Live Streaming: Azeroth

Chapter 1049 Busy Cenarius

Under normal circumstances, the demigods of the wild seldom wandered outside the sacred mountain of Hyjal. This is because the titans...or the guardian of life, Freya, gave them the responsibility of guarding Azeroth.

The demigods of the wilderness, like many primitive animal gods called loa by the trolls, were inspired by the period when Freya walked the earth in ancient times.

Correspondingly, Freya also made three chapters with these animal gods, entrusting them to assist the Titan Guardians in protecting those important Titan relics.

The reason why there are so many loa on Zandalar Island is to allow them to guard Odile, the laboratory where the man-made ancient god G'huun was imprisoned.

Hyjal, called the holy mountain by the night elves, is another place where animal gods gather in large numbers. It was the highest peak of Azeroth in ancient times before the Great Crack.

The mother tree Garnir grows on the top of Hyjal, its towering canopy pierces into the sky, and the various fruits falling from Garnir cultivate the diverse flora and fauna ecology of Azeroth.

According to legend, Garnier, known as the mother of all trees, was planted by Freya herself. In order to protect this important mother tree, Freya left a large number of animal gods sitting on Mount Hyjal all year round.

Unlike other demigods of the wilderness who were directly inspired by Freya, Cenarius should be regarded as the second generation of demigods of the wilderness.

It is said that he is the child of the strongest demigod, Malorne the White Hart, and Elune, the moon god.

However, no one can prove this statement, after all, Elune has never appeared in the material world as a body.

At least from the history that Cenarius experienced, he himself has never met the legendary biological mother. Since childhood, he has been raised by his father Malorne and adoptive mother Ysera.

Perhaps it is precisely because of the impure blood that Cenarius' combat effectiveness is significantly worse than that of the first generation of wilderness demigods.

But because of this, Cenarius, who has not accepted Freya's order, is not bound by his mission, and he can travel freely in the wilderness of Azeroth.

This is also the main reason why mortals of all races can often hear legends about Cenarius, while other wilderness demigods are relatively silent.

Although not bound by any mission, thanks to the positive energy teachings of his father and adoptive mother, Cenarius is still willing to give everything for Azeroth.

Before the War of the Ancients officially started, it was Cenarius who accepted Malfurion's entrustment and tried his best to spread the word. With the help of the demigod messenger Aviana, the dragon clan and many demigods of the wilderness gathered together to fight against the Burning Legion invasion.

There is no doubt that Cenarius is the most sensitive and concerned about the return of the Burning Legion of all the demigods.

Hearing Sharlayan's blunt announcement, Cenarius nodded solemnly: "Is that door of darkness in the south of the Eastern Continent? I went to observe it once in the first half of this year, and it's really not optimistic."

Although there is an ocean between the Eastern Kingdoms and Kalimdor, for Cenarius who can freely enter and exit the Emerald Dream and use the Dreamway, this distance is nothing at all.

The Cenarion Circle, led by proxy Fandral Staghelm, planted a small world tree in the center of Duskwood many years ago.

Therefore, green dragons, druids, and Cenarius can freely use the dream road to travel through this forest connected to the world tree network.

Going all the way to the southeast from the Dusk Forest, you can reach the cursed land where the Dark Portal is located through the Deadwind Pass and the Swamp of Sorrows.

Cenarius' visit to the Blasted Lands was not intentional, but just a drop in.

His main purpose at the time was to go to the Swamp of Sorrows and check the situation of the Temple of Atal'Hakkar, which was sunk by the green dragon to the bottom of the lake many years ago.

The Atal'Hakkar Temple is the altar used by the Atal'ai priests of the Gurubashi Empire to summon Hakkar the Soulflayer.

Thousands of years ago, the Gurubashi Empire experienced a massive civil strife due to the presence of Hakkar the Soulflayer.

It was precisely because of this civil strife that the Gurubashi, the suzerain clan of the jungle trolls, was severely injured and has not fully recovered until today. This led to the chaotic civil wars among the major troll clans in Stranglethorn Vale.

Hakkar the Spirit Reaper is different from other loa in that he is an out-and-out evil god.

In order to prevent the Atalai priests who were exiled after the failure of the civil war from summoning Hakkar again, Ysera decisively sank the entire Atal'Hakkar Temple to the bottom of the lake.

About 12 years ago, during the period when the orcs invaded Azeroth on a large scale, the Temple of Atal'Hakkar suddenly rose to the surface of the lake inexplicably.

I don't know if the surviving descendants of the priests of Atalai had a connection with Xavis, the first Nightmare King. The Green Dragon, who noticed something strange and went to investigate, was shocked to find the corrosive power of Nightmare in the temple.

Under Ysera's order, a small group of green dragons has been stationed near the temple of Atal'Hakkar for a long time, closely monitoring the movements of the nightmare in the temple.

With the death of Xavius, the Atahaka Temple, whose danger level has been increasing year after year, was suddenly pressed the pause button, and all the visions came to an abrupt end.

After learning about the existence of the second-generation Nightmare King from Ysera, Cenarius volunteered to visit the Swamp of Sorrows just in case.

He wants to ensure that the descendants of the Atal'ai priests will not once again conspire with the Nightmare to resummon the sealed Spirit Flayer to Azeroth.

When passing through the Swamp of Sorrows, Cenarius unexpectedly felt a strong aura of fel energy in the direction of the barren wasteland in the south of the swamp.

Cenarius' father, Malorne, died in battle at the hands of Archimonde, the commander of the Burning Legion. He still remembers the tragic battle of the ancients.

After noticing the abnormal fluctuation of the evil energy, Cenarius quickly completed the routine inspection work, confirmed that there was no abnormality in the Temple of Atahaka, and then immediately turned south to enter the cursed land, and witnessed the darkness The continuous movement of the door.

In order not to disturb the mortal army stationed here, Cenarius transformed into a high elf and infiltrated into Fort Watch to inquire about the situation.

Cenarius got a not-so-optimistic news from the arcanists who had been staying in the Fortress to monitor the rhythm of the Dark Portal all year round.

The Burning Legion is trying to open the interstellar portal on the other side of the Dark Portal, Draenor, and once again invades Azeroth.

Fortunately, the mortals of the Eastern Kingdom have long been prepared to deal with it. With the full support of the Stormwind Kingdom, the number of troops hoarded in the Fortress is increasing day by day.

Dalaran is also constantly sending more mages to try to delay the opening of the Dark Portal.

However, there is a limit to the efforts of the Dalaran mage. By the beginning of next year at the latest, the Dark Gate will be opened from the other side.

After leaving the Eastern Kingdom worriedly, Cenarius went to Silithus non-stop to check if there was any sign of C'Thun's seal loosening while there was still some time left.

At this moment, Cenarius received a remote message from his adoptive mother Ysera, and immediately returned to the Emerald Dreamland after finishing his work in Silithus.

When Cenarius entered the Emerald Dream, Ysera just returned to the material world to discuss important matters with other guardian dragons. He learned the whole story from the mouth of the green dragon princess Merlinsera.

Sharlayan, who had been busy in the Caverns of Time, just returned to Wyrmrest Temple, and Melinthra immediately conveyed the news of Cenarius' return to him in the name of his mother, which led to the conversation between the two .

Before Sharlayan agreed to sleep in his dream, Cenarius heard a lot of recent events from Melinthra.

Including the true identity of the second-generation Nightmare King, and the successive attacks on Goldrinn, Aviana, Ursoc, and Usor brothers.

Looking back now, Cenarius is still a little scared.

As a comrade who once fought side by side, Cenarius knew Goldrinn's combat effectiveness better than anyone else.

It would definitely be a major loss for Azeroth if Valothen were to replace Godrinn with the false wolf god Lycanthos.

Fortunately, Sharlayan, who was favored by the wolf god, had seen through Varosen's plot in advance, and then bumped into the surprise attack launched by the Harpy by chance, and defeated Varosen's plot for the second time by mistake. .

As for the red dragon's purification operation against the Grizzly Hills, it was purely intentional. It was a fishing trap set up by Sharlayan many years ago. Now it is just pulling the hook in advance, but it is a pity that it has not been caught. big fish.

As early as a few years ago, Cenarius had heard about the existence of Sharlayan Deep Shadow from Ysera, and knew that he was the only son of Elena Strasza.

However, Cenarius at the time didn't take this half-blood dragon family seriously. It wasn't until recently that he heard about several major events he had done in succession that he really became interested in Sarlayan and looked forward to having a face-to-face interview with him.

"you mean……"

Cenarius rubbed his chin thoughtfully with a big tree-like hand: "The demons that entered Azeroth through the Dark Portal are not the main force of the Burning Legion, but cannon fodder to divert our attention?"

The town of Sarlayan nodded solemnly: "Although I still dare not be 100% sure, considering the slow opening progress of the Dark Portal, demon lords of the level of Kil'jaeden and Archimonde should not Not directly involved in this matter."

"Well..." Cenarius was a little puzzled by this: "What are they planning? What are they planning to do after diverting our attention?"

Sharlayan replied nonchalantly, "Since the fall of Sargeras, the Burning Legion led by him has been omnipotent in the universe. Almost no world can stop the advance of the demon army."

"Even if we encounter tough problems that Archimonde and Kil'jaeden cannot solve independently, as long as Sargeras takes action himself, all problems will be solved."


Sharlayan narrowed his eyes slightly: "Sargeras, who is omnipotent in the hearts of all demons, has stumbled twice in a row in Azeroth."

"Sargeras once promised them when he recruited the Eredars that the Burning Legion would conquer the entire universe."

"It was because of this promise that Kil'jaeden and Archimonde resolutely joined Sargeras, and the Eredar quickly became the backbone of the Burning Legion."

"Leaving aside Sargeras himself who has other plans, Azeroth, a world that has frustrated the fallen titans one after another, has long been a thorn in Kil'jaeden's and Archimonde's side."

"Their ultimate goal must be to conquer... or to 'purify' Azeroth with flames."

Sharlayan categorically stated the conclusion: "Whether it is the Portal of Darkness or the Scourge, they are nothing more than tricks thrown by fraudsters to attract attention."

"Their real purpose is to project Archimonde, the legion lord, into it and completely destroy Azeroth's will to resist."

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