The latest website: The senior ghost assassin resumed his sign language, and the four ghost assassins behind him nodded, carefully following the captain who changed the route, and far away from the dancing pink plaque.

After walking forward about dozens of steps, he guessed that he was already close to the temporary warehouse where the Ice Dragon Cannon was placed, so the captain signed in sign language, wanting the subordinate with the most powerful perception to confirm whether his judgment was wrong,

After turning around, the swaying soul fire was almost extinguished, and at some point, there was no one behind him, only the shadow line that looked particularly scary approaching him like a **** mouth.

What the hell, where are the four ghost assassins my age? If you say no, it will be gone?

The incomprehensible and incomprehensible sudden situation made the senior Nether Assassin feel the bone-piercing chill that is rare after being Nethered, and forced himself to calm down, but the pink heart that was deliberately avoided just now appeared in the mind of the Senior Nether Assassin. Plaque, if there is anything abnormal, there is probably only one spot.

Holding the ectoplasm dagger in his hand (referring to the ghost equipment made of soul, which is specially used by most of the underworld legion without flesh), the assassin captain turned around and set foot on the road back. The possibility of him completing the task alone Insignificant, since this is the case, it is better to retreat and actively fight against the anomaly, maybe there is still a chance to save the situation.

The route in the shadow field is ever-changing, and it is very difficult to find a fixed direction from the shadow line that is always disconnected, but this is not a big problem for the assassin captain, but when he returns to the previous position, the pink spot Block had disappeared as if it had never been there, let alone four of his minions.

The assassin captain looked at the 'calm' shadow space. At this moment, it seemed that there was a cold demon eye watching his every move and playing with his soul.

Going back is meaningless. The assassin captain can feel that because his soul fluctuates too violently, it has already attracted some attention from the shadow domain. If he continues to stay, the strange eyes will completely stare at him, and he will Can no longer leave.

If he wants to survive, he can only go through the shadow realm to the material realm at the fastest speed to complete the task of destroying the Ice Dragon Cannon, and then find a way to leave from the material realm. He really doesn't have the courage to face this weird situation again .

No more hesitation, the captain of the assassin devoted 120,000 points of attention to speed up his steps and rushed forward. He was about to reach the place he had marked before, but a familiar call came from behind.


Kerclough, this was the name given to him by his parents when he was alive. After his death, his merits were not enough, and he had not yet been given the name by the Maharaja, so he kept his old name for the time being.

Unable to suppress the impulse of his body at all, the captain of the assassin turned his head and saw that the woman who was talking to him was a tavern prostitute whom he loved deeply when he was still alive.

A head of thick and smooth black long hair hangs loosely around the waist, and the charming watery eyes are enough to make any man with a weak mind fall in love. It's as delicious and attractive, and it's as soft and soft as a milk bun just out of the cage. It wants to make people tear off the light pink skirt and let them hold it with one hand.

The former self was crazy about the owner of this body, and even made an appointment to live together. Unfortunately, after death, all expectations disappeared. It has been more than two hundred years since he returned to the material realm. This body The owner has already become a dust that has dissipated in history.

Since the woman in front of him has long since died, who is the woman in front of him?

Who else could this woman be?

【Su Lisi, I, I miss you so much...No, Su Lisi is already dead! She is the enemy, she is not Su Lisi! 】

To Kerclough's despair, he clearly knew that Su Lisi was the enemy's disguised character. Ready to fight... But the body just doesn't obey, like a child staggering towards its mother, slowly approaching the other party unsuspectingly.

Kerclough's soul fire swayed wildly, what kind of weird spell is this? Can the Shadow Realm still use the charm technique? Are the laws of the two worlds different?

"Hey, come to my side and have a good sleep."

Like the deadliest lover, "Su Lisi" in a charming pink dress suddenly took out a sharp bone-eviscerating knife from behind, and the woman walked towards her with catwalks, making no secret of her killing intent.

【Don't go, **** it! I can't go over! Why is there such a monster in the shadow field! Ahhh!

! 】

The distance of more than ten steps was only a few seconds for the two people walking towards each other, all resistance was useless, 'Su Lisi' finally stabbed the boning knife gently into the eye socket of the unsuspecting man , pierced through the swaying soul fire.

The moment Kerclough died, 'Suris' had turned into a purple female demon with a long tail of a demon. It was not a boning knife that pierced Kerclough's soul body, but a female demon like a blade. An ordinary tail, whoever it is if it’s not Yin Fulin.

As if sucking juice from a straw, Invelin hummed a song and slowed down the speed of extracting the soul, enjoying the high-quality soul delivered to her door. It was not until Kerclough was squeezed out that Inveline retracted her tail and watched Cole off. Clough's soul body turned into a faint aura that drifted away.

After disposing of the five ghost assassins, Yin Fulin placed a lot of trigger marks in the shadow field, and then returned to the material field. When she came to Lester, Lester was hugging Sia and Sinde from left to right. La, telling about the situation of the evil **** in another world.

Noticing Yin Fulin who suddenly appeared, Lester sat up, patted Yin Fulin on his thigh, satisfied with the man's attention to him, Yin Fulin lightly pounced on Lester, sat on the man's arms and rubbed back and forth, He looked a bit uneasy.

"It seems that there is something hunted tonight, right?"

Yin Fulin looked at the two girls, Xia and Syndra, who looked lazy and satisfied, she could still feel a bit of hidden jealousy before, but now these women seem to have thought about it, without any jealous thoughts , presumably the ability that Lester acquired from the evil **** affected these women.

Feeling a little more afraid of the evil **** in her heart, Yin Fulin nodded with a smile, and put her head on the man's strong chest as docilely as a cat.

"Master, I expelled five powerful shadow assassins, can you give me a reward tonight?"

"Greedy little cat, won't stealing affect your work?"

"Of course not, master, you have to have some confidence in me~"

After beating the bountiful fruit to the point of collapse, Lester nodded amusedly.

"The situation is rare, so Janna should come out too."

The voice fell, and the big tent was automatic without wind. A soft whirlwind gradually solidified behind Lester, and turned into the appearance of the wind elf. The only difference from the original painting was that the wind elf was wearing at this moment. The garments are narrow, resilient strips that look extremely sensual.

Skillfully falling backwards, the back of Lester's head was immediately supported by the heavy cotton candy, and Janna also took advantage of the opportunity to wrap her arms around the man's waist from behind.

He hugged Syndra and Shia again, but Lester himself raised his head indifferently, looking like a great sage.

"I've told you before that Runeterra is just a special one among many worlds. The essence of the universe starts from the world of origin and expands infinitely.

With the universe as the diaphragm, the origin world as the branch, the world law as the growth basis, and the subspace as the growth environment, different worlds are born.

Different worlds give birth to different planes, and the planes continue to advance on their respective time axes, and continue to develop based on different binding laws, giving rise to completely different civilizations.

The more powerful and super-powerful the civilization is, the farther it is from the origin world, and the more difficult it is to break through the cosmic barrier and travel through different planes. This can also prevent super-planes with powerful power from invading lower-level planes.

On the contrary, it is not so difficult to go from the origin world to the high-dimensional world. As long as you have the power to break through the cosmic barrier and isolate the subspace, you can go to the advanced world, but this kind of power is difficult to do with the human technology of the origin world alone. It can only be drawn by the more powerful extraordinary laws of the high-dimensional world.

If I'm not wrong, the world before I crossed here was the origin world, the reason is that this world has been severely interfered by my world. "

Did not say that [Runeterra] is actually from an online game called [League of Legends]. Lester does not want the woman he loves to think that they are just a fictional character fabricated by others. As for the matter, Lester just passed it by.

"The world at the origin does not have any extraordinary factors, only the purest laws of physics. The human beings there do not know any magic, but they can move mountains, fill seas, fly to the sky and escape from the earth. It is with the help of the scientific power of the four basic forces,

In this world, I have already proved through scientific experiments that most of the laws of physics are almost the same as those of the origin world, which is enough to prove that this world is actually a high-level world of the origin world, and was influenced by the laws of the origin world at the place of birth. "

I don't know how much the women have absorbed. Lester didn't expect the women to understand what he said, so he continued.

"The evil **** I came into contact with came from the subspace. Because of the damage to the cosmic barrier of Runeterra and the continuous erosion of the evil **** over the years, the evil **** successfully invaded this world. Maybe it was affected by something, the evil **** The interference in this world is not serious, otherwise Runeterra would definitely be even more chaotic than it is now."

"So will the power exerted by the evil **** on you deepen the erosion rate of Runeterra? If you use that power, will you become a puppet of the evil god?"

Syndra, who frowned, was the first to ask the key question.

Caressing Syndra's delicate chin, Lester said softly.

"Before explaining this question, you need to know what the nature of the evil **** is,

Strictly speaking, they are not gods in the conventional sense, but the aggregation of human desires, in other words, we have created these terrible evil gods with our own hands,

Rage, lust, gluttony, cunning, any emotion produced by human beings will be transformed into some kind of invisible energy. These energies are difficult to be reflected in the material field, but the subspace full of spiritual energy is very easy to be affected by human desires.

Originally, the subspace was just a chaotic storm that isolated the cosmic plane. After being affected by human beings, several larger consciousness aggregates gradually formed. These consciousness aggregates were soon affected more and gained self-consciousness Consciousness, began to actively guide the human beings in the physical realm,

They gradually corrupted the weak-willed human beings, began to actively offer their beliefs, and created more desires and emotions that satisfied them the most. Little did they know that these desires were the root of the collapse and destruction of human civilization.

They are the true children of chaos, and they are much stronger than those so-called gods.

As long as there are human beings, as long as human beings still have various desires, these conscious bodies will never be killed, and they will invade all worlds according to their own preferences. This is an unavoidable dead end, the difference is that or sooner or later,

Compared with the evil **** I have come into contact with, its chaotic essence is joy and enjoyment, which fits me just right. In addition, compared with the other evil gods, joy and enjoyment do not cause too much harm to the world , so I reached a cooperative relationship with the other party, and competed in Runeterra as the other party's God's Chosen,

As long as I defeat the other three Chosen Ones, Runeterra will belong to the Lord of Pleasure, and according to the agreement I made with the Lord of Pleasure, Runeterra will be under my full control, and the other evil gods will also give up Corrupting this world is the best result. "

Noticing the divine light in the eyes of Syndra and Shia, Lester smiled slightly.

"Every God's Chosen will have the power of the evil god's blessing. Although it will affect the person who receives the power's blessing to a certain extent, according to the nature of the God's Chosen, this effect is not great.

After all, people who like to kill will eventually choose to make more kills, and people who like to plot will always play all kinds of conspiracies and tricks, so don't worry that I will be affected by the blessing of evil and don't worry that I will become a puppet . "

"Does the master know the identities of the other three chosen?"

Lester shook his head first, and then nodded, which made Jana's eyes widen cutely.

"According to the content of the agreement, the Lord of Pleasure did not give any hints or explanations, but I probably know a very likely God's Chosen One."

"who is it?"

Shia hugged Lester's arm with a solemn expression.

Lester's smile faded slightly, and his tone became serious.

"This person worships darkness and slaughter, built an empire with a mortal body, became the most brutal and bloodthirsty warlord in Valoran, and occupied the underworld after his death to fight with the Mother of Masks, coveting the material realm all the time...

If this is not the chosen one, I really can't think of who is the chosen one. "

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