Live Streaming: Azeroth

Chapter 1041 Next stop: Cavern of Time

Due to the star barriers arranged by the Titans, under normal circumstances, demon lords like Kil'jaeden and Archimonde cannot directly enter Azeroth, let alone Sargeras.

Of course, if Sargeras can be ruthless, it is not impossible to smash Azeroth with a single sword.

However, Sargeras was reluctant to destroy the star soul of Azeroth with great potential, and still wanted to transform him (her) into his right-hand man.

Just like the star soul of Argus, who has been corrupted by evil energy to the point of losing his mind, the Annihilator.

During the War of the Ancients, the reason why Archimonde was able to enter Azeroth as a vanguard is also due to the highborne who took the initiative to open the Well of Eternity to the Burning Legion.

This proper behavior of leading the way allowed the Burning Legion to use the infinite energy of the Well of Eternity to call for reinforcements, and even Archimonde also brought them in.

If it were not necessary to keep Kil'jaeden to coordinate and deploy in the rear, theoretically, the three giants of the Burning Legion could use the Well of Eternity as a springboard to enter Azeroth with their own bodies.

If Sargeras is really allowed to come in, no matter how much power Azeroth gathers, it will not help.

Unless the Titan of the Pantheon goes all out, no one can stop the strongest warrior of the original Pantheon.

Sharlayan once had a whim at a certain period. As the leader of the Pantheon of Death, the Warden Zovar and the Fallen Sargeras at their peak should be at the same level. I don’t know who they will fight against. will win in the end.

In the words of barrage, this assumption of Guan Gong fighting Qin Qiong is difficult to become a reality.

But in theory, it's not entirely impossible.

Sargeras coveted Azeroth, and the Warden also coveted Azeroth.

In the original history, the peak periods of these two people happened to be staggered, and they failed to face each other head-on in the battle for Azeroth.

If Sharlayan had the intention to plan, there was indeed hope that these two big men could be brought together.

But Sharlayan didn't intend to do this kind of thing of fattening the enemy and driving away the wolves.

Pinning hope on the enemy is a last resort. If the situation has not reached the point of no return, he still hopes to defeat all the invading enemies with the power of Azeroth itself.

When the unwilling Ner'zhul ordered Kel'Thuzad to implement the plan he had prepared in Stratholme, Sharlayan, who had just recovered, set out from Quel'Thalas again.

This time he didn't take anyone with him and chose to go out alone.

The Portal of Darkness is about to open, and Sharlayan didn't want to distract Quel'Thalas who was preparing for the war with other things. He left Valeera, Stellagosa, Jaina, Onyxia and others all behind Do a lot of logistics in the territory.

As for Sharlayan himself, he needs to go to Dragonbone Wilderness first, and then with the help of the blue dragon, he will be sent to the city of Suramar in the Broken Isles to bring Elisande, and then directly sent to the Bronze Dragon with the help of the blue dragon. Lair - Caverns of Time.

When Sharlayan and his party returned to Quel'Thalas, it was the beginning of November of the 15th year of the Black Gate. After being delayed for a while in Silvermoon City and Unicorn City due to preparations for the upcoming war, when they set off again, The time has come to late November.

The opening time of the Dark Portal predicted by the Kirin Tor Council is between the end of December and mid-January of the following year, and the error should not be too large.

In other words, even if Sharlayan was sent directly to the front line of the Blasted Land after finishing his mission to the Caverns of Time, he would still have a little over a month to spare.

Alexstrasza, the dragon king who was on duty at Wyrmrest Temple, knew that Sharlayan planned to dive into the time stream to find Nozdormu himself, so he simply sent a follower to wait for orders by Sarlayan's side.

This tool man in charge of teleportation is still an acquaintance of Sharlayan. He is the blue dragon star who is dubbed by the bullet screen... the former blue dragon star, Kalecgos.

When Arygos unfortunately disappeared in the Battle of Quicksand, the blue dragon family had already prepared for the worst.

Falling into the hands of the ancient god C'Thun, their prince might not be able to return. This is undoubtedly another heavy blow to the blue dragon, which is already sparsely populated.

At that time, Malygos was still in a state of madness, and the blue dragon princess Saragosa, who took care of the family's affairs on her behalf, endured the heartache and pinned her hopes on the direct line of the blue dragon, Kalecgos.

Due to Deathwing's unexpected betrayal, the blue dragon was almost exterminated under his surprise attack, and all the elites who participated in that war fell, even the dragon queen Sindragosa was not spared, and the dragon king Malygos was also killed by the giant. Dragon Soul was stunned.

Fortunately, Malygos and Sindragosa left the dragon concubine Saragosa and the prince Alegos to stay at the Demon Hub before the expedition led by Malygos and Sindragosa to take care of the unhatched dragon eggs.

After the War of the Ancients, these dragon eggs became the only remaining hope of the blue dragon clan.

Kalecgos is one of the direct blue dragons hatched from these eggs.

Kalecgos has shown extraordinary talent since the young dragon period, and has been trained as the future right-hand man of Prince Alegos for a long time.

After Arygos disappeared, he became the village's last hope.

For Kalecgos, who was relatively free-spirited by nature, this heavy pressure made him a little out of breath.

Many times he thought about simply walking away, evading the responsibility imposed on him.

However, Kalecgos's nature was kind after all, and the blue dragon clan at that time had no better choice than him, and in the end he chose to suppress his nature and gritted his teeth to shoulder the heavy responsibility.

As Malygos, who has been insane for many years, gradually regained consciousness, the prince Alygos also miraculously returned from Silithus. Kalecgos, who was once released from the pressure, was like a wild horse that had run wild. It's been crazy for a few years.

Not long ago, Kalecgos returned to Wyrmrest Temple to report again after his round-the-world travel. Unfortunately, Sharlayan happened to visit him for help.

Alexstrasza was also a little displeased with Kalecgos leaving, but after all, this guy is not the Red Dragon under her jurisdiction, and the Red Dragon Queen is not good at educating her.

After remotely recruiting Malygos, who was still bickering with Senegos in the Nexus, Alexstrasza simply threw Kalecgos, who was still a little confused, to Salayan as a temporary guard.

It's a temporary guard... In fact, Kalecgos can't help much with the time-related issue. His job is to help Sare to teleport around the world safely, and he has a proper tool.

Kalecgos didn't dislike such a simple job.

After several years in the field, he gradually calmed down, and he also wanted to take on some dragon work again. This type of rehabilitation task was just right for him now.

Before leaving Dragonblight, Sharlayan entrusted Kairozdormu, the ambassador of the bronze dragon resident in Wyrmrest Temple, to send a message to the dragon queen, Thoridomi. Zdom.

Kairozdormu was deeply skeptical of Sharlayan's words.

Although Sharlayan's past experience can already be described as a legend, Kairoz does not think that he can help the Bronze Dragon in matters related to time, just as the so-called specialization in art.

Sharlayan didn't bother to explain to him in detail, anyway, it wasn't the ambassador who made the final decision, but the dragon queen Soli Domi.

After confirming that Kairoz would send the news back to the Caverns of Time, Sharlayan let Kalecgos open the portal to Suramar in front of Kairoz.


"Was Nozdormu, the dragon king of time, lost in the long river of time?"

When Suramar Dark Night Fortress heard the news from Sharlayan, Grand Magister Elisande opened his eyes wide in surprise.

"...I thought the situation where I got into a dead end was an exception. I didn't expect that the dignified time guardian would also be trapped by time."

Sharlayan smiled and spread his hands: "That's why I said don't trust too much what may happen in the future on other timelines, because the future is always changing."

"Nozdormu's situation is different from yours."

"If there are 1,000 parallel timelines that you have investigated to protect Suramar, Nozdormu...he should have seen at least a million-level branch timeline."

Elisande sighed deeply and said: "After all, Nozdormu has guarded Azeroth's branch of time for more than 10,000 years. He has witnessed too many joys and sorrows. I am afraid that he has already become numb. .”

Elisande, who has also retrieved a large number of timelines, is deeply touched by this. If she can't shut down her feelings while browsing through many timelines, she will sooner or later be driven crazy by the countless terrifying futures.

What Elisande retrieved was only pictures related to Suramar, while Nozdormu guarded the entire Azeroth. The breadth of the two is simply not the same.

Sharlayan doubted that if a person closed off his feelings for a long time, he would be able to return to his true self when he was out of the timeline.

Perhaps it was for this reason that Nozdormu gradually lost himself, leading to the birth of the eternal dragon king Murozdor who tried to reverse everything.

With Elisande's own strength alone, it is difficult to help the Bronze Dragon who specializes in the power of time, but she has a powerful cheat that even the Bronze Dragon can't master.

Pillars of Creation - Eye of Aman'Thul.

With the popularity of Acandor, the fruit of miracles, the people of Suramar no longer need to absorb magic power at any time to relieve their addiction.

Even if the Eye of Aman'Thul, which is the core of the Nightwell, is taken away, it will not affect the normal operation of Suramar in a short period of time. At most, some research projects that require a large amount of energy supply will be temporarily suspended.

Elisande was enlightened by the high elves headed by Sharlayan and Kael'thas, she was able to see the light of day, get rid of the influence of countless timelines, and face reality on a down-to-earth basis. She has always wanted to find an opportunity to repay this kindness .

After learning that Sharlayan needed her to provide the Eye of Aman'Thul to find the whereabouts of Nozdormu, the Grand Magister decided to follow him to the Caverns of Time without saying a word.

When Sharlayan found Kalecgos again, the blue dragon with a loose nature was in the big square in the city, surrounded by several enthusiastic nightborne women chatting and laughing.

Seeing Sarlayan walking with an imposing older woman, Kalecgos smiled and apologized to the girls beside him, and walked up to Sarlayan and asked, "Are you done?"


Sharlayan briefly introduced Kalecgos and Elisande to each other.

"Let's go, go straight to the Cave of Time, and try to find the Time Dragon King who ran away from home before the end of this year."

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