Chapter 332

“The two elders have always had high demands on me, and the university sent me abroad, which was a lot of expenses for them. But they didn’t have any complaints, and I just graduated last year.” Qin Mu didn’t expect that what he heard in the news was completely different from what Wen Jingbai said, but he didn’t think Wen Jingbai was lying. Just a little investigation into this kind of thing would reveal the truth. There was no need for Wen Jingbai to lie. , then what is the reason for the difference between what he saw in the news and what he said.

“But when I came back, I found that my father was in a lawsuit for a certain matter. In order to fight the lawsuit, most of the family’s savings was spent, not only for me to study, but also to spend my mind on the court. The family barely made ends meet. .” Wen Jingbai said this with a look of embarrassment, Qin Mu could not have imagined that there was such a difficulty behind this bright-faced person.

“What’s the matter?” Qin Mu grasped the point. Wen Jingbai’s father was just an ordinary civil servant, so why would he get a lawsuit.

“It’s all because of that hypocritical deputy chief!” Wen Jingbai gritted his teeth and said, unable to suppress the anger in his eyes, “My father took over the planning of a city project a year ago, which was arranged by the leaders above. As the person in charge, he needs full control, but the deputy chief is obviously dissatisfied with the arrangement of the chief! I feel very dissatisfied that the chief did not hand over the power to his confidants, but he cannot act in front of the chief. My father,” he took a sip of water to suppress his anger, and continued, “the deputy chief asked my father to make false accounts and cut corners on materials, in order to obtain oil and water to satisfy his selfish desires, but my father The deputy chief was rejected on the spot.”

“The deputy chief felt that your father had disobeyed him, and he left at the time of disgrace. But after that, he gave your father a mess, making his work unsatisfactory everywhere, and now he has even framed him for corruption and bribery in taking over the project. What happened after that was just like what Qin Mu saw on the news, the people with power squeezed those who didn’t have power, and the real good people were powerless to resist, even if Qin Mu didn’t watch the news, he could guess after this What happens, this kind of thing is too normal no matter where or in any position.  … This society has so much darkness, but where there is darkness, there is light. Just like Wen Jingbai’s father, knowing the consequences of offending the deputy chief, he refused such a thing righteously, because he knew in his heart that he was in his position and fulfilled his responsibilities, and what was beneficial to the people. It is what he should do to benefit the society.

How could he not help such a bright person?

“I know what you mean, I’ll take this case.” Qin Mu got up and prepared to leave.

“Don’t worry, if what you said is true, I will definitely not let my father be slandered like this!”

When Qin Mu tried every case, he made his own choice, which was also a requirement he made to himself when he was practicing, and he was worthy of his conscience.

Beforehand, the assistant will be asked to conduct a simple investigation, whether the client’s appeal is reasonable, and whether the case is as the client said,

Qin Mu hopes to use his power to bring some warmth to the victim.

Qin Mu’s heart is longing for the good, but in this world… He can only try his best to be himself and not forget his original intention. .

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