"Smoke less cigarettes, it's not good for your health."

Li Li wanted to say this to Su Beibei when he first saw it.

Hearing this, Su Beibei said something that every old smoker has said: "I'll quit smoking tomorrow." When she said this, she sounded like a scumbag who promised not to cheat next time.

Li Li: "I think the possibility of realizing this is very small."

Su Beibei put out the cigarette, pressed the cigarette butt into the soil, and saw that it was completely extinguished, so she opened the xylitol chewing gum and threw it into her mouth to chew.

"Really quit smoking," she added.

Li Li didn't dampen her confidence this time. "Sleep." Li Li took Su Beibei to lie down and covered Su Beibei's eyes.

Su Beibei kept silent, pretending to sleep with him.

After a while, Li Li's hand was taken away from Su Beibei's eyes, his breathing became gentle, and he was obviously asleep. Only then did Su Beibei stretch out her hand from the bed. She opened WeChat and read the message sent by the private detective at noon again.

——[Li Li, born in 1991, a native of Wangdongcheng. His father, Li Yao, died in March 2006. Cause of death: He jumped off a building after hitting someone while driving while drunk. Mother Shu Yunmin, an ordinary fish vendor

Note: After investigation, it was found that the couple killed by Li Yao were the parents of the employer. 】

When I saw this message at noon today, Su Beibei was a little confused.

She never imagined that Li Li was the young man back then. �€�

It was an early morning in the early spring of 2006, and the sky was drizzling. Nine-year-old Su Beibei was still sleeping on the bed when she was rudely awakened by her grandmother.

Su Beibei opened her eyes and met her grandmother's red eyes. She was startled on the spot. "Grandma, what's wrong with you?"

Grandma wiped her eyes, put a cold jacket next to Su Beibei, and said to her, "Beibei, put on the jacket, and grandma will take you to see your parents for the last time."

Su Beibei realized what happened, and it was not a good thing.

She was stuffed into a taxi by her grandmother and went straight to Yulongyuan Bridge. Along the way, her grandmother kept wiping her tears, crying until her shoulders trembled. Su Beibei was frightened and didn't dare to cry.

When she arrived at Yulongyuan Bridge, she saw a group of staff in police uniforms and a rescue team responsible for salvaging the remains.

Su Beibei and her grandmother were brought to the body covered by two white cloths by a policewoman. When the body was uncovered and the appearance of her son and daughter-in-law was clearly seen, the grandmother let out a cry, and sat on the ground and collapsed and cried, crying my son, my daughter-in-law.

Su Beibei was a little stupid at that time.

Of course she knew what death was, but she just never thought that she would see what her parents looked like after they died. After being stunned for a few seconds, she came back to her senses and screamed.

I don't know how long it took, in front of Su Beibei, a handsome and handsome young man appeared. The boy seemed to have cried, and his eyes were very red and swollen. He was holding a card in his hand, his hands were shaking.

The people next to them were pointing at them, and Su Beibei heard someone say:

"Look, that's the perpetrator's son. I heard that the perpetrator has committed suicide by jumping off the building."

"Oh, it's really a sin. I bumped into someone, said I jumped off the building and jumped off the building, leaving my wife and son behind is really a coward!"

Su Beibei looked up at the boy with hatred in her eyes.

With a plop, the boy knelt in front of Su Beibei.

He knelt down and kowtowed his head forcefully in front of Su Beibei, saying sorry while kowtowing.

Su Beibei stared at him with hateful eyes and said nothing.

"I'm sorry, it was my father who killed your parents and made you lose your family. I'm sorry, I'm sorry for my father!"

The boy tremblingly raised his hands and handed a bank card to Su Beibei. The teenager looked at Su Beibei's childish face with tears in his eyes, he cried and said, "here are all the savings of our family, a total of 130,000 yuan, and I will give them all to you. My mother and I decided to sell the house, and we will also lose the money for selling the house. Give you."

"Little sister, I'm sorry!"

Su Beibei suddenly pushed the boy hard.

The boy fell backwards, his head hitting the ground. He grunted and didn't get up. Su Beibei rushed at him, scratched and bit him, and shouted, "I don't want your money, I just want my parents, I don't want your money, I just want my parents to survive!"

"You give me back my parents!"

The teenager lay on the ground, crying and saying to her, "I'm sorry, I can't give them back to you"

Su Beibei understood everything like she woke up from a big dream. Her parents are really dead and will never open their eyes again.

"I will never forgive you." Su Beibei glanced at the young man angrily, and ran away crying.

Later, her grandmother still received the compensation from the other party. A few days later, Su Beibei heard that the boy and his mother had sold the house, because the house had been killed, it was a murder house, and the selling price was very low. The money for selling the house was also paid to Su Beibei. After that, the boy and his mother became homeless and their whereabouts are unknown.

After her parents were buried, Su Beibei and her grandmother cleaned up the house together and planned to go back to the county to study with her grandmother. When she was packing, she and her grandmother discovered her father's notes during his lifetime.

In that note, Mu Mian's shocking secret was recorded. Grandma vaguely guessed that the death of her son and daughter-in-law was not an accident. She took the diary and wanted to report Mu Mian to the police station.

On the way to the police station, Grandma Su had a car accident and her notes were stolen. Grandma Su was taken to the hospital, but never woke up.

In just one month, Su Beibei lost all her relatives one after another. She lost her words and became mute. At this time, Mu Mian appeared, and he sent Su Beibei to study abroad on the pretext of taking care of his friend's daughter.

The ten-year-old Su Beibei left the motherland. At a young age, she lived alone in the UK with only one nanny who accompanied her.

Autism, language barriers, and loneliness, Su Beibei's life was not easy in those years.

In the first few years of her arrival in the UK, Mu Mian would still give her money. After a long time, when everyone else began to forget Su Bu Wang, Mu Mian also forgot Su Beibei, Su Bu Wang's widow.

Su Beibei grew up in the UK with the money the teenager had paid for. At the age of twenty, Su Beibei secretly returned to China and began to investigate Mu Mian secretly. As the investigation unfolded, Su Beibei came into contact with many shocking things.

She asked for a relationship, and saw the autopsy report of her parents after the accident that year, and found that drug substances were detected in their parents' remains.

That is to say, when the car accident happened that year, the parents in the car were probably in a coma!

An unmanned car driving on the road, of course, will have an accident!

Su Beibei realized that the death of her parents was not the fault of the drunk driver at all, but a game planned by Mu Mian! The alcoholic driver who killed his parents is the biggest scapegoat!

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