League of Legends Millennium Warlord

Chapter 639: Joined forces

Obviously Jax also wears a mask, but he was forced to take off the mask here to return to his truest self. Obviously Jax has always been eager to learn magic, but he doesn’t have that talent. Now he has to The one who arrived became the person he hated the most? It also seems to be an old arrogant.

Lao Jia hadn't seen him for hundreds of years. Not only was his strength strong, but his face had become as thick as a city wall like Lissandra's bottomless black ice. It might not be for the Meteor's magic energy main cannon that couldn't pierce it.

I admire you.

Regarding Jax's doubts, Lissandra was as indifferent as ever.

"You won, I will naturally not deny it, and someone will send you out of the Frostguard Fortress."

"What about my stuff?"

"Your things will be returned to you outside the Frostguard Fortress. During this period, if you dare to hurt any fighters of my Frostguard tribe, I will capture you back."

"Hmph! It's as if you can beat me openly."

Grumbling Jax was generally satisfied with Lissandra's words, but there was one thing he still wanted to figure out.

Now that Lissandra said that someone interceded for him, the question is, who saved him?

"Witch, although I hate you so much that I want to cut you to pieces, I know you are still useful to this world, and your existence is also very important to the Freljord, so I won't trouble you for the time being." ,

In exchange, tell me, who is interceding for me? "

Lissandra was silent for a moment, and said calmly.

"The person who left the ice prison before you, I think you should know him. He is the one who interceded for you. Otherwise, with your bad mouth, I will lock you up for another thousand years."

Jax didn't care about Lissandra's words at all, and his body trembled a little.

"It turned out to be Lester! What happened to him!"

"How is he? Why don't you go out and investigate yourself? Rayleigh, take him out."

"As ordered."

"An old woman who changes her face when she says she can change her face..."

Seeing Lissandra open the closed Ice Gate, Jax, who was making fun of him, didn't want to say anything more to Lissandra, and left with the Frostguard Warlock who led the way.

Lying in the black ice, Lester turned his back to the sky and smiled helplessly. Now it seems that Lissandra and Jax are not without the possibility of reconciliation.

The rest of the compensation should be placed on the jade collar. With the help of the jade collar, no matter whether Jax wants to spread martial arts or recruit companions, he can get twice the result with half the effort.

[In other words, currently the best app for reading and listening to books,,]

"Do you believe my sincerity now? Shouldn't it be time for you to show your sincerity?"

After everyone left, Lissandra removed the black ice, took off the mask, and helped Lester who was lying on the ground up.

Most of the fatal penetrating wound just now has healed, and the visceral granulation visible to the naked eye is rapidly reconstructing the defective part during the operation of the life fabric.

Even she is a little hard to understand what level of Lester's physique is. The troll's resilience is abnormal enough. Lester's body is not so much resilience as rebirth.

"Before I show my sincerity, I want to ask you one thing."

"You ask, I don't necessarily answer."

Lester stared closely at Lissandra.

"How much do you know about Grace?"

Lissandra's complexion obviously darkened. As the master of the Frostguard clan and an ancient witch from the time of the three Freljord sisters, she has ruled the Watchers' assembly for thousands of years, but she has never seen Grace. Such a bold person, Lissandra even recalled the old face that brought him a huge loss the moment Lester asked.

She will never forget what happened 640 years ago, the turmoil that caused her to stain the land of the Freljord with blood.

"I didn't expect the old relationship between you to be quite deep...I see, it's no wonder that the loyal Grace would suddenly choose a despicable betrayal."

Lester's face suddenly turned cold.

"At least it's deeper than the relationship between you and me. If you don't want to say it, I won't force you."

Not caring about Lester's attitude, Lissandra said coldly.

"I still clearly remember what happened that day. Not long after you were rescued by the alien god, Grace suddenly attracted a group of Frostguard Warlocks and clan warriors who were dissatisfied with me to set up a banner of resistance and spread it everywhere. The secret under the Butcher's Bridge made me lose face.

She even launched an attack on the Butcher's Bridge without knowing what to say, using the ice magic that I personally handed over to her to bring serious damage to the Butcher's Bridge, so that the Butcher's Bridge has required great efforts over the past few hundred years. Repairs and maintenance were carried out at a high price, which almost affected the foundation of the fortress...

Now it seems that Grace's rebellion was really influenced by you. "

"You didn't give her the truth."

Feeling lost, Lester lay on the cold ground, as if seeing that persistent and lonely figure again.

He couldn't tell what it was like in his heart.

"How did she end up?"

"Of course he's dead."

"Killed by you?"

"She jumped off the Butcher's Bridge, and I also sent people to the Hall of the Nine to look for her later."

"did not find?"

"I found it, but it has turned into a frozen corpse frozen by Zhenbing."

Not only because of Grace, but also because Nora and Yuumi were still waiting for him on the Frost Jade Mountains. Lester, who successfully rescued Jax, was not in a high mood, and left without staying in the Frostguard Fortress for too long. Follow Nora back to Bandle City.

There is still a week before Piltover's evolution day, Lester is not in a hurry to return to Piltover, but lives in Bandle City, and gathers with his yordle friends, and also for Syndra brought a lot of delicious Bandle City specialties.

Before leaving the Freljord, Lester had a frank and honest talk with Lissandra. There were many things involved, including the serious problems Lissandra was facing. Lissandra, who did not choose to hide it, was all confessed.

As an ancient witch who made deals with the Watchers thousands of years ago, Lissandra has been developing her own ice blood unrestrainedly,

The buff brought by the already extraordinary magic talent gave Lissandra a near-permanent life. The combination of the ice blood and the ice elemental talent had an extraordinary effect,

This effect not only allows Lissandra to use magic to suppress her emotional fluctuations, but also allows Lissandra's body to maintain a minimum consumption at all times, like a frozen person who can move, and all cells will go dormant state.

Lissandra doesn't need any other means to make her face permanent. Ninety-nine percent of her strength and energy come from ice magic rather than her own life potential.

With the deepening understanding of arcane magic and elements, Lissandra successfully made the consumption of life energy and the dissipation speed of the soul infinitely close to 0, and became an immortal ice witch. Ice element, she can maintain the stability of her own state - this is the fundamental reason why she will not leave Frostguard Fortress,

Only the Frostguard Fortress can condense a high enough concentration of ice elements to keep her body in balance, instead of entering a deteriorating state and speeding up the countdown to life.

Of course, this kind of eternal life is not without price. Lissandra is completely bound in a huge ice coffin. For Lissandra, the whole fortress is a prison built by herself.

Apart from being with the cold throne and suppressing the watchers, she can't find any joy in her life,

As for letting men solve problems and pass the time like other lonely ice-born sorceresses, it is even more impossible for Lissandra. Contact with men will seriously damage the balance of elements in the body, let alone in-depth communication. Will give up the life and health that has endured countless years of loneliness for the sake of happiness.

Even so, Lissandra is willing to stay in the ice coffin, at least she can continue to live, observe the world situation in a static state, and wait for the opportunity to change the deadlock.

This situation was maintained until the three of Grace brought Lester back to the Frostguard Fortress. Lester knew the news about Jax, and Lissandra also knew who was influencing the Void Watcher to continue to be restless.

Lissandra, who got the Leicester, didn't realize at first that the man possessed the life rune that could change her. She just used the man as a sharp weapon to appease the Void Watcher in the Nine Pillars of Ice, using the man's dream to deceive the Watcher and keep the Watcher asleep,

The dream of Lester alone is enough to match the dreams of nine people, and the efficiency of using Lester as a [different world biochemical reaction battery] is not known to be much higher than that of other people.

Even through the Nine Pillars of True Ice, Lissandra, who was observing Leicester, was slowly changed by the life energy released from Leicester, and the already numb and cold body produced **** and warmth that would never have existed. It is Lissandra who has become depraved, but a desire of life instinct to continue.

In fact, Lissandra is also gradually indulging in a novel experience that she has never had before. Staring at the sleeping handsome man in loneliness, sitting lazily on the chair of pure ice to let herself relax a little, not only will it not affect The stability of the body can also make the mind and body healthier.

It wasn't until Zuo Yin and Soraka rescued Lester from the Ice Nine Pillars, and Lissandra, who had lost Lester, realized that Lester had a greater purpose than appeasing the watchers. Compared with making up for her own lost life energy, using it in the True Ice Nine Pillars is the most stupid waste.

Lissandra, who didn't believe in evil, deliberately arrested dozens of other handsome men and locked them in the Nine Pillars of Ice for experiments. After casting the spell, she was only exhausted, without any supplement to the mental and physical wear and tear. Lissandra finally Understand what kind of treasure I have lost.

It's a pity that it was too late, the pursuers sent all the way were either killed or found nothing, and the power of the Emerald collar was not weaker than that of the Frostguard clan, so Lissandra could only give up the idea of ​​kidnapping, kidnapping and continuing to fight against each other. Waiting for Lester to come to the important person by detaining Jax, who knows that this waiting is close to nine hundred years.

It wasn't until she met Lester again that Lissandra was completely sure that Lester was the man she needed and desired most, so she put down the Ice Queen's airs, and even took the initiative to lower her figure to please Lester. The Queen's face has been a little hard to pull off for too long, and maybe there will be a weaker performance.

Knowing these things, Lester could only smile wryly. Thanks to the protoss, a passive trip to the Freljord was full of ups and downs and coincidences. He met Grace, met Jax again, and changed Li. Sang Zhuo, however, has been sleeping in the Nine Pillars of True Ice for a hundred years. It is easy to say now, but after experiencing it, he knows that there is no easy thing at all.

For Lissandra's frankness, Lester also has his own considerations.

Considering the secrets of Frostguard Fortress and Lissandra's own power and power, Lester couldn't find any excuse for refusing to join forces with Lissandra.

Leaving aside Lissandra herself as a great beauty, he only needs to share some of Elena's dissipated life energy with Lissandra, and he can gain a powerful ally who controls half of the Freljord,

This ally could bring him true ice, lost scrolls of ancient magic and news of the demigods of the Freljord.

As for the grievances between Lissandra and Grace, it can only be said that good luck tricks people,

As a person in power, it is actually a very normal thing to deceive his subordinates. Lester also has the same experience and status, so he can understand it to a certain extent. What's more, Lissandra has also suffered, and Lester can't do anything about it. Get to the bottom of the Grace thing.

In the end, the two reached an alliance agreement, and the matter was settled like this.

Considering the particularity of his own blood ~www.readwn.com~ Lester decided to use blood for Lissandra’s own use, and Lissandra will form a caravan mission composed of direct-line ice-born warlocks to go to the Philippines. Delite, with Lester's token, had an in-depth discussion with Hina,

Of course, the so-called negotiations are nothing more than minor revisions to the content of the agreed agreement.

In terms of the overall situation, Lester and Lissandra have taken the lead in finalizing it, including the trade of true ice, gemstones, and magic materials. Lissandra even opened up the cutest little Poro in the Freljord to the Emerald Collar, allowing And only the Emerald Lord is allowed to freely sell Poro without retaliation from the Frostguard Clan,

It can be seen from this that Lissandra, who has always played the role of "Little Poro Protector", is not very authentic when it comes to her own interests. At critical times, the little Poro doesn't even bat an eye when selling.

As for Lester choosing to use blood as the exchange content, the main reason is that the volume attribute attached to the blood may be able to completely control Lissandra,

For Lester, a Lissandra who might betray him and a Lissandra who is absolutely loyal to him are two completely different concepts. For the former, he can safely hand over the Freljord to Lissandra Dominion, the latter requires extra vigilance to deal with, so as not to backstab yourself at a critical moment.

All in all, Lester spent more than half a month reserving a year's worth of blood for Lissandra, which was frozen for Lissandra to use at any time, and it was considered as the completion of the first transaction. It was Lester who came in person, which was not a problem for Lester and Lissandra.

After Lissandra's trade mission arrived in Fidelet with the first batch of goods, the alliance between the two forces would officially begin. The trade led by the Frostguard clan would be completely different from other trade caravans. Its value will be incalculable.

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