan from the Hillsbrad Hills.

Orgrim Doomhammer, Warchief of the Old Horde, was caught in an ambush when he broke through the largest and last orc sanctuary in Hillsbrad.

Although the place of death is different from the original history, Orgrim still died before the dawn of the Horde's rebirth, and before he died, he gave up his armor and weapons, as well as the position of great chief to the young Frostwolf chief gooyle.

Thinking of this, Sharlayan's eyes flashed brightly, and he turned his head to look at Ronin who was not far away with the same twinkle in his eyes.

"It's time for Goyle to fulfill his destiny."

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