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Chapter 1051 New Year's Eve: The Gate of Darkness Reopens

Sharlayan didn't know anything about Melinthra's secret operations for the time being. After returning to the Temple of Desom through the road of dreams, he encouraged the druids who stayed behind in the temple again, and then rushed back to the independent temple without stopping. Horned Beast City.

After returning from the Caverns of Time, I was delayed in the Emerald Dream. When Sharlayan returned home, the time had come to the last few days of the end of the 15th year of the Black Gate, just in time for the annual regular meeting of the Duchy of Deep Shadow. new year celebration.

However, due to the approaching war, even the Duchy of Deep Shadow, where the life is rich and the people live and work in peace and contentment, is somewhat panicked.

Compared with the excitement of previous years, the New Year's celebration held in the territory this time has become significantly deserted.

Hurrying back from Wyrmrest Temple in Northrend in a hurry, Sharlayan was lucky not to hear the worst news from Valeera and Stellagosa, the secretary in charge of territorial affairs.

The Kirin Tor Council left only two councilors, Modera and Ansrem, sitting in Dalaran, and a large number of elites led by Speaker Ronin rushed to the frontline Fort Watch.

Thanks to the efforts of a large number of Dalaran and Quel'Thalas mages, the Dark Portal was finally not opened before the end of the year, and at least the soldiers stationed in the Fortress could live a stable year.

However, according to Jaina who just returned from the cursed land, the efforts of Rhonin and others are about to reach their limit.

According to Luo Ning's prediction, within 10 days at the latest, the opening of the Dark Portal will no longer be restrained.

Sharlayan was not surprised by this. Although there are a large number of mages on Azeroth's side doing their best to hold back, the eredar warlocks on the Burning Legion's side are not vegetarians either.

The space channel that was blown up by Khadgar was closer to Draenor's side, and it would be easier for the Burning Legion to repair the channel nearby than the mages who tried to slow down the progress on the far side of Azeroth.

The tug-of-war between Azeroth and the Burning Legion against the Dark Portal is just the tip of the iceberg. According to the latest news from Kel'Thuzad from Stratholme, the Scourge is basically ready to attack.

As long as the news of the opening of the Dark Portal comes, the ambitious Alsace will officially unfurl the banner, blatantly calling on the hardline nobles in Aldanron to regroup under his banner.

As for how Arthas would explain his army of undead to those nobles who took refuge in him, that was out of Sharlayan's consideration.

If he didn't even have this ability to fool, Terenas would not place the hope of inheriting his will on Alsace.

As the end of the new year was approaching, Julian Deep Shadow, who had been wandering outside, finally rushed back on the last day before the new year.

Then, as a matter of course, the angry Inas pulled her long ears into the room for a while to educate her.

As for the specific education... Well, it's better for a good boy not to know.

Before dinner that day, when the two reappeared in the restaurant, Julian, who had been rushing all the way and was still exhausted, held his back with his hands on his back. On the contrary, Inas, who had been in a bad mood recently, was radiant. .

I can only say that I understand everything.

Inas's bad mood was not because her husband was away from home for a long time, but because her experiment was not going well.

But this is also normal. It is not easy to do genetic engineering in a fantasy world with a medieval background like Azeroth. There are not as many advanced high-tech instruments in the world where the barrage is located.

Even if you want to use magic to restore it, it is not so easy.

Inas is an expert in genetic engineering, not in mechanical engineering. She also has a half-knowledge of all kinds of high-tech equipment mentioned in the knowledge of other worlds, so she dare not rush to imitate them.

Without the assistance of various professional instruments, the progress of the experiment would not be fast if it was all carried out by hand.

Fortunately, both the Dragon Clan and the High Elves have enough time, and Inas doesn't need to be in a hurry.

But that being said, seeing the rapid progress of the experiment, Inas must be in a bad mood, and Julian, who came back in a hurry, hit the muzzle of the gun.

Although it was quite deserted compared to previous years, Sharlayan still dutifully hosted the Unicorn City's New Year's celebration party, and counted down the seconds to welcome the new year with the citizens who forced their smiles on their faces.

"10, 9... 1, 0!"

Sharlayan, who was standing on the high platform, didn't seem to see the worried expressions of the people, and still had a friendly smile on his face.

"As the lord, I hereby declare that the 16th year of the Dark Portal has officially arrived!"

"Everyone, let's cheer, for a better year!"

Although there was still some worry in his heart, under the encouragement of Sarlayan, the people of the Duchy of Deep Shadow still set off a round of cheers from the whole city.

Just as Sharlayan was waving back to the citizens below with a smile on his face, he suddenly saw a person who should not have appeared at this time out of the corner of his eye.

The expression on Sharlayan's face stiffened a little. After struggling to finish the ceremony, he just turned his back and walked off the host stage. His expression immediately became gloomy.


The uninvited guest—Villes Deep Shadow sighed in understanding, raised his big hand and patted Sharlayan's shoulder.

"You should have guessed my reason for coming, right? I won't go around the bush."

Welles, who was supposed to be reunited with his family at Deep Shadow Manor, was dispatched urgently on New Year's Eve, so there must be extremely important information to convey.

Sure enough, the intelligence that alarmed all the high-level officials in Quel'Thalas came from the cursed land in the south of the mainland.

I don't know if it's because the new year is approaching and there is a slight relaxation, or the Burning Legion has spotted this opportunity and launched a sudden attack.

In short, judging from the results, the door of darkness, which was originally expected to be opened within ten days, suddenly opened on New Year's Eve.

In order not to add more worries to his own citizens, Sharlayan kept a constant pace and returned to the Lord's Mansion with Welles, and then sped up his movements and began to gather people.

Tens of thousands of years later, the Burning Legion once again invaded Azeroth on a large scale, and the high-level leaders of all countries who had already prepared psychologically would focus on the side of the Dark Portal.

But Sharlayan, who knows more inside information, can't be like them. He needs to allocate some energy to focus on Stratholme next door to Quel'Thalas.

Therefore, Sharlayan needs a reasonable allocation of manpower.

It is true that the Scourge gradually grew stronger under his connivance, but this does not mean that Sharlayan will just watch them snowball the undead army quickly.

In the final analysis, the Scourge is just a pawn used to attract the attention of the Burning Legion, and their value only begins when Ner'zhul's self-confidence swells and he begins to openly resist the orders of the Burning Legion.

Incidentally, with the active cooperation of Arthas himself, Ner'zhul guided him to Northrend as early as August this year.

Arthas and Ner'zhul, the master and servant, deliberately avoided the monitoring of the Dreadlord, and quietly took out the magic sword Frostmourne that Ner'zhul had buried in a secret place.

Although the Dreadlord always brags that the sister swords Frostmourne and Apocalypse were forged by themselves, in fact, these two swords came from the hands of the Warlord controlled by the Warden.

Kil'jaeden handed the Helm of Domination and Frostmourne to Ner'zhul in the hope that he could use the power of these two artifacts to control the Scourge and make them better serve the Burning Legion.

For this reason, he specially arranged for a few Nathrezim to monitor Ner'zhul's every move throughout the process.

Didn't the dreadlord know that Ner'zhul had other plans in mind? Didn't know that Ner'zhul secretly gave Arthas Frostmourne?

Of course not, Ner'zhul's every move that he thought was concealed was under their surveillance, but the dreadlords were happy to see it.

After all, Nathrezim's true allegiance is not to the Burning Legion and Kil'jaeden, but the orders of Emperor Denathrius are their top priority.

The smart Ner'zhul thought he was playing tricks on the dreadlord, but he didn't know that he was the one being played.

The Nathrezim hid behind the scenes and watched cheerfully as Ner'zhul stepped away from the Burning Legion and slid towards the Shadow Realm...or in other words, under the control of Denathrius and the Warden.

In this two-line operation, Sharlayan planned to take Stellagosa, Tinagosa, and Onyxia to the front line of Fort Watch.

Valeera, on the other hand, went to Stratholme with Jaina to closely monitor the movements of the Scourge, and was ready to cooperate with Kel'Thuzadry at any time to change the day of the Scourge.

Originally, Sharlayan wanted to bring Jaina to the cursed land together, let her see the Burning Legion across the star sea with her own eyes, and left Stellagosa, who cooperated better with Valeera, to monitor the Scourge.

But Jaina offered to witness the end of Arthas with her own eyes, so as to warn herself not to make stupid mistakes like him.

Jaina doesn't have any feelings for Alsace between men and women, but after all, the two are both the second generation of kings. Before the first alliance fell apart, the two also attended banquets with their respective fathers many times, and had a lot of contact during the period. .

In Jaina's memory, Alsace was a kind-hearted person in general, although he was short-tempered.

Seeing Arthas fall into the abyss step by step with her own eyes, as a childhood playmate with a similar identity, Jaina still feels a little complicated.

As she herself said, she wanted to take Alsace's experience as a profound lesson to remind herself all the time, not to be like him because of a momentary dissatisfaction and to be seduced by others step by step.

Sharlayan maintains enough respect for all her partners. They are all people with independent thinking ability, not their own vassals, and always respect their personal wishes.

Since Jaina wanted to stay and observe the Scourge, Sharlayan simply changed the plan temporarily and brought Stellagosa to the front line of the Blasted Land instead.

The blue dragon sisters, Tinagosa and Stellagosa, are basically bonded, and little Tina usually follows her sister wherever she goes.

They agreed to contact Valliragiana, who was in charge of rear intelligence, at any time. Stellagosa and Tinagosa, who had already obtained the permission of the Sun King, mobilized the energy of the Sunwell and opened a portal leading directly to Fort Watch.

Before entering the portal, Sharlayan turned his head to Inas and Julian who silently saw them off with their hands folded and said solemnly: "Father, mother, the territory will be temporarily entrusted to your care, please help me calm down the anxious Leaders, don't let them make a big mess."

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