Laws of the Insect Hive

Vol 2 Chapter 312: Druid friend of Weststrom

The research on Elf Jay basically met Sisterm's expectations, and was similar to his research on lizardmen and snakemen a few days ago.

Just as Sisterm couldn't let his ant people master the druid's abilities through [Data Template], and Elf Jay couldn't master Wendy's wind power through [Data Template].

But Systrom found that he can use [Data Template] to let Elf Jay master the power of Druids, such as [Healing Power], or [Growth of Plants].

However, because the elf Jay has not much experience value, that is, the potential in the body is not enough, so for a while, Jay cannot grasp the power of this druid.

In Jay's own words, he felt the call of nature, but he lacked something in his body, unable to respond to the call of nature.

It seems true that the elves are naturally easy to become druids.

Seeing the performance of the elf Jay, Sisterm suddenly flashed, and Sisterm realized that he might have put the druids early.

If he releases those druids two months later, or his [Data Template] can reach level 21 and become a mortal ability earlier, then he can undoubtedly master more virtues by using [Data Template]. Rui ability.

He should be able to learn anything to become a bird, leopard, or bear, using the [Data Template].

Perhaps after mastering the druid's transformation ability, his [mimic transformation] ability will also become stronger. After becoming a humanoid armor, it will not explode into a bunch of tentacles at every turn.

Of course, such a bunch of tentacles are actually pretty good. Although they look a little ugly, they are relaxed and free, and Systrom doesn't care at all.

With a light sigh, Systrom knew he didn't need to worry.

As long as he is still in the Lilter Forest, there are many more opportunities to contact the Druid.

There will always be unlucky druids who will come to the door.

And Systrom, who was thinking this way, suddenly realized what, why did he passively wait for the druid to send him to the door?

He could completely fool those Druid friends who had been turned into stone sculptures.

The druids who had been tortured by him would be entangled with tentacles again, and they would be prepared to a certain extent, far better than he had harmed the new druids.

The more Sistrom thought, the more he thought his idea was good.

Sistrom also had no ink, so he immediately made up a lie and used mz to send it to the druid friends-I found a golden thing that looked like an oak fruit. Do you know?

At the same time, in order to make a full set of the show, Systrom told the excavator to make him a golden oak fruit stone.

In this way, he is no longer a lie.

After chatting with several druids through mz, Sisterm has determined that these druid friends have been completely fooled. It is estimated that after a period of time, these druids will come to the Krypton Tower Nearby, ask him for a golden acorn.

Using the tentacles, he continued to entangle the elf Jay for a period of time. Sisterm announced that Jay had passed his test and enrolled Jay into the Golden Banana Church.

Systrom also arranged for the elf Jay to work in the Golden Banana Church.

Taking into account Jay's youthful and handsome appearance, Systrom arranged him in the Krypton Skyscraper to be responsible for the reception work, mainly for customers who want to conduct Krypton gold on him [Shadow Incarnation].

However, at this time, Jay may be attacked by the anti-Krypton gold rally, and Systrom did not let him leave the floating island, allowing him to move freely on the floating island.

At the same time, Systrom also gave Jay some krypton gold points as a reward for his research/experiment, and told Jay that if he wants to practice ice spells, he can go to the treasure house to find Aura Butterfly.

Although little Ola is lazy and shameless, as long as he receives the money, he will definitely be able to do things.

In fact, in the recent period, even the little girl Jenny, who is far away from another main material plane, has learned some techniques about ice magic from Aura.


After sending away the elf Jay, Systrom also shook his head helplessly.

After some attempts, the special [data template] given by Systrom now still costs a lot of and this kind of data template can only be placed at close range.

There was no surprise on the elf either.

If Systrom puts a special [data template] that only consumes mental power, or puts this [data template] to extract mental power like him, allowing users to consume experience points, then this new type of [data template] It will undoubtedly be popularized quickly.

At that time, this [data template] will become a way to gain power.

Perhaps [Data Template] does not have a strong effect on insects and beasts, but humans or elves who gain power through learning will undoubtedly like this [Data Template].

But for now, the special [


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