Little White Lotus’ Record of Courting Disaster

Chapter 68: Ghost Story ●Bone Beauty

"Bone Beauty"

——May this life be repeated endlessly today.

The ruined temple was full of spider webs.

There are traces of dust and decay everywhere.

Clouds are rolling in the sky, dark clouds cover the sun, and it is clearly noon, but people only feel the bone-chilling chill, and Youyou was awakened at this time.

With trembling crow feather-colored eyelashes, Youyou trembled and whispered, and what came into view was a broken Buddha statue and the one lying under the Buddha statue.

A bright red figure.

‘Xi, Xixi? ’

Supporting her limp body and getting up from the ground, Youyou curiously wanted to see the man lying on the ground, but for unknown reasons.


This feeling made Youyou very unfamiliar. She shivered coldly, only to find that she was also wearing a red dress, or ancient clothes.

Is this the mission world Xixi said?

Youyou blinked in surprise.

[Host, don’t ask so much, quickly dig a pit and bury the dead woman, hurry up on the host, otherwise it will be too late. 】

It's all about going into the earth for security, and into the earth for security. This time the host buried her, then she should see this kind of affection, let the host be a little pitiful, right?

In the system space, Xixi's entire cat became unlovable. After all, it had been a long time since the host was trapped in this place by this ghost.

Every few days, there is a cycle.

Simply sick.

‘Buried, buried? She, she is dead? ’

As soon as I crossed, I saw a dead person or something. Youyou's whole person was not good. She timidly walked towards the man in red, and then saw the man's face.

I was stunned.

A woman, to be precise, a woman who wore a gorgeous wedding dress and had red lips that seemed to be sleeping.

Many pictures flashed in front of her eyes for a moment, and Youyou knelt down uncontrollably, almost pressing on the woman.


It seems that the host wants to follow the female ghost's way again.

Sure enough, the next picture is really a bit spicy, Xixi watched her host, secretly controlled by a long-awaited female ghost, and did many indescribable things, commonly known as obscene, obscene, female, body, etc. .

Being pulled into this world for no reason, there is no plot, no strategy target, Xixi's eyelids twitching on the cat's claws, has already abandoned himself.

Anyway, every reincarnation harms the female ghost and the host.

Wait until the host has died normally.

The female ghost could not keep them.

After all, no matter how powerful a ghost is, it can't compete with the main god?

The atmosphere in the ruined temple gradually became strange, and the air became viscous.

Suddenly, there was a violent gust of lightning and thunder outside the house, and after a short while, the pouring rain was all over, like an inverted water bowl, with a particularly shocking momentum.

Youyou, controlled by the ghost, almost mechanically leaned on the woman, biting the woman’s lips. Her pupils were dilated and her expression was at a loss. I don’t know how long it took, but only a few tingling chuckles were heard. Woke up.

"Tsk, the lady is too anxious."

A cold but very white and clean hand touched Youyou's face. The woman in red had a gentle expression, and her eyes were like stars in the night sky.

Also bright.

Youyou was completely frightened at this time. When she recovered, she straightened up immediately, but the cold touch and the water stains on the woman’s lips were reminding her that she had just done it. What happened?

‘Xi, Xixi? ’

Why is it like this?

The delicate face became blushing with surprise and shyness. She blinked her cat's eyes with tears and tears. In the end, she didn't tell the host that the woman was a ghost: [It's Xixi's mistake, the host can get along with her. 】

When it first came to this world, it told the host that the woman was a ghost, but the host ran out with a pale face, but still did not run away.

Finally, the host was teased by the female ghost and broke down and cried.

The crying ghost is upset.

Almost never strangled her.

A few days later, the time was reset, and it told the host that the woman was a ghost, and let the host calm down, don't make a fuss, and provoke the female ghost. As a result, the female ghost had memories, and the time reset was hers.

Xixi felt that the female ghost probably fell in love with her host, otherwise, how could her host live to the present?

It is impossible to count how many times the time has been reset.

Seeing that the vitality of his host was getting weaker and weaker, I thought that this kind of day might be over.

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