Little Tyrant Doesn’t Want to Meet with a Bad End

Chapter 127 Children, it's time to get married

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Two years later. Rose Business United Nations, Rose City. What is classical

The man's name is Bruce, and the girl's name is Charlotte. The two are the most famous father and daughter in Roselle, and everyone knows that they have a deep relationship. However, the atmosphere in the room is different from usual. Full of weirdness. ‘Father, what’s the matter with you calling me suddenly?

Charlotte was puzzled, because she was called back from the Chaos Land by a letter from Announcer, and it was a family emergency letter, which is normally used for this kind of letter.

It seemed that something big happened at home, but when Charlotte finally hurried home, Bruce just asked some trivial things, and it has been more than half an hour now. Facing Charlotte's question, the middle-aged man sighed slightly. He recalled his daughter's engagement and rubbed his hands nervously, feeling that he should proceed step by step.

"Ahem, that Charlotte, what do you think of the Acatel family? "Acatel's? You mean the Acatel land that borders us?" "Yes, that's them, I want to hear your opinion. "i"Akat is a place with potential, but the lords there seem to be incompetent all the time..

The brown-haired girl's somewhat venomous comments made Bruce brow-jump, but then the long list of data the girl said left him speechless. What territory development is estimated to be less than 40%, what roads are broken, the mountains are inconvenient for transportation, what border tariffs there are at the bottom of the year, and sometimes even not enough for customs clearance, it is simply a miracle and the words smashed Bruce's head. pain. "Alright, alright, I know what you said about Akate, needless to say. Brian waved his hand to stop Charlotte's business analysis, feeling like he dug a hole for himself, it's even more difficult to speak about it. Now, Sorophia is a business family. Although he became a monk and fought in the war, the business tradition of the family has not changed. They are sitting in the commercial center of Rose. They built their country on the basis of economy. It depends on the economy and data. The Akart family, as a neighbor whose valuation is high all the year round, but whose output value is always at the bottom, naturally has a bad reputation among the Sorophia people.

Although Bruce, the head of the house, doesn't think so at all. The Akart Territory, which is not good from a businessman's point of view, is very good in extraordinary power and military affairs. You must know that a perfect territory does not exist. Rosé develops commerce, so it is prosperous, and Akart chooses force, so It's stable. Bruce, who sees things from a ruler's point of view, has a high opinion of Arkat, at least a good neighbor who deserves a close relationship, while for Charlotte's point of view, Bruce just has some material to refute. "Charlotte, do you know Roja: Akate?" "Roja Akate, oh, he is the only son of the current Marquis Katia Akate. I heard that he was naughty when he was a child, and then he seemed to be in charge of teaching the royal family and teaching the royal family. His Royal Highness Princess Noelle of the country has a good relationship.. "Cough, let's not talk about the past or his backing. You have been busy with the chaos in the past two years, so the news is a little behind, you should take a look first. As Bruce spoke, he picked up the information at hand and handed it to Charlotte. The brown-haired girl took it and read it carefully, gradually widening her eyes. The middle-aged man looked at the girl. The corners of his mouth were almost the same as when he first saw the document. Indeed, the content of this research report of the Soofia branch of Akate led an explosion. It's a bit unbelievable, even to the point where Bruce had to send someone to investigate and reconfirm the authenticity.

Charlotte flipped through the report and began to concentrate. She carefully read the policy of the last two years under the Akate, and the more she looked at it, the more ingenious it became. After the large-scale road construction will completely open up the transportation network, and then the clean city will improve the evaluation of investors who come to investigate because the road is open. It's - a series of trade incentives, and a strangely named "poverty alleviation" policy. The "Poverty Alleviation" policy was promoted by Roya Akart, which means helping poor mountain villages to become rich. The specific implementation is to send staff to assist development in villages. Fund subsidies can be obtained in the form of loans, which can be repaid slowly in the next ten years. Poverty alleviation policy 1-beginning to become a joke among the lords who love to scrape the land, Roya Akart was also mocked as a silly young master who threw money away for the sake of fame, but the data a year later smashed the faces of these people Yes. Akart's collection took off, and it was not an ordinary take-off. It was a take-off like a rocket, and it turned over directly, and this was only the first year. According to the internal documents of the Soofia Chamber of Commerce, This rapid growth is expected to continue for at least five years. "How about it? Charlotte, do you still think Roja Arkat is ignorant?". If this is really his own decision, then this I am afraid that people are not simple, maybe a genius.

The brown-red-haired girl couldn't help but exclaimed in admiration, which made Bruce heave a sigh of relief, and also threw the killer copper. "More than that, Akate has recently submitted a cooperative development plan to us, involving the entire south of Akate and north of Rose. I think this plan is very good, what do you think?" If the content of this report is true, Then, the future of Akate may be drastically changed, and I think we should take a positive attitude. "Well, then... how about sending you to discuss this matter? "Hey? Me?"

Yes, after all, your development in Chaos Land has not been smooth in the past two years, and the situation must be turned around.

Bruce's expression became heavier as he spoke, Charlotte was silent after hearing the words, and the girl nodded silently after thinking for a while.

. "I understand, leave this to me." Well, that's fine, by the way, I have one more thing to tell you about this Roja Arkat. "Huh? What? Father." That's it. Facing the curious daughter, Bruce struggled for a long time. He looked into Charlotte's emerald eyes with a forced smile on his face. "He's actually your fiancé.

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