Early the next morning, the city gate of Luo Shicheng was rarely busy. At dawn, the visiting group from the Holy Nation of St. Mestre officially arrived in the city of Rose, - along with the convoy of gem necklaces that had been impounded for a long time. Grace and the others stayed in Akate's land for a week. There was no special prohibition for this week except that they could not leave without permission. The team that followed Noelle rushed back after Liberation Day. It was nothing to miss the festival. After all, the people of Rose were celebrating the festival every year, but this time, the team that followed Noelle finally arrived, which made Grace, who had collected a lot of information, anxious. Yes, Grace is anxious because she heard something, if it is true, then her eldest lady will be in a serious disadvantage. "What the hell, and when will I be able to return to my post? Have I entered the city now? The maid who was imprisoned in the carriage angrily complained to the soldiers of the Church, but the soldiers strictly prohibited everyone from leaving the carriage on the grounds that they needed to be handed over. , Grace looked at Bishop Philip, who was chatting with people in front of him and sighed at Rose's unique scenery, but in the end she didn't choose to push hard. "Miss...

Grace looked into the distance and muttered to herself, while in the city hall at this time, Charlotte, dressed in a graceful and dignified manner, was receiving Noelle who came to inquire, as well as many Vatican legal personnel behind her. After entering the city today, the Holy Nation of St. Mestre, who was on a mission, set off collectively for the investigation and inquiry group on the kidnapping of the Acting Lord of Akate. Under the leadership of Noelle, they came to the Council Hall aggressively to summon the person under investigation, Charlotte. Special, Roja temporarily stayed in the Birds Hall on the grounds of physical inconvenience, and the Holy See personnel took the initiative to visit and collect.

Faced with this set of boxing techniques from Her Royal Highness, Charlotte was well prepared, and the legal affairs team of the Rose government was waiting in full force behind her. “According to Article 4 of the National Security Law of the Holy State of St. Mestre, when any local lord encounters hijacking, kidnapping and other criminal acts, resulting in the consequences of restricting personal freedom, the government of the Holy State and the royal family of Hezcrit must Take action and use all possible methods to strike, arrest, punish criminals, and escort them to the capital of the Church for trial. "We now suspect that Miss Charlotte Sorophia of the Rose Commercial United Nations is suspected of violating this security law, And there are a number of indictments. In the case of factual evidence, our side will have the right to make compulsory arrest. The old judge of Jiaoguo with white hair started with a shocking, threatening + foot speech. His bearing in an important position and his confidence in upholding justice made him high-spirited. Even though everyone present knew that forced arrest was nonsense, he couldn't help but be shocked by the toughness of his words. However, as the saying goes, the east wind cannot overwhelm the west wind, the teaching country's attitude is tough, and Rose's statement is not weak. Under the gaze of the justice, a gray-bearded old man stands up with a long forehead. It is the former chief of Rose's legal department. The old man took a breath and stood up straight, and retorted without showing weakness. "According to the special clauses in the "White Paper on Strategic Cooperation between the United Nations of Rosse Business and Akate", when one of the children of one side is in danger or has been seriously injured in special circumstances during the war, the other side has the responsibility and obligation to provide it with a safe environment With complete treatment." Now the Eastern Territory is in a war period, and the Marquis of Katia, the lord of Akate, as a member of the war, represents that the Akate is in an abnormal state of war. Under this state, Rose Commercial United Nations Miss Charlotte Sorophia judged that her territory could not provide complete treatment in the absence of Marquis Katia when Master Roja Arkat was in distress and injured, and it was reasonable, reasonable and legal to bring her to Rose for treatment. "As for the crime and kidnapping, it is completely a misunderstanding caused by poor communication between the two sides. I would like to ask you to speak. Two old men who can be over 200 years old together stare at each other across the table. The four eyes are like light bulbs. After taking the lead in rushing up, the support staff and deputies in the rear also started to exert their full power. "The so-called "White Paper on Strategic Cooperation between the United Nations of Rose Commercial and Akate" is just a private agreement signed between the local lord and the foreign country. It has no legal effect on the Church of St. Mestre, and the "National Security Law" is much higher than it! "According to the "Third Human Nations Association Agreement", private disputes between regional lords should be handled with local laws first. Adjudication, strategic agreements between territories are at their own discretion.

"The Roa Akat incident this time is an international incident affecting the stability of the Patriarchate of St. Mestre and the authority of His Highness Noel Hizkrit). It cannot be defined as a private issue between lords. Please also Please don’t confuse the public. The fierce confrontation was staged in the Legal Affairs Office. Both sides involved in the war were top legal talents from both countries. The terms and conditions flew all over the place and the laws were written together, one after another. Crackling, the law of the Church of St. Mestre, the law of the Arcatel, the law of the Rosse business and the United Nations, and even the strategic alliance and the common agreement of mankind have all been moved out and bombarded. Attorney General Karoo confronted each other and refuted each other, and gradually became angry, one gritted his teeth, the other blew his beard and stared. In the case of a match, the two sides are no longer just catching men for their own little masters, and this fight has gradually evolved into In the direct confrontation between the legal system of the Holy State of St. Mestre and the legal system of the Rose Business United Nations, once they lose, not only Charlotte and Noelle are not satisfied, but they may not be able to raise their heads in front of each other from now on - three in a row. When I was young, no one took advantage of the war of words that you sang about my appearance. Although Noelle's missionary investigation team was attacking, whether it was Charlotte's crime or the law that might have been violated, Rose's legal team was covering it. Nothing can be established. The brown-red-haired girl took a sip of tea lightly, and was not surprised by the result. In fact, Miss Tian made a lot of money for this one day, and everyone on Rose's side has experienced many battles. The defense expert, the former attorney general, Carew, was personally invited by Bulletin, how can this be lost? "The condition for restricting personal freedom is that the person being restricted has the will to move freely. In this case, Charlotte Sorophia The Journey of Miss and Master Roja Arkat

During the process, we strictly consulted their wishes, and even engaged in entertainment activities such as stargazing, which undoubtedly does not meet the definition of crimes such as kidnapping. After another round of debate, the Holy Nation of St. Mestre did not make any progress. Justice Coster turned his head to look at His Highness Zhu, who was sitting behind him, and nodded slightly with his eyes moving. "So that's the case, then we temporarily suspend Miss Charlotte Sorophia's criminal complaint, and then we will inquire about the marriage contract between Charlotte Sorophia and Roja Arkat. Your Majesty As soon as these words came out, the venue fell into silence, and the legal staff on Rose's side looked at each other, and then gradually relaxed. There was no other reason, but because of things like marriage contracts, although the basis for the establishment of marriage laws is the laws of various countries, it is basically the law. On the fringe, generally speaking, there is no way to make any moths. It is almost impossible to overthrow if Charlotte is not convicted. To ask is to perform it resolutely. The most difficult time has passed, and it seems that the other party has to rest and adjust. After thinking this way, the lawyers who had been fighting for a few hours breathed a sigh of relief. It was almost noon, and some people had already started to think about lunch after working hard for so long.

And in this calm, Justice Coster asked in a clear voice. "May I ask the specific terms of which law the marriage contract of Charlotte Sorophia and Roja Arcate followed a hundred years ago?" It was the "Marriage Law of the Patriarchate of St. Mestre" and the "Rosé Commercial United Nations Marriage Law" , is a completely legal agreement under two-factor authentication. "That's it, that's good. The white-haired judge raised his mouth with satisfaction when he heard this.

"Brother, what's the matter with you?" In the Hundred Birds Museum, the silver-haired girl stared at the teenager on the wheel for a moment, only to feel her brain spinning for a while, and then she rushed to Roja's side with tears. The pops started to drop. "Hey? Wait, don't cry, don't cry, I'm fine. Looking at a slappy Eliza who cried every time she met her, Roja's distressed heart was about to be broken, and he reached out and held it. Alyssa didn't dare to touch his hand, put it on her face and rubbed her face gently, soothed and explained the situation in the next period. When she heard that Roja was suffering from three side effects and it was difficult to move, Aili Sha angrily clenched her small fists, her body trembled, she recalled what the brown-red-haired girl looked like when she said that Roja was okay, and she bit her teeth with hatred. Charlotte! This will never happen That's it!, Alyssa had harsh words in her heart, and Roja cautiously asked about the situation of the silver-haired girl. Well, Alyssa, how is your spell practice? It should be source level 5, right? "Hey? Me, uh. I just arrived at source level 5, what's wrong with the elder brother?" Roja was relieved when he heard Alyssa's lie, he thought about it, and then explained carefully: is "Uh, In fact, one of my side effects is life failure... "Life decline... I understand. The moment the silver-haired girl heard the name of the disease, her eyes were red, and she lowered her head to the boy's ear, tenderly. He murmured: "Brother, leave everything to me.

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