Little Tyrant Doesn’t Want to Meet with a Bad End

The 121st chapter parting gift (3k)

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The day after Roja was granted the status of acting lord, Katya left. As the saying goes, the troops and horses will go first without food and grass. The supply line of the army has always been the top priority of military operations. Although the road to supply supplies to the eastern Tucker fortress was not there before, it was only suitable for the previous situation, and there were aliens. After the traces, according to the agreement, all countries will increase their troops to defend the eastern border of the area under their responsibility. It is almost inevitable that the population will skyrocket. In this case, people eat horses and military supplies are added, and the daily transportation volume is more than ten times larger. . To put it simply, after a lapse of several decades, all countries in the human race need to build roads again, and the road is still quite long. But fortunately, I have the foundation left before, so strictly speaking, it is only to prepare the road. This task undoubtedly falls on the head of logistics. As the leader of logistics, Katya has to go to the field for inspection. The first batch of all military knights to leave. After waving goodbye to Katya at the door in the morning, Roja looked at the father and the soldiers who took the lead and left with a serious face and sighed. Although Roja had talked to Katya about the territory several times before, he never wanted to be an acting lord. After all, managing a department and managing all departments are completely two concepts, and many complicated affairs are estimated to be enough for him to have a headache. . Fortunately, Katya still has legal awareness. Yesterday, she drafted a power of attorney for the lord's rights and asked the palace to notarize it overnight. As long as there is such a thing, Roja is not considered undocumented, but the entire church country dares to investigate He shouldn't have much, so this thing is at best the icing on the cake. After Katya left, Roja and Alyssa also began to prepare to return to the territory. Thinking of this, Roja felt very convinced. It has been almost three months since Noelle's birthday party last year, and Akate has been in the No one is idling, but it's still - business as usual! As expected of the ancestors of the past dynasties, going to the lord is very thorough! Roja thought about this speechlessly, and suddenly felt that since he took office in 2, he might not necessarily be very busy, but may be idle. Gotta die. For a whole day, Roja and Alyssa were thinking about what to take away and what to purchase. After all, Saint Mestre is the most prosperous place for business, and some things cannot be bought elsewhere. When the nobles leave a certain place, they have to say hello to their acquaintances, and even meet when they leave, but there is no need for the two children of Roja and Alyssa. At most, they will send someone to inform the palace. Then, before noon had passed, the person notified came back, but not by himself, but with a large number of guards and the carriage of the royal family - the first one.

Okay, to a certain extent Roja also guessed that this might be the case, so I wasn’t surprised, but Alyssa’s little face was puffed up, but as a noble, she also knew that it was a friendly gesture to visit in person when she left like this. , can only acquiesce to the arrival of the vixen pinching her nose. "So, are you going to leave tomorrow? In the meeting room, Noelle looked at the two brothers and sisters sitting opposite each other and sighed, Roja was naturally her. It's reluctant to give up no matter what, but Lisa is also an interesting person. As a competitor, she can give her a rare sense of crisis. If conditions permit, Noelle actually wants to compare with this child-comparison).l At the same time The loss of a lover and a competitor means that Her Royal Highness's life has returned to dullness and dullness. To be honest, Noelle is not very happy, but she also knows how important territory is to a nobleman, so naturally she can't say how to discourage her. Of course, this is the "great achievement" of Noelle who still doesn't understand the governance of Akat's territory, and doesn't know that there is such a big aristocratic family in the world, otherwise she might really leave the two for another two. Month. "You should already know about the military, right?" Alien? Well, I heard my father say, Uncle Katia should have set off? "Leaving this morning, I am now He is already an acting lord, and he must return to the territory as soon as possible. Noelle understood Roja's answer, but after glancing at Alyssa, Miss Angel decisively stated her request. l "You can go back, but you have to write to me. "Write a letter?" Yes, I am your protector, and it is my job to know your situation.. Let me think about it, one a week. Noah Er smiled and said the frequency of contact, which immediately aroused the dissatisfaction of Lisa next to him." Her Royal Highness, not to mention how much writing such a letter can play in protecting brother Roja, it is too frequent a week. ?The elder brother has become a deputy lord, and he is busy with business, so I think it is not good for him to be burdened. "I don't think it's a burden to write to me, but this is the first time I've asked someone to write to me... Roja, do you hate it?"

"Uh, no, I didn't mean that. Facing the princess who looked hurting her self-esteem, Roja naturally waved her hand to deny it. Seeing this, Noelle raised the corners of her mouth and confronted Alyssa again." Alyssa Miss, although you are Roja's sister-in-law, it doesn't mean that you can represent him. The things you hate may be his favorite. Say no

"Hehe, Her Royal Highness is really good at joking, I know my elder brother very well, more than anyone else, sometimes it's just wishful thinking, but others may also

Roja looked at the two who glared at each other and refused to give in, and once again silently bowed his head and turned into a stone statue, implementing the three principles of not speaking, not moving, and not watching. In any case, neither side could offend him, so he simply buried his head in the sand and asked if he was not feeling well, and if he asked again, he fell into a coma. Maybe it was Roja's performance that caught the attention of the two, maybe it was the maid in the room who made the two take care of them a little bit. All in all, the final result of this stare was that the two snorted and ignored each other, causing Roja to grow out of a Tone. "In normal times, one letter a week, and at least two weeks when I'm busy, and it must be a handwritten letter! "Okay, I'll write it myself, of course, you don't have to worry about this. Noelle's final request was relaxed a little bit, Roja hurried down the hill when he heard the words, and Miss Angel nodded, feeling a lot more beautiful. Although using

The two of the saint's short blade can chat for a short time every seven days, but those are unrecorded, and it is necessary to prove to others that the two are close to each other. Yes, the fact that El asked Roja to write a letter is actually a matter of face. No matter how mature Noelle is, she is still a young girl. She is very sensitive to such things that her lover ignores her, and hates others even more. question their relationship. There was already an Alyssa who was eyeing him. Wouldn’t it be a block for himself if he made extra troubles? After some exhortations, Noelle finally got a satisfactory answer. Since the Akart family was packing, it was inconvenient for her to stay here for a long time. After sitting for a while, r said goodbye and left, but after walking away, Noelle left half of the team behind. "This is?"

"The parting gift I gave you, the elite soldiers of the royal family's private army. From now on, their station will be Akate, and you are their boss. Roja stared at the fully equipped hundred-person elite army in front of him and couldn't help but widen his eyes. They are elite soldiers of source level 5 and above, and they can be used as sharp swordsmen on the battlefield. To be given by Cheng Jianli, this gift is a bit too big. "Do you like it?" I like it, but your gift is a little too expensive. Now,..." When you like it, just say thank you. The blond girl said this with some playfulness, but Roja, who looked back, was actually quite serious, and the serious look made Her Royal Highness stunned. "Noai...Thank you." No,...why...I'm your protector, that's what it should be. Facing Roja who sincerely thanked Roja, Noelle blushed a little. After the two sides said goodbye, Roja looked at the distant royal carriage with a lot of emotion. This trip to the Holy City was less than three months before and after, but it really happened. Too many things have changed, and too many things have changed. Whether it is him, Alyssa or Noelle, they have all changed a lot and grown a lot, and their relationship has become intertwined. Thinking of Roja here, he turned his head to look at the royal guards on the side, and couldn't help but get excited. This hundred-member group is not from Akate, but a private armed force belonging to Roja. The military sound is paid by the royal family. One-hundred prostitutes for free, this is too much of a bargain. With such an armament, returning to the territory is equivalent to more than one trump card, and he can really do whatever he wants. It's just that the soldiers from the royal family are inevitably a little arrogant in their hearts, and they need to find an opportunity to shock them and truly make them feel awe of Roja from the bottom of their hearts. Feeling the power of the source of the [crown] in his body, Roja showed a confident smile. If nothing else, he was too good at making a big noise. On the other side, in the Holy Capital Royal Library, the chubby card i ] The curator is busy with green. "Quick, quick, load up these backup files and send them to the Akart family. Is the first car full? Go first when it's full!" Curator, don't we keep a copy? And so, Will there be any opinions from the multi-file palace? i "The original is here, and the backup can be made up a little bit. As for the palace's opinion, Carmen looked at the deputy curator who asked the question with the eyes of the mentally handicapped, and recalled - Xia Roja With Noelle's sing-along, the wings spread the holy light to the sky, and he said speechlessly.

"They are most likely to have an opinion, which is probably why we ask for it. "P So don't talk nonsense, load the car, hurry up!

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