At this time, Su Yang, who was in the room, still knew nothing about the situation outside.

He was used to writing for a while and then taking a break.

This is to make it look like there is a process of conception.

Fortunately, the program team prepared a lot of good refreshing things for the room.

After a short rest, he continued to write...

["Doing this is equivalent to perishing together......."someone said]

["It is better to die together than to sit and wait for death."Wang Lei's deep voice sounded. After hearing Liu Qi's thoughts, he already approved his plan.]

["Anyone want to quit?"He slowly turned around and faced everyone, his tone extremely firm.]

[Before, he failed to save Gangzi, failed to save Han Ziang, failed to save Huang Ming, failed to save his wife and children......]

[Not to mention not being able to save all the people in the entire Hangzhou underground city!]

[but......Now there is another opportunity before him, and he must not miss it again!]

[Even the result of this effort is still in vain]

[But he tried! He worked hard for the destiny of all mankind!]

[He is not a man who gets discouraged so easily. As long as there is a glimmer of hope for him, he will hold on tightly!]......

【So handsome! Real man Wang Lei!】

【I don’t know what you are thinking of, but I am thinking of Jiang Wei......

His statement that if this plan fails, it is fate, really moved me. They will definitely succeed this time!】

【That's right! Destiny will definitely be on their side this time!】

【What's going on?】

【Let us go and save the world!!!】......

[After hearing Wang Lei’s words, no one responded.]

[But they gave their own answers with their own actions]

[Everyone is facing Jupiter, looking up at the planet]

[They are about to do something big!]

[Just wait, Jupiter, I will make you look good later!]

[Do you want to tear the earth apart? Then pass our level first!]

[As soon as the screen changed, the transport vehicle had already started.]

[On the endless ice field, the figures of the protagonist and his group are so abrupt.]

[At this time, in the space station, MOSS's voice sounded]

["Fire plan evacuation procedures initiated"]

[Its cold voice penetrated into Liu Peiqiang's head. The man sat on the chair, thinking about whether there was any way.]

[Is there really nothing he can do?......?]

[Could he really just watch this happen?]......

[on the ice sheet]

["All rescue teams......All rescue teams are evacuating!"Li Yiyi's voice trembled]

[The scene at this time echoes the beginning of the plot.]

[At that time, Han Ziang drove Liu Qi and Han Duoduo in his car and prepared to go back to the underground city.]

[At that time, they were the only ones going against the grain, and there were countless carrier vehicles driving towards each engine in front of them.]

[And now, they are still the only ones going against the grain!]

[However, this time they are the only ones still thinking about going to the engine!]

[But it’s not the fault of these departing rescue teams.]

[After all, in their view, mankind is at the end of its rope]

[In this desperate time, it’s better to go home early and spend time with your family.]......

【The only rebels, they wanted to go home at first, but now they are fighting for all mankind!】

【Let me go, Su Yang's hand echoes from beginning to end is really amazing! I already have a picture in my mind!】

【The feeling of the first scene was touching, but now the feeling of this scene is tragic!】

【Yes, they are the only ones in the entire human race who are still working hard, right?】......

["Call the Navigator space station. Call the Navigator space station. Please answer if you hear it."]

[Wang Lei, who saw the huge evacuation team in front of him in the car, called Liu Peiqiang on the communication channel]

["Repeat, call the Navigator space station."Wang Lei's expression now has a hint of excitement,"We have a new solution, please answer when you hear it."]

[But this time, when Liu Qi saw Wang Lei calling his father, the unhappy expression was no longer on his face.]

[But after waiting for a long time, there was still no sound from the communication channel.]

["The communication channel is blocked!"Wang Lei's voice deepened.]

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