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Chapter 1012 The Worries of the Astral Mage

There is a saying that goes well, knowing a son is better than a mother.

During the years of living in seclusion in Dustwallow Marsh, Aegwynn found that Medivh and himself seemed to be carved out of the same mold in some bad tempers.

Such as stubbornness.

But at the same time, Aegwynn also noticed the difference between Medivh and his own personality.

After gradually getting rid of the frivolousness of her youth, Aegwynn has long realized the importance of responsibility, but her sense of responsibility still pales in comparison to the long-time guilty Medivh.

As Aegwynn said, the revived Medivh has a serious tendency to self-destruct, and he has long planned to sacrifice everything for atonement, including this hard-won second life.

As early as the beginning of the First Orc War, the Kingdom of Stormwind, which gradually understood the progress of orc civilization, had always been strange.

With the level of development of the magic civilization of the orcs, how did they create a portal of darkness that can cross the interstellar space?

To use an inappropriate analogy, this is like someone using a hammer to knock out a space battleship that can fly at sub-light speed. It's outrageous and completely illogical.

After learning that behind the orcs was the Burning Legion that burned, killed and looted across the star sea, the answer to this question seemed to be answered. Most people thought that the technology for building the Dark Portal was provided by the Burning Legion.

But is this really the case?

Yes, but not all.

The blueprints and plans for the construction of the portal of darkness that spanned the two worlds were taught to Gul'dan by the well-read guardian Medivh.

To be precise, it was Medivh who was bewildered by the spirit of Sargeras.

Before Medivh's death, his behavior was not rigidly manipulated by the demon king. What Sargeras did was spiritual suggestion and induction, subtly changing Medivh's behavior pattern.

That is to say, the current Medivh remembers everything he has done clearly, but because of the different thinking logic, the current Medivh can hardly recognize the huge mistakes he made back then, and bears the burden for it. The long torment of guilt.

Medivh clearly remembered that it was he who single-handedly put the orcs and the Burning Legion behind them into Azeroth. At that time, his logic was to use the orcs to "test" the people who had been in peace for a long time and only knew how to be busy inside. Fighting kingdoms of Azeroth.

In retrospect, what a ridiculous and arrogant idea.

When did the Azeroth Civilization Wheel get a single individual to decide whether to accept the trials? Moreover, it is an outrageous way to attract foreign enemies to invade.

However, in the eyes of Medivh, who was continuously influenced by Sargeras at the time, he didn't think there was anything wrong with his decision.

Fifteen years have passed since the orcs invaded Azeroth.

In the years after the defeat of the Horde, the Dark Portal was closed by the Alliance Expeditionary Force from the side of Draenor, and most of the orcs who were invincible at the time were thrown into the asylum. courage.

However, a series of problems brought about by the orc invasion still exist, but they are temporarily dormant.

After many years, the Dark Portal was about to move again. Medivh and Sharlayan speculated that the Burning Legion was probably playing tricks on Draenor's side.

With the decline of Lordaeron's national power, more and more shelters were breached by orc guerrillas led by Orgrim and Hellscream.

If a large number of orcs are allowed to gather again under the command of these two foreign hardliners who have participated in countless wars, one day in the future, the orcs who are gradually recovering will still pose a considerable threat to Azeroth.

During the period of wandering in the Twisting Nether in the form of a soul, the astral mage saw many fragmentary visions of the future, and heard a lot about their plans from the Burning Legion.

In The Future of Orcs, Medivh sees an atypical orc named Thrall.

Thrall is different from other orcs. He was raised by humans and received the three views of humans from an early age. The tribe led by him has a more moderate stance when dealing with the human-dominated alliance.

Over the past few years, Medivh has always wanted to go out to find the next-generation warchief of the tribe who will sooner or later embark on the road to salvation, and guide him to solve the potential threat of the orcs, an alien race.

The home world of the orcs, Draenor, is hopeless.

Even if Ner'zhul's reckless act of tearing the space did not shatter into Outland, Draenor, which was deeply eroded by fel energy, could only die slowly, and sooner or later it would become unsuitable for any creature to live in.

Medivh intends to take the opportunity of jointly fighting against the Burning Legion to formally integrate the orcs who have been wandering outside the civilization of Azeroth into this new homeland.

As for the issue of the Dark Portal, Medivh has not thought of a proper solution for the time being.

This interstellar portal built by him at the beginning is extremely strong. This technology did not come from Medivon himself, but was taught to him by Sargeras subtly.

When the Crusade decided to stay on Draenor, Khadgar tried to channel the power of the artifact to blow up the Dark Portal from the other side.

He succeeded, but not entirely.

The basic framework of the Dark Portal is still intact. What Khadgar destroyed was only the transmission channel connecting the two worlds. The Burning Legion can still start to repair the Dark Portal that was not completely destroyed.

After breaking away from the influence of Sargeras' consciousness, Medivh also lost the knowledge given by the Demon King, and he didn't know how to completely destroy this large space portal connecting the two worlds.

Demons are different from mortal races. They don't need food and water supplies. Even in Draenor, which is eroded to the brink of death by fel energy, they can garrison for a long time.

After all, Argus, the current base camp of the Burning Legion, looks like this ghost, and no demons can't live because of it.

In Medivh's vision, in order to defend the Portal of Darkness, the entrance to Azeroth, Azeroth needs to bear huge logistical and military pressure.

Hearing Medivh's worries, Sharlayan rubbed his chin and offered a plan that has not yet been formally determined.

"I have an immature idea about how to guard the Dark Portal, and even Draenor as a whole."

"Oh?" Medivh said curiously, "I would like to hear more about it."

Sharlayan: "Star Mage, although you have lived in seclusion in Dustwallow Marsh these past few years, you should have never given up your attention to the world situation, right?"

"Have you heard of another race that is gradually rising in Northrend that also doesn't need any logistical supplies—the undead?"


Considering Ner'zhul's restless nature, he will never obey the orders of the Burning Legion obediently.

Thus, Sharlayan's plan to use the Scourge to attract the Burning Legion's attention was bound to be interrupted sooner or later by accident.

At that point, the Scourge led by Ner'zhul will be worthless to both the Burning Legion and Azeroth.

Note that it is the Scourge under the leadership of Ner'zhul.

The existence of undead from natural disasters has become an objective fact, and their scale will further expand in the foreseeable future.

Sharlayan doesn't want to feed on tigers, and the problem of the Scourge's massive undead needs to be resolved sooner or later.

How did Ner'zhul control such a large undead?

The answer is the Helm of Domination.

Following this line of thinking and thinking deeply, the path to take in the future will become clearer.

Sharlayan has no interest in Ner'zhul, an unfamiliar white-eyed wolf. He needs a new Lich King who has a heart for Azeroth and can control all undead.

It is still unknown who this person will be, but Sharlayan has a few candidates for the time being.

One is Alonsus Faol, the saint who has been transformed into the undead. With his free will as the leader, Sharlayan can safely hand over the responsibility of commanding all the undead to him.

The second candidate is Alsace.

Of course, not the prince of Lordaeron who is still in a state of confusion.

Before Sharlayan departed from Quel'Thalas, Kel'Thuzad sent an update.

After some hesitation, Arthas, who was eager to prove himself, initially agreed to him...or the Lich King's solicitation, intending to practice his ideas in a different way from Calia.

At this stage, Alsace does not plan to leave Lordaeron. He wants to see the potential of the Scourge that Kel'Thuzad said first, and test whether they can bear their own ideas.

The Lich King was imprisoned in Northrend far away, and Ner'zhul, who was out of his reach, could not always follow Alsace's side to tell him what to do, and he had to devote a lot of energy to managing the ever-growing Scourge.

So who will be the person who will stay by Alsace's side for a long time to "assist"?

The answer is self-evident, Grand Lich Kel'Thuzad.

With Kel'Thuzad, the inner ghost, instilling certain ideas deliberately guided by Alsace for a long time, Sharlayan believed that Alsace, who was in a period of confusion, would soon be swayed by a set of rhetoric he specially prepared.

Today's Alsace is not the completely depraved death knight in the original history. He is just a little rebellious because of his youth. He wants to prove that he is right, and he does not intend to abandon his motherland and join the enemies of Azeroth.

Then, what Kel'Thuzad needs to do next is to guide him to be "the same" as Ner'zhul, and carefully examine the Burning Legion, the sponsor behind the Scourge.

However, this is only Sharlayan's imagination for the time being, and whether Arthas will grow as he expected is still unknown.

The third choice is not very reliable, Sharlayan took a fancy to the third generation Lich King in the original history - Bolvar Fordragon.

History has proved that Bolvar has done a good job in the position of the Lich King. He has always stood on the side of Azeroth and led the Scourge to cooperate with other races to fight against foreign enemies.

But Bolvar is still alive and well. Since Sharlayan has greatly revised the direction of history, he probably won't have the same experience as the original history, so he can only be listed as the last option.


As Sharlayan said, as an astral mage who can roam the worlds in the form of a soul at any time, Medivh still has ways to understand the world situation even if he stays at home.

The Scourge is still a relatively unknown emerging force, but Medivh, who is determined to protect Azeroth's safety and atone for his sins, has noticed their rapid rise.

Medivh, who is knowledgeable and versatile in spells, has also had a deep understanding of psychic spells. He knows how difficult it is to deal with a force like the Scourge that uses psychic spells to snowball once it grows stronger.

"Sharlayan, are you sure you can control the Scourge? What if they get out of control and form a trend..."

Sharlayan shook his head: "I can't guarantee 100% that I can hold the Scourge in my hands, but at least I'm sure that I won't let them deviate greatly."

"After all... the number two person in today's Disaster Corps is the senior spy I placed in advance."

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