Laws of the Insect Hive

Vol 2 Chapter 335: Peace of mind

The release of Kun's character card is just the first step in the Weststrom plan.

I didn't know that "Lord Killing" was related to the heroic spirits, and Systrom had always held a dispensable attitude towards the games in [Data Template].

After all, games like games are not really useful except to increase some popularity.

After all, in Systrom's mind, the game is just a trick to trick people into krypton gold.

What is really useful in [Data Template] is the communication software mz, website, and some practical tools such as calculator, length measurement, notepad and so on.

These things can play a powerful role in advancing both the technological civilization and the magical civilization of this world.

But now that he learned that "Lord Kill" can make the heroic spirits stronger, and even have the hope of resurrecting Kun, Systrom has a new understanding of the game and "Lord Kill".

The second step of Systrom's plan is to accelerate the promotion of [data template].

The more people playing "Lord Killing", the more obvious the effect on the heroic spirits, and the faster Kun will be resurrected.

The most effective way now is to use his cheap brother, the **** Duke, who is undoubtedly very good at disseminating [Data Template].

However, the deity is a deity after all, and it is really difficult to control. Unless it is absolutely necessary, or has a lot of understanding of the deity, and has the power to restrict the deity, it is impossible for Systrom to use the deity.

Sisterm finally set his sight on the human kingdom in the southern Warren Plains.

Compared with the elven country with a population of only 100,000 or so, the jackal has a population of tens of thousands, the southern human country has a large population, and there are dozens of human countries, large and small, which add up to millions or even more than tens of millions.

But how to deliver the [data template] to the human kingdom is still a big problem for Sisterm.

It is impossible for him to drive the floating island over, and then learn to build a tower of Krypton in Liert Forest.

After all, the human kingdom is densely populated, and it is more resistant to monsters. If he is not allowed to drive past his floating island, he will encounter humans launching war.

Systrom is not afraid of war, but doing so obviously loses the meaning of his dissemination of [data template].

In fact, more than ten days ago, three people from the southern part of the Warren Plain appeared near the Krypton Tower in Weststrom, the human kingdom.

However, it was a pity that Systrom had no idea that humans had ever been here.

A businessman, two guards, plus a small carriage, these are all the equipment of a human businessman.

The merchant's purpose is to go to the Elf King's Court to buy magic gold ore, a special product of the Elf family-a peculiar ore that combines magic elements and brown metal.

The reason why the merchant took the risk and determined to cross the Warren Plains where the wolves and wolves were infested was because of the full three times the profit.

Once and again, if it goes well enough, the merchant can get three times the gold coins.

The reason why the merchant came near the Krypton Tower in Weststrom was because the merchant saw a floating island several kilometers in the sky.

This peculiar sight aroused the interest of human merchants, so after a few days' journey, the merchants rushed to the vicinity of the floating island.

After that, the three merchants were scared away by two extraordinary giant crabs who were cutting logs across the forest.

According to rumors, there was also a human guard fighting with the crab. During the battle, the crab was sprayed with foam on his face.

Of course, according to humans, it was they who injured the crabs, and then the crabs vomited blood. It is precisely because of this that the big crabs did not pursue them.

The events of human merchants, Sisterm only recently learned, and not through the bugs, but through some elves in the elves kingdom, the news.

Obviously these three humans will have the experience in the Lierte Forest, boasting in the Elf Country.

And Black, who has always been very intelligent, did not mention the arrival of humans to Sisterm.

In fact, this is not difficult to understand. It is like a green-tailed grasshopper and a green-headed grasshopper in the eyes of humans. Even though the two grasshoppers are very different, humans cannot see the difference between a green-tailed grasshopper and a green-headed grasshopper. The difference is there.

In human eyes, the green-tailed grasshopper and the green-headed grasshopper are both green grasshoppers.

It is the same in Black’s eyes. Black can distinguish between lizardmen, snakemen, jackals, and dwarves, but Black is still unable to distinguish the differences between humans and elves.

So the three humans who came to the Krypton Tower and clashed with the Big Crab, Black also thought they were elves, so he didn't report to Sisterm.

However, the arrival of human merchants also brought a whole new idea for Systrom.

The prosperity of the world is for profit, and the hustle and bustle of the world is for profit.

In fact, the distribution of [Data Template] by Systrom is to use the benefit-binding model to achieve a win-win situation.

Except for a few people who are addicted to games like the old Lich Kazasim, most users of [Data Template] can find some useful things in [Data Template].

Lizardmen use mz to hunt more conveniently, snakemen wizards use [Data Template] to learn knowledge, and elves use the Internet to spread their culture and enrich their lives.

As for the following heroic spirits, although it seems that Sisterm pitted these heroic spirits, in fact, these heroic spirits will also benefit greatly from "Lord Killing", which is definitely more conscience than the heroic spirits who take refuge in the gods.

The shackles formed by interests are definitely much more stable than so-called pledges or violent rule.


And what Systrom thought of from the merchant was trading and buying and selling.

Sisterm can burn glass, or sell bricks to the human kingdom, to attract humans to him, and he can also buy food from humans to solve the dwindling food inventory of the floating island.

Although some grains such as wheat and corn cannot be eaten by bugs, these grains can be fed to his slime friends, and these slimes can be fed to the bugs as food.

After the transaction continues, after establishing a certain friendship with humans, Systrom can go to the human kingdom in an open manner and issue [Data Template].

Although the distance is thousands of kilometers, it is very inconvenient to transport things, but Systrom can build roads, build railways, and build steam trains used in the first industrial revolution in the past life.

Jenny's Golden Banana Chamber of Commerce has long collected the manufacturing method of the steam engine, and there is no technical problem.

He also has more than a dozen dwarves who are very knowledgeable about smelting. It shouldn't be difficult to make a steam train.

And just tens of kilometers away from Weststrom, there are a large number of open-pit coal mines in the Warren Plains.

Such unique conditions are undoubtedly forcing Systrom to build a train.

Although the technology of trains is obviously inferior to the magic technology that once thrived in the, it has no technical problems and the cost is very low.

And there may still be a lot of oil under the Warren Plains. Using [Data Template] to promote the development of technology, it is not impossible to develop an internal combustion engine in the future.

Anyway, there are tens of thousands of free laborers who are idle. After a few days, the construction of the Krypton skyscraper is completed. These laborers will have nothing to do and waste food. Systrom soon began to improve. For the next six months' plan.


And when Systrom set up a plan and was about to call Black and several dwarf artisans to discuss the construction of the railway, the crystal pendant hanging on Systrom's neck gave off a flash. Faint light.

Systrom thought it was his illusion, but the video data in [Tools Menu] undoubtedly showed that the eyes in the crystal pendant had undergone some slight changes.

If Sisterm had only some illusions about Kun becoming a hero, then the glimmer of light just now undoubtedly made Sisterm feel at ease-Kun could indeed be resurrected.

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