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Chapter 1021 The Unknown Dangerous Dreamland

The ancient stories Onyxia told were very interesting, and everyone, including Sharlayan, was attracted by her cadence and the content of the stories.

Due to too much energy concentration and the fact that Moonglade, the headquarters of the Cenarion Council, was not considered to be in any danger, the group relaxed about the changes in the surrounding environment after they landed.

As the narrator of the story, Onyxia did not bring her whole heart into the story, because she always maintained a certain degree of vigilance against the outside world because of some past experiences that she did not want to look back on.

After being reminded by Onyxia, Sharlayan and the others noticed that a thick fog had filled the shore of Luna Lake at some point.

"Is this...a dense fog created by magic?"

Sharlayan frowned. He could only rely on his poor arcane perception to vaguely feel that something was wrong with the fog, and subconsciously turned his gaze to the two professionals, Stellagosa and Jaina, for answers.

The frowning Stellagosa and Jaina exchanged glances, confirming that the other party thought the same as her.

Under the encouraging eyes of the gentle and modest Stellagosa, Jaina took a deep breath, took the initiative to step forward and began to explain the current situation.

"You guessed right, this dense fog is not formed naturally, and it contains some traces of spells that I cannot fully understand."

Jaina paused for a moment, gathered her thoughts before continuing: "If you have to say it, this spell is similar to the Green Dragon's dream power, but it is more aggressive."

"A more radical power of dreams..."

Sharlayan's eyes flashed brightly: "Nightmare?"

As early as the last time he went to the Wandering Isle, Sharlayan knew that N'Zoth had found a new Nightmare Lord after Xavius ​​was beheaded.

But since then, the new Nightmare King, whose identity is still a mystery, has never been seen again.

Because of the many miscellaneous matters, Sharlayan gradually put this low-priority matter at the bottom of the to-do list.

Unexpectedly, after many years, he would feel the power of nightmare again in the druid's lair, Sharlayan immediately sounded the highest level alarm bell.

"Why didn't Remulos notice the attack of the power of nightmare that was close at hand?"

Salayan was very puzzled by this. As the son of the forest demigod Cenarius and a high-ranking member of the Cenarion Council, Remulos was not someone who neglected his duties. Salayan didn't think he would ignore his eyelids. mutations below.

Onyxia added with a calm expression: "That is to say, the invasion of the power of nightmare is not large-scale, and only happened in this small area on the east side of Luna Lake, which is inaccessible, near Stormrage Beast Den?"

The Stormrage Den is the retreat where Malfurion slept and entered the Emerald Dream. Since Malfurion escaped from the dream, he has never returned to this place.

Druids who admire nature do not have as much red tape and formalism as human nobles. Even though Stormrage Lair was once used by Archdruid Malfurion, Remulos did not use it for a long time. Send people here often to clean up.

According to Remulos himself, the Stormrage Den and its surrounding areas have not been visited in many years.

It was precisely because of the quiet environment that Remulos suggested that Sharlayan come here to meditate quietly.

Perhaps the new Nightmare Lord just took advantage of the Cenarion Circle's cognitive blindness and quietly transformed the area around Stormrage Den into his own territory.

There is a saying in the world where the barrage is located, it is called darkness under the lights, or the most dangerous place is the safest place.

The Moonglade guards headed by Remulos never expected that the new Nightmare King would make small moves under their noses.

Now that the Nightmare King's little trick happened by chance, Sharlayan and his party will naturally find a way to solve the trouble here.

If Sharlayan was right, that fleeting signal from Goldrinn was probably related to the nightmare.

Taking the initiative to come to the door for business, the six of Sarlayan quickly restrained their mentality of vacation and travel, and began to investigate the surrounding situation with division of labor and cooperation.

According to the exploration and speculation of the three members of the magic team, Stellagosa, Tinagosa, and Jaina, during the time Onyxia was telling the story, everyone present had unknowingly entered the dream world.

And it is another dream sub-plane different from the Emerald Dream, a brand new dream world led by the Nightmare King... or N'Zoth.

Thousands of years have passed since the Old Gods entered the Emerald Dream along the Andrassil roots. For such a long time, Sharlayan did not think that N'Zoth, Yogg-Saron, and C'Thun would simply corrupt the Emerald Dream .

When the main body is sealed and the power is insufficient, they cannot copy the blueprint world of the original Azeroth, such as the Emerald Dream, but after learning from the teacher, it is not impossible to create a dream sub-plane of their own on a small scale .

Opening sub-planes is the exclusive ability after reaching the demigod realm. According to the different strengths and professional skills gaps between demigods, the size of the sub-planes that each demigod can open is also very different.

For example, Hela, who was already specialized in this, was able to use the power of the Shadow Realm to help open up a large-scale death subplane like the Abyss of Hell.

Prior to this, Hela had also created the sub-plane of the four elements of earth, water, fire and wind with the full support of Odin, and threw all the four elemental kings and all the elite troops under their command into it, completely stripping them from the material world. .

Even if he is still in a sealed state, the strength that the ancient god can display is higher than that of the half-baked "God of Death" Hela.

Even if he can't open up a huge sub-plane world like Hela, his professional counterpart, a mere unknown dream plane is not a big problem.

It's no wonder that Sharlayan couldn't find any trace of the new King of Dreams. This guy has been hiding in a subplane that no outsider knows about, quietly observing the changes in the situation in Azeroth, and he will act quickly when he finds an opportunity. One hit meritorious service.

With the efforts of the magic team, the three of Stellagosa quickly delineated the limit of one direction of this small subplane with the assistance of Salayan, Valeera, and Onyxia who were in charge of running errands. distance.

Just as Sharlayan predicted before, the subplane built by the new Nightmare King is centered on the Stormrage Lair, which has not been used for a long time, covering the entire southeast corner of Luna Lake.

Ordinary people will not easily trigger the hypnotic ability of the dream plane even if they enter the range of the sub-plane. Sharlayan has the dream blood of the green dragon and automatically activates the counter-attack program of the sub-plane after entering the range. Forcibly pulled into a dream.

"In other words, our bodies are still sleeping somewhere on the east bank of Luna Lake."

Sharlayan rubbed the space between his brows with some headaches: "The worst case scenario is... we were pulled into a dreamland in the lake water, and our bodies are soaking in the water right now."

As descendants of dragons, Sharlayan, Onyxia, Stellagosa, and Tinagosa can survive without breathing for a long time even underwater.

Except for the above four people, Valeera and Jaina are just mortals. Jaina who grew up by the water may be able to hold her breath for a long time, but Valeera...


Sarlayan's speculation made Valeera, who was at the highest risk, feel chills in her vest. She hurriedly asked Stellagosa, who had spent the longest time with her and had the best relationship with her, "Is there a way for me to escape from the dream and return to reality? ?”

"I don't want to wake up and find myself floating on the lake."


Even though she knew that Valeera wasn't joking, Stellagosa was still amused by her slightly exaggerated statement.

"Don't worry, the stability of this dream subplane is far inferior to that of the Emerald Dream."

"Now that we have realized the problem, it is not difficult to get out of the dream, it's just..."

Jaina took the topic and said: "The key point is how to leave the dream as secretly as possible without attracting the attention of the dream owner."

"At this stage, the owner of the dream has not yet discovered our party who was sucked into the dream by the automatic defense system."

"In other words, we still have the opportunity to launch a surprise attack on him."

Valeera is also an experienced old fritter, and she immediately understood what Stellagosa and Jaina meant.

"I don't know enough about spells, so just tell me what I should do."

Tinagosa, who has a more eccentric personality, shook her fingers mischievously: "Don't worry, give us a little time, and we should be able to research a way to secretly escape from the dream soon."

Onyxia, who has been monitoring the changes in the subplane at the edge of the dream, frowned and issued a reminder: "You better move quickly, the dream master has set up an automatic scanning function in this world."

"Our luck is good, the previous round of scanning waves has just passed."

"Judging by its scanning speed, it will rotate here again in half an hour at most."

Sharlayan smiled and gave a simple solution: "It's simple. Let's follow the scanning wave's trajectory and move forward slowly. This should delay the time of discovery."

Onyxia shook her head: "This is only the best theoretical situation. You can't be sure whether you will encounter the defense force arranged by the dream master in the process of following the scanning wave."

"That's right." Sharlayan lowered his head and pondered for a moment: "Then let's split up for now. Onyxia and I will go ahead to investigate the situation and map out a safe way forward."

"Valeera, you and the three members of the magic team stay here to protect their safety and be ready to leave the dream at any time."

Everyone nodded in agreement with Sharlayan's arrangement, and the six people divided into two groups and started to act separately.

Although Onyxia is not a full-time thief, she also has the ability of shadow and earth, both of which can hide her whereabouts very well.

Whether using Shadow Dungeon or Earth Dungeon, Oni can follow Sharlayan who has entered the stealth state very well.

After all, in essence, the power of shadow manipulated by thieves is also a variant of shadow power.


Just after walking about 500 meters, Sharlayan in the form of a panther suddenly shouted to stop in the soul link channel.

The orange-yellow leopard eyes narrowed slightly, and the corner of Sharlayan's mouth curled up into a dangerous arc: "It really is so... I felt Goldrinn's breath again, and this time the signal was very strong."

"He was really trapped in this dream."

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