Life Hunter

Chapter 254 Invite Longzhao to the Prison Superintendent

There are previous imperial edicts and some calligraphy treasures rewarded by the emperor. Without exception, they are all stamped with jade seals.

Li Qingxian looked through them one by one and said with a smile: "Uncle Zhou is indeed amazing. I only had to stamp it twice, once to stamp 'Tien En Shi Quan' and 'Guang Yun Zhi Bao', and once to confer the 'Edict' on six grades or below. The treasure of life. Take a look at your jade seals. In addition to the above two, there are so many kinds. There are also the treasure of the emperor, the treasure of the emperor, the treasure of respecting heaven and the people, the treasure of making imperial edicts, and the treasure of fate. Treasures, "Treasures of Tables, Classics and History", "Treasures of Guarding the World"... almost everything you can get is here."

"The Emperor's grace is immense." Zhou Chunfeng said.

Li Qingxian looked around and whispered: "Can you get the 'Daqi's Mandated Treasure' and the 'Emperor's Treasure'? If not, 'Da Qi's Successor Emperor Treasure' or 'Emperor's Treasure' or 'Emperor's Treasure'" These are the seals of "Treasure of Honoring Relatives."

"Why are you changing your ways to commit suicide every day?" Zhou Chunfeng couldn't laugh or cry.

Zhou Hen was immersed in it and knew the uses of the five jade seals. One represents Da Qi's orthodox identity, one represents the emperor's fulfillment of destiny, one is for canonizing the prince, one is for sacrificial purposes, and the last one involves the emperor's elders. Or used by a few people such as the Queen.

Li Qingxian smiled and said: "Others are rare, but is it possible that the 'Great Qi Heir Emperor Treasure' is living outside? After all, three princes were canonized in this dynasty, and two princes were canonized in the previous dynasty."

"Do you really want it?" Zhou Chunfeng said helplessly.

Li Qingxian nodded and said: "You are not a fortune-teller, and you don't understand the methods here. The emperor's seal, whether orthodox or not, contains great luck. Absorbing it randomly will definitely cause problems, but it can be converted into the power of fortune. These few Planting great treasures and jade seals, great destiny magicians flock to them, otherwise why would the Tianming Sect always ask for various imperial edicts from the emperor?"

Zhou Chunfeng thought for a while and said: "If this thing is sold indiscriminately, it will be taboo. However, some officials do have a habit of collecting these things. Under the banner of bathing in the emperor's favor, no one can say anything. Well, I have Kong will help you ask for some help from your colleagues and friends. As for the Dabao Jade Seal seal, the possibility is very small. But... it is not impossible."

Li Qingxian's eyes lit up and he said, "Is there anyone living among the people?"

"After all, there are occasional fires in the palace and the palace." Zhou Chunfeng stared into Li Qingxian's eyes and said.

Li Qingxian nodded repeatedly. Eunuchs often did this, stealing and selling. Once they were found out, they would burn the warehouse with fire dragons.

"Do you have time to show me the way?"

"You don't need me to do this. Go and ask Jingguan and Eunuch Fei, and they will point you out clearly." Zhou Chunfeng said.

"Is nothing going to happen?"

"You are here to bathe in the emperor's favor and admire the emperor. What can happen to you? It's true that it's the eunuch's fault. Besides, you don't buy and sell directly from them. You go to the next family to hunt for goods." Zhou Chunfeng said.

"Understood, I'll think of ways to get some in a while." Li Qingxian said.

"You can also do some shopping among the people. Fortune-tellers can't always keep an eye on the antique grocery market." Zhou Chunfeng said.

"Okay, I'll ask Brother Han to help with the hunting. He has a wide range of ways." Li Qingxian said.

Zhou Chunfeng frowned slightly, then relaxed and said: "I checked Han Anbo. He started in the market and had contact with all religions and nine schools. He may have other agendas, but he is extremely safe and trustworthy. However, you cannot be acquainted with everything. In other people’s hands.”

"Uncle Zhou, don't worry, I'm measured."

"Other than Duke Lu's seal and the jade seal, what else do you need this time?"

"With the official seal of the factory supervisor, everything else will be easy."

"That's right. I'm going to find Duke Lu right now. Don't worry about He Lei. If something happens to their life magician, they won't dare to go too far. Once the head of the house is in danger, he will attack the Ministry of Punishment again. Save people directly." Zhou Chunfeng said.

"I'm waiting for your news."

Li Qingxian silently collected life materials, accumulated lucky fish and life patterns, and prepared a half-life person for Zhou Chunfeng.

He lied to Zhou Chunfeng that he was only making fake half-life people, but in fact he was making complete ones.

A few days later, Li Qingxian got the seal from Governor Lu, and began to go to the residence of the Chief of Guards, the Shendu Mansion, the Five Cities Military and Horse Division, etc. Then, under the leadership of Zhou Chunfeng and Song Yunjing, they went there respectively The three families of the Ministry of Rites, the Department of Daolu, and the Dali Temple hated the Yamen of the Ministry of Punishment the most.

After many days of preparation, Li Qingxian first handed over half of his life to Zhou Chunfeng.

Zhou Chunfeng took it and saw a two-inch-tall little man, tightly wrapped in yellow talisman paper. It looked very rough, but when he reached out and touched it, he felt like a living thing, soft and delicate.

"I asked Guo Xiang, this thing is definitely unusual, you have troubled yourself a lot." Zhou Chunfeng took a deep look at Li Qingxian.

Li Qingxian smiled and said: "Our Mingsheng Sect still has some wealth."

Zhou Chunfeng didn't ask deeply, and put the half-life man close to his body inside his clothes.

"I'll keep it well," Zhou Chunfeng said, "What is the specific life technique you used against the Ministry of Justice?"

Li Qingxian showed a harmless smile and said: "Inspired by the Five Earth Guiding Technique, I remembered a great art of the Ming Sect called the 'Five Dragons Zhenhai Great Ming Technique'."

"It's somewhat similar to the Dao Sect's magic circle?"

"There are similarities."

"If you want to cast a great life magic, you must be a fourth-grade life magician. Can you really do it?"

Li Qingxian smiled and said: "Of course not, but don't I have the imperial edict and the seals of the officials of each yamen? Shouldn't I invite five high-ranking fifth-level officials to take charge? They are the main force of this great destiny technique."

"I'm still worried."

"Don't worry, this is the special point of destiny magic. Otherwise, why would those great destiny magicians single-handedly fight against the fate of a country? Let's put it this way, my destiny magic only slightly changes the flow of destiny in a few yamen. , let it target the Ministry of Justice, I will not charge into the battle myself, and I have already obtained the consent of each government office."

"That's good. You have two more days to prepare and don't act rashly."


The cold wind blew, and the fallen leaves of early autumn swayed and fell to the ground.

Li Qingxian stepped over the fallen leaves and walked into a secret, deserted cell in the Prison Department.

Following him was Pian Sizheng, a member of the patrol department.

Standing in the clean cell, Li Qingxian looked around, flicked his right hand, and a cushion fell to the ground. The entire cushion was surrounded by yellow talismans.

"Sir, please take a seat and practice."

The headmaster nodded, sat on the cushion, and looked at Li Qingxian.

Li Qingxian moved his right hand, and a large number of sundries and magic weapons flew out from the Qiankun Bracelet.

After a while, the empty cell changed drastically.

There is a large mahogany altar table next to the east wall. The altar table is filled with ritual utensils and miscellaneous items.

On the jade platform in the middle of the altar table, there is the seal of the Night Guard Commander, floating in the air like a page, shaking gently.

Li Qingxian brought out a large pure white porcelain basin with a diameter of more than two feet, filled with transparent water, and carefully placed it in front of the jade platform.

Li Qingxian took out the yellow talismans he had made a few days ago. They were densely packed, no more and no less, 999 of them, divided into ten stacks, and stacked together thickly.

Li Qingxian bowed gently to the refined yellow talisman, and then held out a scroll of Zhou Chunfeng's imperial edict with both hands. He swayed his body from side to side, squinted his eyes, and hummed a vague invitation to the dragon.

"Hold the nine heavens high, the majestic body is in the clouds, inhale to gather clouds, exhale to turn into sweet rain. Look at the heaven and earth with one eye, look at the nine secluded places with one eye, turn over and the five mountains collapse, whisper the six worlds are shocked. The revered position is at the top of the sky, and the high reputation is all over the land and sea. …”

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