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Chapter 1057 Flies Don't Bite Seamless Eggs

In addition to Sharlayan, who is mainly in charge of important events throughout Azeroth, Kael'thas also has several old kings left as his henchmen.

The current Chancellor of the Exchequer, Solanlian Morningstar, who was born in the four noble families, is one of them.

After all, it was the first time Inas used the privilege of being an extraordinary creature to make an exception. Out of trust in Sharlayan, Kael'thas didn't think his mother would mess around.

But Kael'thas didn't know Inas as well as Anasteria after all. Just in case, he ordered Solanlian to follow behind quietly to check the situation, and come out to clean up the mess when necessary.

From the very beginning, Kael'thas didn't think that Solanlian's actions could hide from the powerful adult dragon, so he warned her in advance.

Once discovered by Inas, she would simply come out and explain clearly, so as not to cause unnecessary misunderstandings.

Compared with the eloquent Calpurnia, Solanian has a more restrained personality. Many people's initial impression of her is that she is taciturn and difficult to communicate with.

Through the stories Onyxia told at the Moon God Lake, Salayan and others learned about the ancestors of the Morningstar family. At that time, Salayan suspected that Solanlian was also a person who was cold on the outside and hot on the inside.

Due to their different responsibilities, Sharlayan rarely had the opportunity to cooperate with Solanlian, and did not know her true character.

After returning from the Emerald Dream, Sharlayan left at home the ancient coin of the Night Empire that they fished out of Luna Lake.

Seeing Solanlian walking out of the dark with a cold expression, Inas just remembered this incident.

"The Sun King asked you to wipe my ass?"

Inas smiled at Solanlian indifferently, raised her hand and threw the dark green Nightmare Power Crystal to Solanlian.

"Then, this is the evidence you want. With it, you can formally convict Darkan."

"...Of course, this is just an afterthought procedure. After all, everyone is gone."

Solanli caught the nightmare crystal that Inas threw over steadily, and nodded to her with a calm expression to express her gratitude.

"Thank you, Ms. Inas, for your righteous action. If you hadn't handled it personally, we would have been unable to convict Darkan, who has no clear crimes."

"Okay~ It's just a small problem."

Inas waved her hand indifferently: "The Burning Legion is invading again, and the Scourge next door is also ready to move. Now is not the time for civil strife in Quel'Thalas."

"In Sharlayan's words, you must first secure your home when fighting outside. I'm just helping my child eliminate the threats from behind, so that he can feel more at ease when he charges forward."

"Let's not talk about this first."

During the conversation, Inas left the basement with Solanlian, and returned to the ruins of the Drasil house.

In front of Solanlian, Inas turned back into the prototype of the dragon in a high-profile manner.

The sudden appearance of a giant dragon in Silvermoon City caused panic as expected, and this was exactly the effect Inas wanted to achieve, in order to actively show that Darkan Drahir was killed by the dragon clan.

"Girl of the Chenxing family, hand over the evidence to the other subordinates and send it to the Sun King. Come up and follow me to the Unicorn City."

Solanlian tilted her head a little cutely, and asked with a puzzled face: "At this time? But..."

"Come on."

When Solanlian handed over the Nightmare Crystal in his hand to a Backlight Blade thief who had disengaged from stealth, Inas opened his mouth and took a deep breath, and accurately sucked Solanlian, who was unstable under his feet. own back.

"Let's go~ Thief over there, say hello to the Sun King for me."


The bandit with the backlight blade masked in a black scarf respectfully touched his chest with one hand and bowed his head in greeting to Inas: "I will definitely bring your greetings to me."


When the self-talking Inas took Solanlian away from Silvermoon City and headed back to the south of the forest, Valeera and Jaina had already left the Duchy of Deep Shadow one step ahead.

The two deliberately concealed their identities and set out, sneaking all the way to Stratholme City, which had long been run by the Scourge... or Kel'Thuzad and Baron Rivendell as a stronghold of the undead.

Now is not the time to expose Baron Rivendell and Kel'Thuzad's true position. Valeera and Jaina did not try to contact them immediately after entering the city, but began to investigate the latest movements of the Scourge in the city alone.

Using the blessing of Jaina's phase invisibility, the two lurked into the granary in Stratholme without anyone noticing.

Valeera gently cut open a bag of grains with a short knife, and carefully checked the ingredients of these grains with Jaina.

Valeera can only judge through physical methods, and on the surface, these grains don't seem to be any different.

"Gianna, how are you doing?"

When Valeera looked back, Jaina frowned, her hands gleaming with arcane light.

"Sure enough, there is a problem. These grains contain a small amount of death power, and it is a mutated death power that has undergone artificial secondary processing."

Valeera cut off Jaina's follow-up academic explanation: "We don't have much time to stay here, so we can skip the long speeches and just talk about the conclusion."

Jaina tapped her forehead in embarrassment: "Sorry, I got used to it in Dalaran."

"The conclusion is that I do not recommend that anyone consume these grains."

"The mutated death force is likely to cause irreversible damage to the body of the eater... although I have not yet been able to determine what the form of the damage will be."

Valeera nodded with a serious expression: "That's enough... Sure enough, as Sharlayan said, the natural disaster intends to start with the food, and the disease really comes from the mouth."

In fact, both Valeera and Jaina knew in their hearts that it was too late to come to Stratholme to investigate.

The grain transported from this large granary in East Weald has already been transported to various parts of Lordaeron through Andorhal, and a considerable number of Lordaeron's people must have eaten the added grain.

Recently, Ner'zhul, who is about to officially launch the plan, has been in frequent contact with Kel'Thuzad.

In order to avoid being accidentally discovered by Ner'zhul, Sharlayan has not contacted Kel'Thuzad for some time.

Sharlayan is also not sure what Kel'Thuzad will make the plague grain, how effective it will be, and how many Lordaeronites will be transformed into undead by the plague grain.

This is why Valeera and Jaina took the risk to come to Stratholme City to investigate in depth.

Jaina sealed part of the plague food into a special container, and used the teleportation technique to send the container directly to Dalaran, the office of Kirin Tor Councilor Ansrem Luinvivor.

"Okay, Dalaran will invest in the research as quickly as possible, and once they reach a conclusion, they will notify me as soon as possible."

Jaina sighed softly, looking at the large amount of plague grains that filled the entire granary with a complicated expression.

"Alsace...I didn't expect him to be so hard-hearted and transform the people he was supposed to protect into undead souls."

Valeera sneered and sneered: "Ner'zhul's continuous bewitchment is certainly the main reason. Being able to be persuaded by Ner'zhul's sweet words means that Arthas has a dark side in his heart."

"Flies don't bite seamless eggs. If Arthas, as a paladin, has a heart of steel, it doesn't make any sense to let Ner'zhul try to seduce him."

Jaina shook her head with a wry smile: "He was an upright and kind child when he was young, why did he become like this when he grew up?"

Valeera asked jokingly: "What? You don't have any more affection for him, do you?"

Jaina rolled her eyes angrily: "There is no love left, I have never had any love between men and women with him."

"I just hope to take Alsace's changes as a lesson, and always remind myself not to be like him, and go down the wrong path because of inner paranoia."

Valeera smiled and rubbed Jaina's blond hair, which was as bright as the sun, just like when Jaina was young.

"Don't worry, you won't have this chance."

"When Sharlayan finds that you are in danger of making a mistake, Sharlayan will pull you back by force even if he pulls your hair."

Jaina, who was originally in a heavy mood, also shook her head with a smile: "That's right, he is such a worrying person."

"Let's go."

Jaina's depressed mood was relieved by the little joke between the two sisters, and Valeera pulled up the hood again to cover most of her face.

"According to the information I heard from the people in the city, Alsace has already blatantly started to take action."

"While this prince who has gone astray is not in the city, let's go to Kel'Thuzad who is staying behind to learn more about the situation."

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