Little Tyrant Doesn’t Want to Meet with a Bad End

Chapter 211 Sweet encouragement (3k)

Tonight's Rose City is calm and peaceful. The refreshing breeze brings the warmth of spring. On the open-air platform of Celta Pavilion, this warm wind is more obvious because of the height. Looking at the bustling night scene outside the pagoda, the fence couldn't help being a little stunned, and it took a long time to sigh deeply. "Rosé is really a prosperous place. In Shia, generally speaking, there is no concept of the city that never sleeps. After all, although the lighting tools in this era are not expensive, they are also a kind of cost, and the lighting conditions are generally poor, and the cost performance is very good. Low, the larger the city, the more it needs to light up, and the more difficult it will be. A local capital like Akat City will basically fall into darkness after a few hours at night, and people have adapted to it. Living at sunrise and resting at sunset, going to bed early and getting up early is not a talk, but a habit developed by the living environment. However, in Roselle, this situation has changed, as the most prosperous buildings in the human world In the city-, Rose's night is different. The streets and alleys have various special minerals mined by the Soofia family from the southern mountains, which can replace the traditional light source only by casting magic power. Therefore, after Rose's night There are a lot of colorful lights in the city, and there is even a large-scale night market. The crowds are constantly coming and going. Such a grand scene seems to make Roja return to his previous life. "Well, this is indeed a bustling city, but to a certain extent, bustling also means noise. , I prefer the quietness of the sanctuary prayer meeting at night.

"Well, everyone's preferences are different, and the Holy City should indeed be more solemn as the seat of the Holy See." Where do you prefer? Opposite the dining table, blond) His Royal Highness asked, putting down the glass and watching Luo who suddenly came to visit Ya, the black-haired boy's heart skipped a beat, he suddenly felt that today's Noelle was a little different, - thinking of this, he thoughtfully replied: "I like it all, when I'm bored, Luo Shi can find interesting things here. The novelty of the , the big prayer meeting in Santo Lorraine is very good when I am irritable. Of course, my favorite is the city of Akate, after all, it is my own home. Sorry, I don’t choose either the golden nest or the silver nest, I choose Her own doghouse. In the face of Noelle's profound question, Roja decisively gave her own answer. She turned her head and stared at the distant scenery without saying a word. , And looking at such a princess, Roja couldn't help but gradually frowned.

what happened?

The black-haired boy looked at the girl in deep thought. Roja came to see Noelle to remove the immortality one hour ago. Normally, the negative state of immortality is rare, but it is not difficult to remove. The medical method of Rose can completely solve it, but because Roja thinks In a hurry to advance as soon as possible, plus I haven't seen you for a long time, so I just came to Nuo directly.

Hizkrit’s angel bloodline has many magical uses, one of which is the obvious restraint on immortality. With the help of Noelle, Roja’s immortalization side effects can be said to be a cure for the disease, but after the treatment In the process, Roja discovered one thing, that is, Noelle's mood is not high, or, in other words, - he has a lot of thoughts

Originally, Roja thought it was because the three girls made mistakes before, and the other two were brought back to educate and criticize. Noelle escaped, so Roja seemed uncomfortable, but now it seems that this is Your Highness may be really troubled. "Noelle, is there anything you want to say? After thinking for a while, Roja decided to ask the question directly, and after listening to the boy's question, Her Royal Highness also turned around, and her lips opened several times. She paused, but after pondering for a long time, she let out a sigh. Noelle Hizkrit was really troubled. Since the banquet, Charlotte's doubts had become a thorn in her heart, causing her every The first time I think about it, I'm very annoyed, and on the other hand, Noelle has been busy with Roja because of his heir status, and he has been away from Roja for many years. It was all the connections between Noelle and Roja. The girls in the past felt that they could keep their feelings to this extent, but the huge impact of Charlotte's appearance completely awakened Noelle's sense of crisis. Ellie Sha was stimulated by Charlotte's behavior, and the same is true for Al, but unlike Alyssa, Al is an unbalanced mentality.

"Roja, I have a question I've always wanted to ask you, are you happy with me? After struggling for a long time, the blond girl plucked up the courage to ask this question. Roja's eyes widened slightly when he heard the words, and he was stunned for a moment. Confusion in the eyes

Although it is a bit exaggerated to say this, in the current human world, Al can be said to be the most honorable figure in the entire younger generation. Whether it is the Holy Nation of St. Mestre or the Holy See, it has a huge influence, and its coverage is partial. In the whole of Shia, even Charlotte's father Bruce treats her with respect when it comes to El being the princess of the Church. Such a girl swears to you that she will protect her for two, and there are still unhappy people in the world? "Noelle, what's the matter with you? Why are you so long?" Because I was thinking, - since I was Are you forcing you to cooperate with my hobbies? Is this behavior arousing your disgust? "Ah?" Roja asked speechlessly after listening to the girl's words, and sighed heavily after a tangled face. "I said, what are you thinking about, what kind of person are you? Did you know it from the beginning? If you really hate you, you won't come near at all, and in the end, what did I say I wanted you to change? The black-haired boy rubbed his brows speechlessly, looking at the opposite side in surprise The girl with wide eyes said lightly: "As El, I think the relationship between people should not be about each other's constraints, but should be about supporting each other, because other people's opinions can easily change themselves.

This is so unlike you.

Roja looked at Noelle's blue pupils as he spoke, and his words woke up the girl who was worried about gains and losses like a bell, and Her Royal Highness the princess was dumbfounded.

Years of Jin Tong looked at each other, the depressed mood gradually disappeared, and the hesitant eyes gradually became firm. ...indeed, it's not like me. The blond girl sighed with a smile. When she raised her head again, her holy face was the same as before, and she regained her former radiance. Is" as your protector, it's not good to be so timid, ... I know, I can't change. The country is easy to change, but the nature is hard to change, Noelle's situation is like a natural hunting in nature. Generally speaking, it is an instinct. She may consider Roja's feelings and try her best to suppress it, but there will be a day when she can't control it, and Roja doesn't want this, because he knows what the original Noelle will look like in the future. That She is the one who gathers the glory of the Church of St. Meister, the queen who is arrogant and luxurious, and who leads the entire human world. She does not need to change, and no one is qualified to make her change. "You are Noel Hizkri. Special, no one in this world can control you, just be yourself Uncontrollable flow of emotions. "I understand, then, as proof, can you give me a little encouragement? The blond girl with a slightly trembling body raised her head and said so, making the black-haired boy couldn't help - stunned. After thinking for a while, Roja nodded slightly. To be honest, just talk and don’t act like a fake, you need to keep up with your actions, but it’s just encouraging that Roja was thinking about this problem and didn’t know how to act for a while, and suddenly found that His Royal Highness was washing his hands with a cleansing spell. is

Wait, why does this scene feel familiar? Roja's expression turned into something in her mind. The blonde beauty stood up, her holy face was filled with lust, and she didn't immediately stretch out her hand to Roja, Instead, he stretched out his pink tongue and lightly licked it first, and after sticking his saliva, he handed it to the stunned teenager. "It's sweet, darling, help me lick it. Her Royal Highness held her cheeks flushed to persuade her, her coquettish look and her perfect figure and temperament released a deadly charm, Roja looked at the jade hand stretched out in front of him. The brain was hot and wanted to refuse, but remembered the encouragement he promised and became entangled. After a long time, under the expectant gaze of the girl, Roja, who had been fighting for a long time, chose to fulfill his promise once. "I'll say it first, only This time. "

Looking at the white jade-like, slender and slender fingers in front of him, the young man had a headache and agreed the terms, Noelle nodded lightly when he heard the words, Roja looked away and opened his mouth to gently put his fingers in it. Going down, Roja's face gradually turned red when he remembered that Noelle had also licked it. His tongue gently slid across his white fingertips and extended downwards, causing Her Royal Highness, whose long-lost desire to be answered, to tremble, and his pupils expanded with excitement. . "!

Looking at the way her lover was adding fingers to herself, the blond girl's breathing became heavier and heavier. After a few seconds of enjoyment, the boy who had finished sucking the jam opened his mouth and raised his head, his face was complicated and his eyes were turned away. . . Okay. Well, that's enough.

The angel with the surging water in his eyes nodded and said softly, "Next, it's time for the reward." Hey? The reward? The black-haired boy blinked for a while, and the next moment Noelle leaned over suddenly and kissed him. His lips, sending the last of the jam in his mouth. Now it's all together. Her Royal Highness thought so, and tasted her own dessert.

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