League of Legends: Cataclysm Era

Chapter 26: Inheritance never present

?After three seconds of silence, Qing Xiaoshan stared at Lu Chen blankly: "I said Brother Chen, what did you do to me?" Qing Xiaoshan was a little confused and just opened his mouth. He couldn't speak the sound, he could feel his vocal cords vibrate, but it seemed that the sound was annihilated as soon as it was uttered. This situation is simply strange, Qing Shanshan instantly thinks of the silent skills in League of Legends, but how could Lu Chen do it, he knows the other party's two heritages!

Qing Xiaoshan was stupid: "Brother Chen, are you a third inheritance now?"

"Going billowing, do you really have a dream and three inheritance! Brother, this is a summoner skill!" Lu Chen said grimly.

"Brother Chen, don't you bluff me. I'll tell you, Qing Xiaoshan is a person with a face and a face now. It's not that easy to be deceived. How can a summoner be silent?" Qing Xiaoshan looked disbelief. After playing for so long, if you don't even know this, just go play with the egg.

As a result, Lu Chen slapped Qingshan on the back of his head: "I call you a special one! Who did you learn the words from? This is all? I bet you this is a summoner skill, do you bet?"

Qing Xiaoshan's eyes turned grunting, to say that Brother Chen never made a bet that he would lose, but his statement is obviously not valid, don't bet! ? Qing Xiaoshan thief said: "Can you let me check the information first?"

"Yes," Lu Chen sat on the sofa with Erlang's legs tilted: "Check, check it out."

Qing Xiaoshan quickly opened the League of Legends platform and took a look at the official information. The big stone in his heart had fallen, and he said, "Brother Chen, I bet 50 million!"

"You are so rich!" Lu Chen jumped up from the sofa in surprise, "It seems that I didn't win you all last time!"

Qing Xiaoshan smiled shyly: "It's okay."

"Laugh, don't cry later," Lu Chen slowly opened his League of Legends platform mall, and the summoner's skill classification: "Come, see for yourself!"

There was an ominous premonition in Qing Shanshan's heart, and he walked over to take a look. He peeed directly, and tremblingly asked: "Brother, why is your page different from ours?"

"Ao. If you ask this, I don't know!" Lu Chen said, of course, that he didn't know. By the way, 50 million was deducted from the Qingshan card. I really don't know.

Qing Xiaoshan's heart was crying: "Brother Chen, are you the son of the Hall of Heroes? Why are the routines so deep? Is it appropriate for you to be so dirty with your teammates?"

"For others, I think it is suitable for you..."

Eve, Chen Pingping, and Lin Chu didn't know what Qing Shanshan had seen and gave up, so they came to take a look. They were stupid when they saw Lu Chen's shop. What are these?

"Ahem, I call it a mystery store. I don't know how it appeared, but I think we need to discuss it because I think they are very important to us, especially the upcoming trip to Africa. . There are more dangerous than the southwest, and there are 7 high-ranking diamond-level demons. These talents may actually be more practical for us," said, Lu Chen showed these summoner skills to everyone.

"What kind of skills are these, I haven't seen it at all, it looks amazing!"

Speaking of this, Lu Chen was puzzled. However, after thinking about it for a moment, he realized that, yes, this world is only this version so far. How could you have seen these summoner skills? However, why these skills appeared in his store is another mystery. He did not speak, but asked Qing Xiaoshan to read the skills introduction.

Needless to say, the fortress strengthened this to Eve's taste. The fortress currently being built was originally her work, and if a diamond-level demon made a gap, she wouldn't be heartbroken. This is very likely. Lu Chen is now a super tank with a personal shape. He said that one wall of the fortress would be demolished. Maybe a few void **** can penetrate a fortress wall.

The definition of fortress enhancement skills is indestructible! It can also add short-term attributes to the people in the fortress. Too much in line with Eve's needs, although this skill is not needed during the trip to Africa. But Eve still fell in love with it deeply!

Eve looked at Lu Chen with a slightly eager look for the first time: "Are the fragments in your mysterious store the same as other fragments? Can they be used by others?"

"It's exactly the same," Lu Chen had seen the flash fragments: "It can definitely be used by others. I still want to make a fortune by this! Do you know what I mean, maybe only I can buy these four fragments in the world! You know, I have been thinking about what we use as the core influence to gain a foothold in this chaebol forest, maybe now, I have found it!"

When the other three people heard this, their expressions were dreadful, and their money-oriented minds did not turn as fast as Lu Chen, so when Lu Chen described the vision for them, they were all shocked! The reason why the chaebol world can control the lifeline of the world economy is because they control all the resources! Food, energy, fixed assets and more!

And now they have a kind of resource that can be found in the real sense! 4 inheritance fragments that can only be purchased from them!

From Qing Xiaoshan's eyes on "Surge", Eve's eyes on "Fortress Strengthening", and Lin Chu's eyes on "War Totem", you know how many people will need them!

What would happen if two people met on a narrow road if you were silent for three seconds? Silence is a special effect that bans all items, skills, and summoner skills!

If Qing Xiaoshan has the summoner skill "Surge" and meets Hulao Zhang Zheng and others again, it only takes 15 seconds and 20% of all attributes to strengthen, it is very likely that the winner will be decided in an instant!

"However, we need to be cautious about this matter~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Live broadcast. Fortunately, the chaebols may not see them, but when these real treasures appear, the conflict between us and the chaebol world will appear. Everybody is not guilty, and he is guilty of his crime," Lu Chen said in a deep voice, "If I said that I needed a profiteer to be a predecessor and it was just a not too mature idea, then now we really need this. Alone."

"Pingping, what do you want to pass on your second summoner skills?" Lu Chen asked.

Chen Pingping thought for a moment: "I choose to be weak, no one is weak in a team, it should be very useful if it can be weak against a diamond-level demon."

Everyone agrees with this, and weakness is really important.

"Then it's settled. When the people from Chen Pingping arrive, we will start preparing for the inheritance of the fragmentation transaction!"


Add more to send, by the way, the time card of the crash is really good... (To be continued.)

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