"Captain, division headquarters is calling!"

Zhou Yuan appeared and handed a telegram to Wang Feng

"The leaders called back and asked us to escort this batch of poison gas bombs to the division headquarters!"Wang Feng heard this and took the telegram from Zhou Yuan's hand, glanced at it and said

"Then let the security company send out a platoon of soldiers to escort these gas bombs to the division headquarters!"Zhao Tianyu on the side said immediately

"Okay, just do what Lao Zhao said!"Wang Feng nodded immediately after hearing this. The gas bomb issue has been resolved. Next, they will focus all their attention on the war in front of them.

"Go ahead and call me the company commanders and instructors of each company!"Following Wang Feng's order, company commanders and instructors from each company quickly arrived at the temporary headquarters.

"In the direction of Changyi County, more than 3,000 Japanese puppet troops are on their way to Hanwang Town. At their speed, they will arrive here in up to 5 hours."

Looking at his subordinates, Chief of Staff Yao Jianming began to introduce the enemy's situation:"After consideration by the brigade headquarters, we are preparing to fight a second Hanwang Town battle in Hanwang Town."

The chief of staff quickly expressed the operational considerations discussed at the brigade headquarters to the company commanders and instructors.


"Don’t worry, captain, deputy captain, deputy instructor, and chief of staff, we will definitely complete the mission!"

"As long as the little devils dare to come, we will kill them!"

Originally, when they heard about this battle for the first time, they were still a little confused. None of the company commanders and instructors saw that the terrain of Hanwang Town seemed unsuitable for an ambush battle. However, when After hearing the explanations from the brigade leaders, they all suddenly understood and felt full of admiration.

"Next, the captain will assign tasks to everyone!"The chief of staff smiled and shook his head when he heard this, and then said loudly.

Wang Feng did not waste time. After standing up, he immediately said:"The guard company is responsible for blocking and luring the enemy."At this point, Wang Feng looked at Li Erniu and said:"Captain Zhao Tianyu will follow you."

"Your mission is related to whether the little devil can step into Hanwang Town unprepared, so you must listen to Captain Zhao Tianyu's command and sing this scene for me."Wang Feng's words up to this point were full of sternness.


Li Erniu and Ning Zhen, who was promoted to instructor, both stood up and saluted respectfully.

"The fourth and fifth companies are ambushing in the southeast and southwest of Hanwang Town. Before the charge horn sounds, you must not expose the target. Once the charge is sounded, you will launch an attack on Hanwang Town, do you understand?"

Wang Feng's voice sounded again. This time, he named the fourth company and the fifth company.

"Yes, Captain! Lin

Jianfei, the commander of the fourth company, and Dai Ruyi, the commander of the fifth company, stood up with solemn faces and saluted Wang Feng and other brigade leaders.

"The Sixth Company, the Seventh Company, and the Eighth Company remained in Hanwang Town. Among them, the Sixth Company took out two platoons, put on the clothes of the Japs, and relied on some buildings to make a show of resistance."Wang Feng's eyes swept across the remaining three companies and said

"Yes, Captain!"The company commanders and instructors of the three companies stood up quickly after hearing this and responded seriously.

Wang Feng didn't just let it go. He looked at the company commanders and instructors of the three companies and said,"Your task is not small. The guard company is acting in front, you should be more realistic here, use the corpse of the little devil, and make some plans in advance"

"Once you hear the sound of the kid's plane coming, you can use grenades to blow up the kid's body!"

"We must give the little Japanese pilots a kind of strength. The little Japanese pilots are at the end of their fight. If they don't support them, they won't be able to hold on for too long."

Wang Feng's words made the three company commanders and instructors, who were still thinking about how to act, suddenly their eyes lit up.

That's right!

Don't we have a lot of corpses of little Japanese and puppet soldiers?

These can all be used. , beasts, how can they treat them as human beings?

Looking at the three company commanders, who were thoughtful, Wang Feng knew that the three of them had realized it, so he looked directly at the air defense company and said:"The air defense company , you are arranged among the trees on the top of King Han's mountain, and you find your own positions."

"Your air defense company can't expose its target before the general offensive is launched, right?"Looking at the air defense company commander Tian Mingchuan, Wang Feng was very serious.

"This is the second time your air defense company has participated in the battle, so don't worry about not fighting. When the charge horn sounds and the general offensive begins, you will find the opportunity by yourself without any orders from the headquarters."

Hearing Wang Feng's words, the air defense company commander Tian Mingchuan and instructor Wang Lei immediately nodded and said solemnly:"Yes, captain, the air defense company will definitely complete its mission."

In yesterday's battle, the air defense company soldiers showed confidence. Although they were just rookies on the battlefield and their second actual combat, their psychological quality was passable. They can use their training skills in battle. But if it's like Bai Bai Like war veterans, who can do whatever they want, they still have a long way to go.


Wang Feng nodded when he heard the words, looked at the artillery company, and said:"Artillery company, your task is very simple. When the explosion sounds, your artillery company will pour artillery shells directly into Hanwang Town. I will give you half of each cannon. base shell share"

"You have to fight it out in the shortest possible time, do you understand?"Wang Feng is the most assured of the artillery company.

"Yes, Captain!"

The artillery company commander Wu Long stood up, saluted the attacker and said.

After the task was assigned, Wang Feng didn't talk nonsense and said directly:"Okay, everyone starts taking action. We want the gunfire to ring out so that the gunfire can't stop."

"At the same time, we must bury explosives and artillery shells deeply and quickly. We must take good protection to prevent an aerial bomb from a little devil from blowing up our explosive packs."At the end, Wang Feng couldn't help but remind him

"Yes, Captain!"

When everyone heard Wang Feng's words, they all saluted, and then turned around one by one to prepare.

Soon, intermittent gunshots and explosions rang out again in Hanwang Town, which had already calmed down. Of course, the frequency was not too high.

At the same time, there are also some roars mixed in. These roars include people from the Celestial Empire and little devils. However, the roars of the little devils are a little different.

"The emperor is dead!"

"The emperor eats shit!"

"Bagya Road, the Emperor!"

"The ancestor of the Japanese devils, Baga!"

"Baga, the little devil is dead!"

And in Hanwang Town, Gao Yuan, a thin young man, said in a milky voice:"Please be serious, it's Baga. Stop your dialects.""

"Bagh Ya Road, just Bagh Ya Road, don’t mix in other things."

"And that comrade, can you please stop joining in the fun with your Northeastern dialect and speak calmly, can't you?"


The Sixth Company, the Seventh Company, and the Eighth Company began to rehearse their acting skills in Hanwang Town, preparing to show the little Japanese pilots.

The soldiers of the guard company, led by deputy captain Zhao Tianyu, headed towards Changyi County and selected some places as blocking locations.

The soldiers of the fourth and fifth companies were calm and began to dig out their hiding places.

In comparison, the artillery company and the air defense company only need to drill into the Wangshan forest. They also need to dig some hiding places for themselves.

As for Wang Feng, Luo Mingfei, and Yao Jianming, they also left Hanwang Town and came to the mountains outside Hanwang Town to establish a headquarters.

Wang Feng, Luo Mingfei, and Yao Jianming stood on the ridge, looking at Hanwang Town below.

"The sun is coming out!"

Suddenly, Yao Jianming's voice sounded

"Well, the weather is nice today. It seems that God knows that we are going to kill the little devils here today."

Looking at the rising sun, Wang Feng couldn't help but smile.

"You can do it! As soon as Wang

Feng said these words, Luo Mingfei couldn't help but curl his lips, and said, not wanting to give Wang Feng face,"Does this weather have something to do with you killing Japanese?" God knows, I think God will listen to you. Whatever you say, it will be whatever you say!"

Luo Mingfei's words made Yao Jianming burst into laughter. Wang Feng was also speechless and couldn't help but shake his head and laugh.




Not long after the sun rose, the sound of airplane engines could be heard in the distant sky.

"Say Cao Cao Cao Cao is here!"

The three people couldn't help but look at each other and laughed.

Then they all left the mountain ridge and led into the mountains and forests to prevent the Japs' planes from discovering them.

Only five or six minutes after they left, they saw two Japs' reconnaissance planes. It flew over Hanwang Town and hovered in the air several times. However, because the Sixth Company, Seventh Company, and Eighth Company below acted very realistically to prevent hurting their own people, they did not fire.

Moreover, what is interesting is that when the small company When the Japanese plane was circling, the recalcitrant"little devils" cheered one by one, shouting


"Baghya Road!"


Among these words, there is a relatively conspicuous Northeastern dialect:"Baga! Little devil, my x ancestor!"

………………_Feilu reminds you: three things about reading-collecting and recommending

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