Live Streaming: Azeroth

Chapter 1003 New Type of Transportation

Eat, sleep, and fight trolls, this is a joke Sharlayan heard from the barrage.

However, it has to be said that considering the population and distribution of trolls, it is almost impossible for any species living in Azeroth not to conflict with trolls.

Excluding the dark empire domesticated by the ancient gods, the troll empire in ancient times was the first mortal civilization in the history of Azeroth.

After a great battle with the Ra Empire, the weakened troll empire gradually fell into decline. The three major tribes that originally surrendered to the suzerain Zandalari had their own plans and established their own countries in various parts of Azeroth.

The Gurubashi Empire established by jungle trolls was entrenched in the southern part of ancient Kalimdor, occupying the Tanaris Jungle and Stranglethorn Vale as their bases.

After the establishment of the Gurubashi Empire, the jungle trolls of Tanaris lived a relatively peaceful life, but it wasn't long before their nightmares came to them.

Zandalari, the suzerain of all trolls, suddenly asked the jungle trolls of Tanaris to join the army and follow Zandalari's allies, the Mogu Empire, to attack Uldum and seize the Forge of Origin.

The crusade launched by the mogu king Lei Shen ended in failure.

The coalition forces of the Mogu and the Zandalari are indeed very strong. The tol'vir who were ordered to guard the furnace of origin and Anubisas are not rivals. As a last resort, the tol'vir's desperate small power activated the environment reshaping function of the furnace of origin.

Including Thor himself, who had usurped Ra-den's power, the combined mogu and Zandalari forces were swept away by the massive energy unleashed from the Forge of Origination.

The domineering environmental reshaping ability of the Furnace of Origin has not only desertified a large area of ​​Uldum, which was once full of trees, but also seriously affected the nearby Silithus and Tanaris jungles.

Only Un'Goro Crater, the greenhouse of life protected by the power of the Titan Guardian, survived.

After the explosion of the Well of Eternity, the ancient continent of Kalimdor was divided. Tanaris and Stranglethorn Vale belonged to the continent of Kalimdor and the Eastern Kingdom respectively, and the Gurubashi Empire was thus divided into two.

Since Zul'Gurub, the capital of the Gurubashi Empire, is located in Stranglethorn Vale, the jungle trolls that were divided into the Eastern Continent naturally continue to honor the Gurubashi clan with Zul'Gurub as the administrative center.

Another part of the jungle trolls who were forced to stay in Tanaris could only survive independently in Kalimdor, and gradually evolved into Sandfury trolls adapted to the desert under the transformation of the environment.

What Sharlayan and the others encountered was only a routine attack by the Sandfury trolls, and there was no named tribal general leading them.

With the intention of moving their bodies, Sharlayan and his party easily helped Gadgetzan's goblins and mercenaries to repel the invading Sandfury trolls like tigers joining a herd of sheep.

The mayor who manages Gadgetzan is a senior cadre of the Steamwheedle Consortium, and he knows Duke Deep Shadow of Quel'Thalas who has reached a cooperation agreement with the consortium.

Sharlayan doesn't want to deal with these goblins who are thinking about how to extract oil from your pocket all day long. Facing the flattery of this green-skinned dwarf with a smile on his face, he just said a few perfunctory words as he still has important things to do. Get away quickly.

With a large number of goblins waving enthusiastically, Sharlayan and his party headed north into the shining plain where the track had been built, and also experienced the thrill of racing on the endless saline-alkali land.

There is one thing to say, because the design concept is still relatively primitive and lacks sufficient shock absorbing parts, fuel vehicles in this era are not comfortable to sit at all.

After the speed rose above 60, Sarlayan had a bad feeling that the car might fall apart at any time.

After finally maintaining a safe speed and driving the car back to the starting point with only the horn not beeping, Sarayan was unwilling to experience it again.

But if you think about it carefully, this thing was made by goblins, and it was considered a success not to explode into a ball of fireworks on the way.

Goblin technology is shocking. This sentence is not just a joke. To use their engineering products, you must be mentally prepared to withstand explosions at any time.

Although Sharlayan is very dissatisfied with the cars made by the goblins, it has to be said that their design ideas are in the right direction, but the details are still lacking in polishing.

Under the arrangement of Sarlayan, the Deep Shadow family took over the open-pit oil field of Un'Goro Crater many years ago, and in the subsequent cooperative exploration with the Steamwheedle Consortium, they discovered more buried underground around the open-pit oil field. oil.

Therefore, Quel'Thalas is not short of oil, but because the fuel will cause some pollution to the environment, the high elves don't think much of this chemical fuel, and prefer to use the clean arcane energy given by the sunwell.

That's right, clean.

With the general popularization of Arcandor, the final harm of magic addiction that may be caused by long-term absorption of arcane magic is also eliminated, and the energy of the sunwell has become a genuine clean energy.

However, the coverage of the Sunwell is limited after all. Even when Prince Kael'thas went to Dalaran to study abroad, he could only carry some well water from the Sunwell with him, so as to replenish his magic power at any time.

Ordinary people are not eligible to go to the Sunwell to fetch water when they leave Eversong Forest.

If they only move within the Eversong Forest, the people of the high elves can use clean energy vehicles powered entirely by arcane energy.

But if you want to drive long distances out of Quel'Thalas, you will inevitably use the chemical fuel of petroleum.

In the process of leaving the Shining Plains and heading west into Thousand Needles, Sharlayan first told Jaina, who had an infinite thirst for knowledge, about the history of the development of Sandfury trolls, and the causes and consequences of the drastic changes in the world that year.

While Jaina was trying to take notes, Sharlayan discussed the idea of ​​modifying goblin vehicles with Stellagosa and Onyxia.

Onyxia is a "player" proficient in various entertainment methods, and she also showed a lot of interest in the previous test drive.

Knowing that Sarlayan wanted to transform the goblin vehicles, which were not well experienced at this stage, Onyxia immediately became interested.

Sarlayan was only responsible for providing ideas, and Stellagosa would find ways to improve arcane-related technical issues, and the enthusiastic Onyxia also made some useful suggestions.

After discussions among the three, the design of the first version of the Quel'Thalas car was tentatively finalized.

In order to allow users to switch energy supply methods at any time according to needs, Onyxia proposed to install two energy systems at the same time, that is, both gasoline and arcane energy can be used.

Onyxia only needed to move her mouth, but Stellagosa patted her forehead with a wry smile.

"Your idea is not impossible, but installing two energy systems at the same time will have a considerable impact on the weight of the vehicle, which will increase the manufacturing cost in disguise."

"Sharlayan's original intention is to popularize vehicles so that all high elves can afford them. We want to keep manufacturing costs down as much as possible."

Onyxia shrugged her shoulders and said: "That's no way, let's build two different production lines to produce fuel-driven and arcane-driven versions of the car, so that buyers can choose to buy according to their needs."

"There is one more problem." Sarean tapped his forehead with his fingers and said: "At this stage, oil, a new type of energy, has not been popularized in Azeroth, and it will be very difficult for vehicles going out to refuel."

"This matter requires Kael'thas to come forward in person and discuss the introduction of fuel and vehicle exports with leaders of various countries."

"Let's focus on the arcane-driven version of the car first, at least to meet the needs of the domestic public for short-distance travel."

Even in the magical kingdom of Quel'Thalas, not everyone can afford a portal.

Ordinary people still use traditional means of transportation such as horses and carriages most of the time when they go out.

Although the chocobos commonly used by Quel'Thalas are not slow, there is still a big gap between them and the arcane energy vehicle designed by Sharlayan, and the comfort is not the same.

According to the vision of the barrage, the car that absorbs the energy of the free arcane can realize the infinitely variable speed like the new energy car in their world, and does not need to install the transmission gear like the oil car.

Once the modified arcane energy car comes out, the cabinet ministers must quickly follow up and design a new set of traffic regulations for this new means of transportation. There will be many problems involved in this process.

Thousand Needles, as the name suggests, is an uncultivable barren area with a large number of towering strange rocks. Almost no intelligent beings would choose this ghostly place to live.

But... there are exceptions to everything.


Sharlayan casually threw a large rock picked up from the ground, and smashed a centaur who was trying to block the road and robbed it into the air.

Galak centaur, they used to be one of the five centaur clans living in Marshanxie (Desolace).

Due to the defeat in the civil war with other centaur clans competing for territory, the Garak clan had no choice but to move to Thousand Needles, a place where nothing shit like shit.

There is a saying that if you are not an enemy, you will not get together.

The tauren and the centaurs had formed a never-ending hatred when they settled in Marshanxie. The two tribes were eternal enemies, and there was no possibility of reconciliation.

Under the scourge of the earth princess Therades and her large number of centaur heirs, the once lush vegetation of Marshanxie is gradually withering, and it is no longer suitable for the tauren family to survive.

A few years ago, with the help of Sharlayan, the tauren chief Kane Bloodhoof decided to leave the ancient hometown of Mashanxie and go to the neighboring Mulgore Grassland to open up a new home.

Before leaving, the tauren gave the invincible centaur a heavy blow, which can be regarded as revenge for being hanged and flying kites by using their mobility for so many years.

After many chiefs were killed in battle, the debilitated centaurs remained calm for a long time, staying in the desolate land where the land was becoming increasingly barren and licking their wounds, not daring to follow the tauren migration team as frantically as before. .

After settling in the Mulgore Grassland, in order to open up the route to South Seaport, the Grimtotem clan led by Magatha Grimtotem volunteered to open up outposts in Thousand Needles. The two outposts are Black Cloud Peak and Freewind Post.

As the saying goes, enemies are extremely jealous when they meet, and the already grumpy horror totem tauren unsurprisingly started fighting with the Galak centaur clan who was alone.

Just when the group of centaurs intended to loot were repelled, Sharlayan heard a desolate horn sound, and then a group of dark-skinned tauren rushed over from behind the pile of rocks.


The leading black cowman was preparing for the battle with a ferocious face, but now he looked at the battlefield where the battle had already ended, scratched his head foolishly, and looked at the man who was not even sweating. Sarlayan and his party.

"Who are you...? Did you kill these centaurs?"

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