The silent atmosphere on the first floor was a little strange.

Fortunately, Lester spoke quickly.

"In the future, we will focus on the Ziram family and send at least six shadow crossbowmen to protect him and his daughters. One person must be guarded by two people at the same time, and no mistakes are allowed. Ziram's movements must be reported to me in time. , if he shows signs of leaving Jade Collar with his daughter, he must notify me immediately."


Seems to remember something again, Lester continued.

"Arrange some light work for Ziram, and the pay will gradually increase, but let him go home as late as possible so that he has no time to spend with his daughter."

Accepting the expressionless gaze of the paralyzed man in front of him without changing his face, Lester said lightly.

"You can understand that the Emerald Collar must keep these two little girls in his hands and do whatever he can.

The two of them are more important than the Shadow Crossbowmen and the Noxian Dark Iron Guard combined, so no matter what, I will tie them to the land of the Emerald Land, and I will never allow anyone else to use any Reasons to take them away, unless they leave voluntarily, understand? "


"Okay, let's go."

Leaning on the back of the chair, Lester closed his eyes, the corners of his mouth slowly grinned, his smile was a bit presumptuous, suppressing madness and joy, but he was always silent.

After a long time, the silent laughter dissipated, and a long sigh came.

"The angel's wings are broken..."


Outside the cordon in the east of the Emerald Collar, four Noxian Dark Iron Guards wearing iron-inlaid leather armor stopped the two-ride caravan trying to enter the Emerald Collar with their weapons.

Before Hicks, who was driving the car, could change his face, the Noxus Dark Iron Guard soldier at the head asked.

"Is it Ms. Rose's car?"

"I'm Rose."

"Come in, please allow me to lead you to Lord Lester's mansion."

After verifying that it was correct, the Noxus Black Iron Guard quickly moved away, and one person took the initiative to lead the way. .

Taking a deep look at the few Noxian soldiers who stopped her carriage, Rose lowered the curtain.

"Let's go."

The carriage started again, following behind the leading soldiers.

"Lord Leicester has told me to give you a brief introduction to the current construction of the Emerald Collar. I wonder if you are interested?"

"Tell me……"

He quickly introduced the four areas of the Emerald Collar to Rose, and introduced the Noxus Dark Iron Guard and Shadow Crossbowmen to Rose.

Rose in the carriage listened quietly, not only a little surprised by the peculiar development plan of the Emerald Leader, but also happy that Lester did not hide things from herself, but the specific situation can only be figured out by seeing him in person.

It's a pity that the magic power reserve of this real clone is limited. The farther it is from the main body, the greater the consumption of magic power. I can't stay here for too long, otherwise it would be a good idea to let the clone live in this beautiful place. pretty good idea.

Maybe there will be a chance in the future...

"Lord Rose, the mansion of Lord Lester is in front of you. You can just go there. I still need to go back to stand guard, so I won't go with you."

Mission accomplished, a simple Noxian salute was given, and the soldier turned to leave.

Stepping down from the carriage, she nodded to the soldiers and crossbowmen along the way. Rose came to the door and was about to knock, but the next moment the door suddenly opened.

The silent man opened his arms, and a big hug made Rose freeze in place, and then the female mage hugged back. The two were like a real couple.

Hicks withdrew his eyes sourly, completely cut off his thoughts, and began to meditate.

"How long can you stay this time?"

After stamping a sip on the woman's face, Lester hugged Rose into the room, and the two of them went straight to the second floor, closed the door, and sat beside the bed.

"I have to leave tomorrow morning. Recently, the Immortal Fortress has also entered a new development period. There are many things to decide. I cannot be absent.

Because you successfully repelled the bandits and defeated the two major barbarian tribes in the north, Noxus ushered in a precious period of development.

The floating hearts of other tribes also gradually stabilized, and they want to gain military merit in battle. For this reason, Nadalz and Stelda are discussing how to absorb other tribes, so that each tribe can retain the fighting style of the tribe. , and can accept the reorganization of the Noxus military system, which is convenient for command. "

With a little apology on her face, only Rose knew why she had to leave tomorrow.

"It's okay, one afternoon, one night is enough, Rose, I really miss you."

Picking Rose up and laying it flat on the bed, Lester's eyes were full of anticipation.

"I miss you too, Lester, help me~"

The woman raised her arm, revealing the flaw in her cool robe.

Outside the door, Ji Si scratched her head, and the dozing girl chose to go back to her room to make up for her sleep.


The sky is getting dark.

"Sister? Sister? Are you listening? What's the sound?"

Holding the puppet cat tightly, Hina blushed and pushed the little blond girl lying on the other side.

Slowly opening her hazy eyes, she first saw her sister, and then she saw the cute puppet cat in her hand. Misha couldn't help but feel a touch of envy in her heart.

Before waiting for the girl to say anything, a strange sound came from outside the wall of the room, which seemed to be very and seemed to be suppressing excitement, very strange, and it made people feel itchy .

"What kind of voice is this? Except for Brother Lester, it seems to be the voice of a woman? Is it Sister Keith? What's wrong with her?"

Misha was also a little confused.

"Shouldn't it be, Sister Ji Si's voice is a little clearer than this...?"

Hina said hesitantly, and her sister's eyes crossed.

"Should we go take a look?"

It seems that she also understood what her sister was thinking. Misha summoned the courage and put forward her own ideas.

"It's better not to. In case brother Lester and that sister are doing some important things that can't be disturbed, we would be too rude."

After hesitating for a while, Hina instinctively rejected Misha's proposal.

Since her sister chose to refuse, Misha had no choice but to give up. Peeping other people's secrets is really not a good thing.

"Dong dong dong~Misha? Hina? Huhuhuu~Have you woken up? It's getting late, it's time to take you home."

Ji Si's undisguised voice came from outside the door, and at the same time, the strange noise from the next room was much quieter, and soon the two little guys couldn't hear anything.

"Sister Jisi, we're awake~"

Putting on one size larger cloth shoes, Xina opened the door. Outside the door was Jisi with two dark circles under her eyes. Xina couldn't help being shocked.

"Sister Ji Si, what's wrong with you? Are your eyes hurt?"

"My eyes aren't hurt."

Laughing and touching Xina's little head, Ji Si sighed and dozed off again.

"But my spirit is hurt, and it's seriously hurt..."

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