League of Legends: Cataclysm Era

Vol 2 Chapter 124: Sanctions cask

When Lu Chen recovered, the wine barrel had already drunk three glasses of spirits!


   He didn't talk nonsense, and drank three consecutive cups! And after he finished drinking, he didn't appear drunk like the children robbed them. Although his complexion finally began to turn ruddy with the strongest liquor, he was not drunk yet!


   "The most drunk person of our Ionia and this big fat man drank this spirit the year before last. Three cups were poured. I didn't expect that after drinking three cups on the first day of the City of Nature, we would be like the okay people!"


   "Haha, sanctions against him are hopeful!"


   The residents of Ionia now most yearn for Lu Chen to be able to express the bad anger that has been held in their hearts for years!


   Before, the so-called first genius was still far away from them, just like a title or an interesting story, but now, each of them feels that they are fighting side by side with Lu Chen. This feeling is simply great!


   Soon, the barrel of spirits that the wine barrel took out of the ring was drunk by the two of them.


   Lu Chen is a little drunk, his blood is flowing sharply, I don't know why, he really wants to fight! He wants to swing a knife!


   He remembered something. In the background story, it was told that there is a crystal hub next to the wine barrel where the wine is made. The magical energy has been helping the wine barrel to ferment the wine better, and it also made his temper even more grumpy!


   Fuck, it turns out there is something wrong with this wine, it's no wonder that the old wine barrel is so troublesome!


  Alcohol was absorbed from Lu Chen's stomach into the blood, and a trace of magical energy started to affect Lu Chen's mood.


   He desperately wants to fight!


  The fight for the wine is still going on, the wine barrel took out an unopened barrel of wine from the ring and said: "Little baby, I have to say, in terms of the amount of alcohol in this world, I guess the only person better than you is me!"


   Lu Chen looked at his drunk face and smiled: "No, you are not as good as I drink!"


   By the time the second barrel of wine was half-drinking, the barrel was almost dead. Lu Chen had unlocked the demon gene twice so that he had the advantage in this wine fight.


   No matter how good your human physique is, can you be better than the devil?


   The barrel of wine squinted his eyes in a naive manner, as if he could not distinguish the north, south, east and west...


The residents of   Nature City almost cheered, but he didn't expect that Lu Chen really defeated this wine barrel!


   Lu Chen was also a little drunk, and he said cheerfully: "As far as the amount of alcohol is concerned, you are not as good as me, remember our agreement, you owe me one thing!"


   Being able to come to Runeterra and beat the barrel in terms of alcohol volume is simply too enjoyable. Moreover, the barrel is indeed worthy of the name of his master brewer. This spirit is definitely the best on earth.


   This is impossible to drink on earth.


   However, at this moment, anger appeared on the face of the barrel, how could he Gulagas lose to others in terms of drinking? !


   He is so angry that he wants to throw his explosive wine barrel out and listen to it!


   Everyone on the scene could feel that this grumpy person might be getting into trouble again, and quickly backed away, for fear that it would hurt themselves!


   But everyone's retreat suddenly stopped, because they were shocked to find that the wine barrel that Gulagas had planned to throw out suddenly stopped. To be precise, it was held by Lu Chen!


  In the League of Legends, it is easy to hide the wine barrels when they are thrown, but who has heard that you can push the wine barrels back? !


   But Lu Chen really did it!


   The wooden barrel was between the arms of the two of them. Gulagas wanted to throw the barrel out, while Lu Chen held it firmly. Lu Chen was surprised to find that the strength of this wine barrel was really great.


It should be known that Lu Chen not only has extremely high strength growth, but also has a set of power-increasing equipment, and the rewards of the merit list trial. He originally thought that he was enough to crush any human strength, but he did not expect it to be better than a barrel It's just higher!


   The two people are in a stalemate, the barrel is between the two, and they are pushed back very slowly.


   Everyone was stunned, who would have thought that their magic genius would be so powerful!


   Ashram in the periphery is all fascinated. No wonder when this kid dragged him to the orphanage, he didn't even have room to resist!


   But Lu Chen has never revealed this talent before, although Ashram doesn't think brute force is of any use...


   Swain's eyes flickered in the crowd. He already knew that this young man was the first genius in the city of nature, but the problem was that everyone said he was a magic genius, how...


The place where the wine barrel lives is in the south of Noxus, and the trouble in Noxus is no less than outside. So Swain had heard of Gulagas’s name early on and knew his Strength, know how difficult he is to deal with.


  Not far from Swain, a few ordinary dressed but hat young men turned to look at Swain, who seemed to be members of the Weeping Blood Corps! Didn't they come to Ionia at this time to prepare for the future? The reason they watched Swain was because they felt that Lu Chen could not stay!


   Swain remained silent and did not speak, and everyone continued to wait.


Only Lu Chen knew that when the keg began to get angry, the war intent in his heart was finally ignited. He only wanted to fight with people, but he was worried that if he really did fight with the keg, then These onlookers will definitely be injured a lot by mistake, these are all his fans now...


   Therefore, he suppressed his fighting spirit, and he pressed the barrel back completely by force.


   Suddenly, in the process of fighting against the wine barrel, there was a kind of throbbing in his heart. It seemed that at a certain moment, he had a knife in his heart.


   is going to get out of the sheath!


   Is this a sign that martial arts practice has broken through the bottleneck? ! Lu Chen felt ecstatic in his heart. Didn't he expect to have hope of breaking through the bottleneck at this time?


   But, that kind of throbbing is fleeting~www.wuxiaspot.com~ When Lu Chen goes to recollect, it has disappeared!


   When the barrel was pressed back, he lay on the ground with a thump, and fell asleep with a loud snoring!


   Lu Chen is really powerless to complain. It turns out that stopping the keg madness is as simple as this: from the first wave of drunkenness, he will be suppressed, and he will just fall asleep...


   Can you please stop sleeping and let me break through? ! That is the martial art realm of transcendence! ?


   Lu Chen suddenly felt pain. It was like the day of the bridal chamber, when you took off your pants, only to find that the bride was a man! !


   I don’t get involved in foundation!


   At this moment, Lu Chen suddenly felt a ray of murderous aura. He became vigilant and discovered that a dozen people were surrounded by Esvi because of the center of the formation!


   What is the situation, the script is not written like this, you are going to assassinate me? !


   Come to my door to break through? (To be continued.)

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