League of Legends Millennium Warlord

Chapter 608: Sion Legion VS Demacia Kingdom Army

【League of Legends Millennium Warlord】【】

The army, like a silver tide, slowly approached the mountains, and the sound of the collision of armored stomach weapons scared away the birds on the treetops. Even the moonlight in the sky could not catch half of the attention of the chilling silver ocean on the ground.

A dragon and bird knight hovering in the sky leaped over the army and went straight into the middle army.

"Your Majesty, the Thain Legion is on that hillside."

The dragon and bird knight who returned to report to the Grand Army landed directly next to Jarvan I's horse, pointing to the Shimmering Silver Mountain not far away.

"These Noxus **** still utter lies and offend His Majesty, it is a crime that cannot be punished!"

Sitting on the back of a pure-blooded Demacian war horse, Jarvan I, who was 1.81 meters tall, was wearing a Demacia mithril armor, a crown on his head, and his eyes were like cold moons.

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The guards behind him carried the Omen of Langdon and the Halberd of Atama for Jarvan I, and were always ready to use their lives to guard the supreme emperor of Demacia.

"Oh? What nonsense did those Noxians say? But it doesn't matter."

With the approval of His Majesty the Emperor, Dragon Bird Knight knelt on the ground and said in a deep voice.

"They said, to... cut off His Majesty's head..."


! "

The guards shouted loudly and pulled out the Mithril sword, but seeing Jarvan I waved his hand and glared at the dragon and bird knight who was speechless, he had no choice but to give up.

Looking around at his invincible military power, Jarvan I smiled calmly.

"I have soldiers who are good at fighting, and generals who serve the country loyally. My ancestor, King Dulles, was invincible on the battlefield. Now that we have a strong army in Demacia, why should we be afraid of the enemy's provocation?

You go and tell him that my Dulles head is here, waiting for him to come and get it. "


Half a day's journey south from the Demacians,

The horse trotted forward, the Noxus Empire, the commander of the First Legion and the Third Legion, Red Sarapam took advantage of the rare leisure time, looking up at the sky,

The bright moon in the sky seems to have never changed, just like the night when he and Maltz entered the ancient capital of Liyinlan, the bright moon was shining like a brilliance, illuminating the dark land. The desire to start a war journey like a meat grinder.

Looking at it now, the moon looks like the Mithril armor of the Demacians. It is gorgeous and noble, but also awe-inspiring, not weaker than the killing soldiers born in the black iron furnace of Noxus.

Countless savage collisions, Demacia has proved with its strength that it is an enemy that Noxus must go all out for. In order to prove this, Maltz and Burnham have paid the price of their lives.

Maybe today, maybe tomorrow, I will become a cold corpse on the battlefield, bathed in blood and sleep forever in this beautiful and rich land, but this is not the romance that belongs only to soldiers.

After fighting for such a long time, Red himself wanted to take a break, but unfortunately, he knew that he had no chance to rest.

To save their own reinforcements, the Sion Legion became the most hated target of the Demacians. For this reason, the Demacia Kingdom Army turned northward.

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【League of Legends Millennium Warlord】【】

After learning of the whereabouts of the Demacians, Reid only thought for a minute before he understood the Demacian's plan of action and issued a follow-up order.

He would never allow himself to run away from this battle and become a coward of Noxus.

Stake the honor of the Sarapam family, the faith of the Roxy clan, your own life,

Tonight, they will definitely fight to the death with Jiawen I in the Silver Mountain Range.

"Order! Speed ​​up the march! We must not let our compatriots fight alone!"


Thain didn't care about Emperor Jarvan's response. At this point, except for a real battle, any trash talk is meaningless.

The meaning of this war is not complicated,

He wanted to kill Emperor Jarvan before he died, and Emperor Jarvan wanted to kill him to avenge the Demacians, and the two of them could only live as one, that's all.

Observing the military situation at the foot of the mountain, Thain quickly found the central banner of Emperor Demacia,

The three-meter-high indigo flag is as conspicuous as a target. Under the big banner, a man in luxurious silver armor is riding a tall horse, and is surrounded by close guards like a rainbow.

No need to guess, that conspicuous man must be the emperor of Demacia, Dulles Jarvan.

The line of sight began to shift, and the long snake phalanx formed by the Demacians came from the end of the horizon like a tide, with at least 30,000 people.

The archers were in front, the gun shield soldiers were behind, and the fearless vanguard's Mithril heavy armored infantry were divided into two square formations, one left and one right scattered in the center of the two, blocking the closest attack route to Jarvan.

The silver-armored heavy infantry held a big sword, and their steps were like frost and iron hitting the pure ice, with awe-inspiring aura,

In large-scale wars, even the soldiers of the Dreadnought Vanguard cannot maintain the shield formation method during training and can only be used as elite infantry.

There are thousands of light cavalry and about two hundred dragon and bird riders supporting the two wings of the army formation, and they can launch a destructive charge at any time.

The ready-to-go Mithril Armor-Piercing Arrow is ready, just waiting to tear apart the lines he has laid out.

Looking back at the demoralized Thain army, Thain smiled rarely, and then sighed again.

Except for the more than 10,000 Royal Army and nearly 1,000 Fearless Pioneers, the Demacia army is full of new recruits.

If it weren't for the fact that the Demacians had more than 20,000 recruits who hadn't seen much blood, this battle would not have been fought at all. Less than 9,000 were against more than 40,000 people, and they would definitely lose.

The only advantage of our side is the advantage of the terrain. The mountainside is surrounded by cliffs on three sides, and only one side is a steep slope. After being repaired by the army mage with earth element magic, there are only two gaps left, one is bright and the other is dark. ,

The open land can only stand about a thousand people, and the Demacian's numerical advantage cannot be brought into play.

As long as one's own bones are strong enough, this battle will still be fought.

Withdrawing his gaze, Yeager noticed the complex expression of his best friend, and asked involuntarily.

"Sion, what are you laughing at? What are you sighing for?"

Looking back, Thain stared at Yeager's eyes with a soft expression.

"I laugh that after this battle, the people of Demacia will surely mourn. To be able to capture Jarvan's head, I, Thain, is worth it in this life.

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【League of Legends Millennium Warlord】【】

What I regret is that I haven't been able to really train an elite soldier who is invincible in all battles and looks at death as home. Noxus is so big, but it is difficult to find a few elite soldiers.

As a general, I am too unqualified. It is a pity that you and my brother have never had the opportunity to get the opportunity to further study. Otherwise, maybe you and I can really command an iron army with one enemy against one hundred. "

Hearing what Sion said, the morale of the soldiers of Sion's army dropped again, and many soldiers showed dissatisfaction.

Knowing that Thain never cared about the emotions of the soldiers, Yeager quickly smoothed things over without changing his face.

No matter how to prevent Sion's troops from mutinying, he has the essence.

"You are wrong. Our Thain Legion is currently the only iron army in the empire that has been victorious in all battles. We are the only ones in the entire Noxus that have combat effectiveness. Otherwise, why did the Demacians give up on the two major forces of Leed?" Legion, mobilize heavy troops to encircle us?

Doesn't this just show that the Sion Legion is the confidant of Demacia? We should be proud of ourselves for making Demacians terrified. "

This time Thain did not refute Yeager's words. He knew that Yeager was trying to stabilize the morale of the army. Although he didn't know how to run the army and train the army, he also knew that this was not the time to talk about frustration.

"That's right, although it's not as good as the master of hundreds of battles I thought in my heart, it can still be called a brave army. I can see the long-lost Roxi army soul on the soldiers, and I, Thain, can be regarded as dead Sorry."

Sion's words surprised the soldiers of Sion's legion. Since they joined the army, they have hardly heard the general's praise. They just fight with their heads covered, one after another. Naturally, many soldiers can't bear it under high pressure. Veterans who earn enough money Directly choose to leave the Legion.

It's just that Thain never withholds military merits, and has always been rewarded for meritorious deeds and punished for deeds. This has made many new soldiers willing to stay in the Thain army to fight.

After working hard for a few times, you can get fertile land and rewards for the rest of your life without worry. It is better to endure the high price of death and stay in the legion. You can wait until you have enough money to save your wife and then leave. Anyway, Thain will not stop soldiers who choose to leave.

Compared with other legions, the Thain Legion seems to have no shortcomings except high mortality.

"Everyone, today we have no way out, only a deadly battle. You have slaughtered several villages of the Demacians with me. The Demacians will never leave any prisoners in this battle.

Rather than being a coward waiting to die, it is better to take up arms and let the blood of the Demacians stain this land red. "

Yeager struck while the iron was hot, which boosted the morale of the Thain Legion. Although most people still had fear and death in their hearts, they were much stronger than the state of the second life just now.

The commander who finally regained his fighting courage asked.

"General, how should we fight this battle?"

Putting the black cutter on his shoulders, Thain said in a deep voice.

"Stay here, and when we annihilate the group of enemies wearing silver armor, I will lead you out from another closed gap, and go straight for Jiawen,

If Jarvan I can be captured, we will surely live, if not, then kill Jarvan I, our death is not in vain. "

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【League of Legends Millennium Warlord】【】

"Good! We are willing to follow the general!"

"Isn't it just a death? What's so scary! I also did it with the general! Hack and kill those Demacia bastards!"

At dawn, the moon set in the west, and the sun rose from the Silver Shimmer Mountains in the east, casting its first rays of golden light.

The field of vision became wider, and the Demacia army blew the horn of attack, and tens of thousands of troops marched at the same time, heading towards the position of the Thain army.

"Do you want to shrink back? Order, the long-range infantry rains arrows on the enemy! The fifth and sixth phalanxes press forward quickly, and the rest of the phalanxes advance slowly."


After receiving the order from Jarvan I, the orderly quickly conveyed the combat order to General Demacia.

"woo woo woo"

The horn made a desolate and rough sound, and about 5,000 long-range shooters kept approaching against the rain of arrows flying from the mountainside until they almost entered the shooting range of the horn bow.


! "

The Demacian archer, who had already held his breath, bent his bow and set his arrow, the bow was like a full moon.


With an order, he loosened the extremely tight bowstring, and the five thousand arrows scattered towards the mountainside like a moving black rain curtain. Because of the terrain, only the one thousand arrows in the front successfully flew up the mountainside.

The Thain legionnaires who had already formed a shield wall hid behind the black iron square shield in scales, and they did not waver even though the arrows hit the shield surface.

A wave of arrows rained down, only a few dozen unlucky ones were stabbed in the hands and feet by the arrows that penetrated the gaps in the shield wall, but no one was injured or injured.

"Let the arrow!"

After a wave of arrows rained, the crossbowmen of the Thain Legion poked their heads out from the shield wall, and condescendingly pulled down the crossbowmen on the Demacia archers.

Less than 2,000 crossbowmen fired crossbows, causing huge damage to the Demacian archers who were the first to bear the brunt. Because the positions were too dense, a wave of arrows rained down, and the Demacians suffered nearly 500 casualties.

Noxus is not good in terms of people's livelihood, but it is not good at weapon casting.

Inheriting the unique heavy style of Noxus, the extremely durable Noxus crossbow incorporates the ancient mechanical technology of the emerald collar, which is much stronger than the general military crossbow.

Not only is the range longer and more powerful, but the most important thing is that with the help of pulleys and pull rods, crossbowmen can string the crossbow faster.

When the two sides were throwing arrows at each other, a total of 6,000 people passed the archers in front of them and approached the position of a thousand meters behind the archers.

"Come on!



With the long knife out of its sheath, the Demacian soldiers rushed up the hillside regardless of their own safety.

"General Yeager! Do you want to change the target?"

The regiment commander in charge of commanding the crossbowmen asked.

"No, UU Reading www.uukanshu.com continues to kill those archers."

Yeager ordered calmly.

"We are not afraid of meeting the enemy as we occupy favorable terrain. The only thing we need to worry about is the Demacian archers. Before the crossbow is exhausted, we should try to kill them as much as possible."


The arrows of the imperial crossbowmen missed the Demacian soldiers who were charging ahead, and continued to fly towards the approaching Demacian archers, because the compatriots also entered the range of the bows and arrows. In order to avoid accidental injury, the Demacian archers had to stop shooting,

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【League of Legends Millennium Warlord】【】

Under the ebb and flow, Demacia's archers paid a heavy price.

Unable to shoot arrows at the backs of their compatriots, the archers could only accept the order to retreat and withdraw from the attack range of the imperial crossbowmen.

Looking seriously at the military situation two kilometers away with the golden monocular binoculars produced by the emerald collar, Jarvan I sighed.

"Those Noxus barbarians are extremely militaristic and warlike. There is nothing to say, but the weapons they created are so sophisticated. We will also focus on studying the craft of bows and crossbows when we go back this time. The process of cultivating archers is too complicated. On the contrary Not as convenient as a bow and crossbow."

"Your Majesty said so."

"Stop shooting!"

The imperial crossbowman took two steps back, making way for the legionnaires led by Sion.

Putting on a heavy helmet of horns and armor of magic steel, Thain carried a black cutter and stepped forward with his iron boots, like a demon **** from hell.

"We are stationed here, Demacians, come and kill as many as you want!"

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