Legend of Infinite Mecha

Chapter 237: Gundam 01 blast

Called Gundam 1 by OZ, it is the Flying Wing Gundam piloted by Shiro, and it is currently the only Gundam that has fallen into the hands of OZ.

It took a full week after Telles and others participated in the rally that the order to explode Gundam was given to Jacques.

Obviously, on this issue, Telles and Juggs have at least similar views, and Telles, who is sympathetic to his subordinates, also gave Juggs time to prepare and act in his own way.

Now, technicians who have known the strength of Gundam Nimes and the structure of each inch of the body have installed a large number of high-performance explosives up to 1. Is lying reclining on the **** of Lake Victoria.

Investigators from the consortium wear black suits and cylinder hats on their heads. Sitting on this boat on the surface of Lake Victoria.

Jigusi personally directed the blasting operations from this ship.

"It's ready."

Jigusi nodded, and gave the order: "Start."

After receiving the order of Jigusi, the Mesa technician in charge of the installation started the countdown and pressed the blasting button.

After a blink of an eye, Gundam's body swelled up with the flash, and fragments were scattered after an explosion.

There should have been small fragments flying near the ship that was far enough away. The surface of the lake was stirred with droplets, and the thick smoke rising from the blasting site was blown away by the wind, exposing the blasting debris with the armor peeled off like bones. The skeleton was bent and broken due to the force of the explosion and the high heat. There is not even a trace left.

Such a scene can be said to be more thorough than when Shiro blew himself up.

"The destruction of Gundam 1 has been completed, Investigator Ahad." After confirming with binoculars, Mesa turned and reported to the destruction monitor sent by the consortium.

"I have indeed seen them all. But can we recover these fragments?" Ahad, a slightly obese middle-aged man, pushed his round glasses up a bit and asked Mesa.

"Is there anything dissatisfied with the information we put forward?"

Mesa's expression turned a little gloomy.

Ahad's fat lips floated with a smile: "I still have to use my own eyes to confirm the team. It is not easy for this report to satisfy the stubborn old gentlemen of the Rome Phila Consortium!"

"Please do it yourself."

Jigusi nodded generously, and Ahad and his entourage walked out of the bridge after nodding silently in salute.

"However, there is probably nothing suspicious. Jigusi Magis is not a man who can easily show his feet." Ahad changed to a rubber dinghy tied to the side of the boat and faced the blasting site. Talking to himself while moving forward.

"There are no more parts up to 1 in the Lake Victoria base." The subordinate sitting behind, wearing sunglasses and a black suit, reported.

"That guy is a man who cherishes MS, a man who will not change his actions for us."

"What good will it do for Jagus to resist the Rom Phila Consortium?"

"I don't know what Jigusi thought! The era began to be controlled by the Roman Phila consortium. In order to show sincerity to the gorgeous bourgeoisie, as long as Jigusi's betrayal is true." With. Ahad looked up at the approaching destroyed Gundam: "It's almost time for reports from other parties to come in. In this case, let Jigusi be a betrayer..." With a sly smile, Ahad said to himself.

"After all, I just want to make a better assessment result on the consortium. This investigator... No matter how much he checks, he won't find anything inconsistent with the information!" Mesa watched far away. The investigator's rubber dinghy shrugged his shoulders to the masked boss beside him.

"I'm sorry to ask you to help perform such a boring farce." Jigusi said to Mesa.

The blasted unit 1 was a fake model made out of Torgis’ spare parts and the remaining Gundam Nim alloy. Fortunately, the most difficult part of the cockpit, OZ, did not get any detailed information, so it was able to fool it.

Moreover, due to the increased amount of explosives, even the original form was completely destroyed. From the fragments alone, it is impossible to find anything further than the facts written in the report.

"I also think it would be a shame to destroy that 1 for nothing. However. That's it, Torgis' spare parts are almost all used up."

"Really? Then you can't break it casually."

With his profound words, Mesa Xin laughed like a joke: "There won't be any manipulators who can hurt the special school and Torgis."

"No, there is, at least one."

Not even knowing whether he was alive or dead, the shadow of the manipulator named Shiro Wei appeared in Jigusi's mind.

At this time, at the bottom of this invisible lake in Lake Victoria, Wing Gundam, holding a burst rifle, was lying quietly. Occasionally, a few tiny bubbles that were not discharged when entering the water emerged from this body. They were hidden in the oxygen bubbles emerging from the water body, making it impossible to distinguish.

At this time. Hiero and Troy are in the port capital of Sicily facing the Mediterranean-to meet Marshal Nobenta's wife.

"This is the last one. Are you satisfied?" Troy asked Shiro after walking out of the gate of the mansion built on the high platform.

"It's not that simple."

Xiluo had gone to meet the seven relatives of the Marshal, all of them handed them pistols just like Silvia did at that time, and accepted their trial. Some people were angry, some were in tears, and some didn't say anything but just softly asked him to leave, and they didn't know if they forgave him. However, Shiro has no other method of atonement other than this.

The old lady Nobenta, who had a gentle temperament similar to Silvia, only shook her head at Shiro who handed out the pistol. Nothing else was said. Shiro couldn't tell who the sad expression was for.

Anyway, in this way, the final atonement is also over.

"Although it was a mistake, the death of the peaceists is unforgivable, and it is completely in OZ's strategy... I am not ignorant of your feelings, but like this, I entrust my destiny to The survivors of the murdered are really..."

"I just want to do this."

To Chilowa's suspicious whisper, Shiro just answered without expression.

He slowly walked down the ramp to the port.

"What are you going to do in the future?" Troy asked as he walked on the pavement.

"What about you?"

In turn, Shiro asked rhetorically. Troy was silent. Up to now, I have been following Shiro's actions, but also because there is nothing else to do.

"They are both, there is no purpose, is it?" Trovar smiled bitterly on his face.

After walking for about five minutes. Come to the center of the town. It's not a big town, but just a seaside town with a thriving fishing industry.

"But then again, did you find it?" As he walked into the main road lined by small vendors on both sides. Troy whispered to Shiro beside him.

"Ah... isn't it a black car? It has been following us since we got out of the mansion." Shiro replied without looking back.

"When you have been doing this kind of thing, I think it is only a matter of time." Troy said to himself.

"I'll solve it." Shiro, who asked in the usual cold voice, was about to take action, but was stopped by Troy.

"Wait a minute! With a body like yours, don't be brave, I'll trip to those guys."


"Meet in the original place." As soon as he finished speaking, Troy immediately turned and rushed towards the car behind him.

The car following was surprised and hurriedly stepped on the brakes--

Troy leaped on the hood lightly, just soared down from behind, jogging away as if nothing had happened.

The stalkers were attracted by Troy’s accidental act. Shiro took the opportunity to escape from the small road without being noticed by anyone, while the stalkers rushed out of the car door in a panic and headed straight. Troy ran after him in the direction he had fled.

Troy looked back and confirmed that the trackers were all concentrated on his side and fled into the alley. On the one hand, the speed is adjusted so that the tracker will not completely lose his track. While running in the staggered and complicated alleys.

"Is it almost too?" Troy muttered to himself without panting and blushing after dragging the tracker back and forth for a few minutes. Then look around yourself.

Narrow paths with five or six-story high apartments were built on both sides. There is still a rope hanging in between, like a clothesline. Now there are shirts and sheets swaying in the dry wind.

"Just use that..."

After Troy jumped onto the rope on the second floor, he moved to a higher position. Just like in the circus where he hid before, like a light Swift, tumbling in the air.

After a few breaths. Troy was standing on the clothesline on the fourth floor. The clothes under his feet didn't seem to hinder him at all-but even if it wasn't, the tracker didn't even notice that he was looking up.

The trackers looked around and drove away after confirming that they had lost their target.

"Can't cause commotion in this kind of place, either."

Standing on the swaying rope and talking to himself, Troy began to walk step by step towards the nearest window.

The meeting place agreed by Trova and Shiro was the harbor gate warehouse where the heavy-armed Gundam trailers were hidden.


As soon as Troy walked into the dark warehouse with the lighting turned off, Shiro threw the apple in his hand as if expressing gratitude.

"Don't worry," Troy grabbed the apple with one hand with ease, "Come on, if you want to carry this, it probably won't work by land..."

"Do you use a boat?"

"I actually have a ship that I've seen a long time ago. However, it would be quite troublesome if someone like that just now had nitrile with his eyes open."

What to do next, and how to go, the two teenagers fell into contemplation.

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