Legend of Ling Tian

Part Two, Chapter 42: The Yang Family’s Actions

\u0026lt; Today's second update. My health is much better; thank you brothers for your concern. Please recommend! \u0026gt;

"Send more people out to carefully observe the movements of the Ling family, the Wang family, and the royal family, and investigate in detail all the big and small actions of the three families before this matter, and report to me for every detail! Yang Lei, bring some capable people. Go to the capital to defend, and investigate the people who have come to Chengtian for nearly half a month, especially those who come from the south, and take care of them! Yang Yun, quickly send someone to Nangong's house to inform Nangong Patriarch of this matter, and remember to report everything Report in detail without missing a single thing."

Although he suddenly suffered such a drastic change, Yang Kongqun was worthy of being an outstanding man of his generation, and quickly settled down, the incident has happened and the person is dead; no matter what consequences he thinks about, it doesn't matter anymore. Now that it happened, the only thing to do is face it, and face it calmly, regardless of whether the current result is good or bad.

Yang Kongqun was not in a hurry, sending out instructions one after another like flowing water, orderly and without any chaos. Everyone in the Yang family, who was in a mess, calmed down instantly when they heard Yang Kongqun's commanding voice. Everyone stood quietly, responded to every order of Yang Kongqun, bowed and obeyed, and left.

Yang Kongqun stood with his hands behind his back, looking at the night sky. He had already imagined that tomorrow morning, the whole capital would be in chaos because of his decision! The wind is rumbling, and the grass and trees are all soldiers. Over the years, the true elite strength of the Yang family will also be exposed to the world for the first time. ! Knowing that such a decision will inevitably arouse even greater suspicion from the royal family, Yang Kongqun has no choice now!

The best of the best, the purpose is not to chase the murderer. Everyone knows that the possibility of catching the cold-blooded murderer immediately is infinitely close to zero. This is a gesture, a gesture to show the Nangong family! It is also an attitude to serve the people of the world! Your son was killed on my territory, you are sad, and I am even more angry! I am using the greatest strength to actively solve the murder, and I have not neglected in the slightest.

In addition, this kind of behavior is also used to express to the Nangong family: Your son's death is not caused by our Yang family! In the land of my Yang family, if an ally of my Yang family has an accident, my Yang family will definitely give him justice. Even if there are serious consequences, the Yang family will not hesitate. This is the attitude of the Yang family towards partners!

It's a pity that if one mistake is made, the whole game will be lost!

The only thing that exceeded Yang Kongqun's budget, but what Yang Kongqun didn't know, was that the reaction of the Yang family had already been expected by Ling Tian. What kind of power Yang Kongqun would display this time was what Ling Tian was concerned about. It is also one of his main purposes.

With a sound of "whispering", Nangong Yu woke up leisurely, tears streaming down his face. Yang Kongqun let out a long sigh, and approached slowly, with fluttering white beards: "Niece Nangong, this is the end of the matter, please let me be sorry, should we let Brother Ling go into the coffin first?" After thinking for a long time, he couldn't say any words of comfort, Any words are so pale and powerless to family members whose loved ones died suddenly. In desperation, the only thing that can be said and done is to let the headless corpse be buried in the coffin as a ceremony, but it is impossible to bury it. Nangong Le must return to the ancestral grave of the Nangong family before he can be buried in peace.

The pale Nangong Yu stood up slowly with the help of the servant: "Thank you, Patriarch Yang, for your concern. I will not avenge this revenge, and I swear that I will not be a human being!" Turning to the guard beside him: "The one who went with my second brother, but still Has anyone come back alive?" Although the voice was still trembling, it was cold and murderous.

"There are two other people, but they are also seriously injured, and they are still unconscious until now. Patriarch Yang is sending someone to give first aid, but the injuries are too serious to be optimistic." A guard bowed.

"Take me to have a look!" Nangong Yu gave Yang Kongqun a light salute, "My niece will leave." It was obvious that he didn't intend to let the Yang family go with him. Obviously very suspicious of the Yang family.

Yang Kongqun nodded slightly, looking at Nangong Yu's back with deep eyes. Although the person died under the protection of my Yang family, my Yang family is certainly to blame. But up to now, there is only one way to face it calmly. My Yang family has done my best to investigate and arrest the murderer. Although there is no result yet, I have done my best to ask myself. If your Nangong family is still dissatisfied with something, suspicious of something, or even turned against me because of this matter, then my Yang family will also Not necessarily afraid of your Nangong family!

"How is it? Are you awake?" Although the guards of the Yang family who fled back had told about the details, Nangong Yu still believed in the guards of his own family! Who knew that wasn't an excuse to raise a family?

"Not yet, the two of them are similar to most of the guards. Both of them have a sword in the chest that pierces through the back. The murderer's attack is so fierce that it is rare in the world. If these two were not lucky, the sword was a little bit stronger. By half a point, the lives of these two people are as dead as the others! Even so, the trauma is still too severe, and we are really not sure that we can revive the wounded!" A doctor still had blood on his hands, respectfully answer.

"Okay, you guys go out first." After everyone left, only the Nangong family and his party were left in the room.

"With the power of one person, he slaughtered more than a hundred guards in the effort of a cup of tea, and he was not injured! Hehehe..." Nangong Yu smiled bitterly, "Four people are walking together, and the three young masters of the Yang family are even skinned. It didn't scratch a piece, but my second brother lost his head! This matter is really funny!" Nangong Yu sneered.

"Miss, what should we do?" a bodyguard said.

"Take out my life-saving Ginseng King, and give each of them a piece!" Nangong Yu's voice was extremely indifferent.

"Miss is sympathetic to the guards. I am very grateful. It's just that the ginseng king is a rare elixir, which is extremely precious. The two of them are seriously injured. Even if they take the medicine, it will be in vain. Why waste the ginseng elixir..." Another A close guard said.

"Shen Wang is a rare panacea. Even if he is a person who must die, he should revive his soul for a while. These two people still have a breath, and they are the only ones who can tell what happened, so they don't want to do it!" Nangong Yu urged

"Yes, the villain will feed the medicine immediately!" The close guard quickly took out a small warm jade box, and took out a piece of snow-white ginseng cut into pieces. It really has the magical effect of reviving the soul and continuing life.

The guard took a jade knife, carefully cut off two small pieces, put them into the mouth of the dying guard, and waited for the result.

Wanmu silently waited for the rain to come!

After what seemed like a moment, and what seemed like a long time, a low moaning sound reached everyone's ears. On the couch, a severely injured guard's closed eyes slowly opened a gap. Seeing Nangong Yu standing beside him, his dying eyes suddenly lit up!

Nangong Yu was shocked, and bent down: "Li Gang, maybe you have spoken? I have something to ask you."

Li Gang made the sound of bloody phlegm rolling in his throat, and the sound of breathing was like a torn bellows. Every time he gasped, it seemed to be extremely difficult. ; seemed to want to say something, but couldn't say it, and his body trembled even more urgently.

Nangong Yu's eyes lit up, and she put her ear to his mouth: "Li Gang, what do you want to say? Don't worry, the room is full of our own people, you can say it with peace of mind."

Li Gang's lips moved up and down, but he couldn't speak, and the look in his eyes was even more anxious. Finally, there was a gurgling sound in the throat, and a mouthful of blood mixed with blood clots flowed out of his lips, but he was finally able to speak, and a faint voice finally came out of his mouth: "...Little...Sister..."

Nangong Yu's expression changed: "I'm listening."

Li Gang's voice was as weak as a candle in the wind, so low that he couldn't hear it if he didn't pay attention, but this weak voice, in Nangong Yu's ears, turned into a huge thunder on a sunny day!

"...then... the killer... is...,... a... person... from the Yang family... for... for... the master's plan for... the Ling family... little... Miss... you... ..." The voice became weaker and weaker, and finally there was another "clack" sound in the throat. Li Gang lost his breath, his eyes still opened with anger!

Although Shen Wang had a miraculous effect and brought the dying guard back to life for a moment, it was not the elixir of resurrection after all, so Li Gang finally died.

However, the few words he said before he died contained shocking news that could turn the world upside down!

Nangong Yu stood up and clenched her hands, as if she could no longer control the rage and hatred in her heart!

For some reason, Nangong Yu, who should have lost his mind, suddenly became indifferent again! Suddenly, Nangong Yu, who was about to explode, completely calmed down. From the feeling of extreme movement to extreme stillness, everyone felt panicked.

Nangong Yu's pretty face was icy cold, and the murderous aura in her eyes seemed to freeze...

Beside her, another guard who was also seriously injured was falling into a coma, panting quickly, as if pulling a bellows in his throat, his body twitched intermittently, and he saw that he was breathing less and breathing more.

Nangong Yu hesitated for a while, then suddenly looked cold, turned her back, thrust her left hand back, exerted a little force on the hand, the guard's eyes suddenly opened wide, and there was a "click" on the neck, the neck bone was twisted by her, Without saying a word, he died.

Facing everyone's surprised and puzzled eyes, Nangong Yu gently pulled out a snow-white silk from his bosom, wiped his hands slowly, and said indifferently: "If the Yang family knows that we have learned of this conspiracy, I'm afraid we will Everyone who comes to Chengtian next time will die without a place to bury him. This person was seriously injured and his life will not be long, we cannot take this risk."

With a movement of the jade hand, the snow-white silk scarf floated up and gently covered the guard's eyes that were dying...

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