Laws of the Insect Hive

Vol 2 Chapter 280: 1 opportunity

All in all, things happened like this. On the day three months ago, Sisterm dug a hole for himself and jumped in.

And the master of the matter has been completely finalized, and there is basically no room for change.

As for what he did at the King Insect Meeting in a state of confusion, Sisterm was shocked besides being shocked.

After being shocked, Systrom decisively checked his memories for the remaining months, which he had not finished checking.

Fortunately, apart from the invasion of the Lilter Forest, he did not do anything out of the ordinary during this year's confusion.

After checking the memory images for a day, Systrom's flustered mood gradually stabilized.

After returning to his normal mood, Systrom immediately thought of his [intuition].

Because the [Perception] ability has been upgraded to level 21, the [Intuition] under the [Perception] branch has also been upgraded to level 21, becoming more sensitive.

And he [intuitively] didn't have any special warnings at all, which shows that whether it is to invade the Lierte Forest or violate the instructions of the master to not invade the Lierte Forest, there are no particularly serious consequences.

Otherwise, after giving birth to such a major event, [intuition] will definitely remind him crazy after he emerges from the pupa.

After carefully feeling and analyzing the sensation of [intuition], Systrom found that although his [intuition] gave him a little dangerous feeling in response to the invasion of the Lilter Forest, the feeling was not serious, at least not. Endangering his life, even the chance of injury is not very great.

But because the abyss is too far away from the main world, the feeling that Systrom [intuition] brings to him is very vague.

Although the ruler did not stipulate the specific time for them to invade the main world, it seems that they can do nothing if it is so spent, but if Sisterm is determined not to invade the main world, his [intuition] will Bring him a very troublesome feeling.

Obviously, agreeing to dominate the invasion of the world but not to invade is undoubtedly not giving the dominator face, which will lead to the dominator’s dissatisfaction.

After dominating Ulysses's dissatisfaction, his life should not be threatened, but he will undoubtedly get involved in some troublesome things.

As for what the trouble is, Systrom's [intuition] is not a prophecy, and he has no way of knowing it. It always makes his [intuition] feel very disgusting.


After careful consideration, Systrom suddenly realized that this invasion of Lilter Forest was not as dangerous as he thought.

He has always regarded the old druid as an invincible existence in his heart, and he still thinks so even now.

But is the old druid really invincible?

The old druid Medland is very strong, a druid of legendary rank, and can even escape his life from the glacier lord.

But it was not because he had eaten the golden acorn by mistake to gain the power of the druid, but when he saw two elves come looking for him, he was frightened and fled.

Nor would the person who killed one or two rat people have to think about it carefully for a long time, for fear of drawing the rat people's revenge on the low-level tentacle monster.

Not to mention the little grasshopper that once heard the sound of birds, shuddering all over, and then hid in the grass.

In fact, before he knew it, the gap between him and the old druid had narrowed a lot, a lot.

Not to mention that Shava can explode close to the legendary creature's strength to protect him, even after he activates the [Insect Lord's Power], he can also temporarily gain the legendary creature's power.

And Blake has [Soul Flame] that can burn out some things related to spiritual power and soul. As long as Blake opens the flame shield, then he doesn't have to worry about being attacked by strange and strange attacks.

In addition, he also has the legendary Beatles Bitor as a thug.

If it takes some effort to get Hydra Diamius on the floating island, it is not impossible to follow him in the battle.

Although Hydra may not be able to attack, it is also possible to let Hydra act as a defensive fort on a floating island.

Yes, Sisterm has made a decision to use this floating island for battle.

If the transfer function of the floating island can be repaired successfully, he will have the opportunity to transfer the floating island to the main world.

At that time, it will not only be Diamius Hydra, he can also gather around 20,000 lizardman warriors and around 5,000 snakeman warriors.

And not only him, but also Beethoven, the musician of the Twelfth King Insect, will also lead the Twelfth Army with him.

Although Beethoven's Twelve Legion has some gaps with other King Insect Legions, it is also a powerful boost.

According to the information Beethoven once told him, Beethoven’s Twelfth Army also had two legendary worms and more than one hundred mortal worms. As for the magical worms, more There are thousands of heads.

And in Beethoven, there are fifty-six mortal beetles that once belonged to the brain demon Babutar. These beetles are actually the beetle Beator's men, and the theory also belongs to his Eleventh Legion.

It is a pity that apart from these mortal beetles, the other six legendary beasts of the brain demon Babtar, as well as their respective mortal beasts, were all scooped up by other king insect regiments, so legendary thugs like Beatle Bitor , Sistrom also only owns one.

Because the rank beetles did not have the means to move autonomously in the abyss, these beetles were sent to Beethoven by Sisterm.

Although Beethoven once said that he would send it to him, because Sisterm had a deep defense against Beethoven at the beginning, he has never revealed his abyssal level.

After a long time, Systrom knew and trusted Beethoven, but at that time he didn't care so much about the Beatles.

After all, there are not many places where these fifty-odd beetles can be used in the Swamp of Moned.

Considering that where the beetles eat, they will consume a lot of food, so these beetles were kept by Sisterm at Beethoven.

As for the Third King Worm, although Tim the Giant Worm was a bit stupid, and the Third Army had never been formed, if Timken the Giant Worm came to help, it would also be a huge help for Systrom.

The giant insect Tim can form an army with one insect and firmly occupy the position of the thirteen king insects, which is enough to prove his strength.


Thinking about it carefully, if the floating island is repaired smoothly, in fact, this invasion of the main world, he has a lot of power and can borrow.

Perhaps this is not a hole he digs for himself, but an opportunity he created for himself, an opportunity for revenge himself.

Even though the elves and druids in the Lilter forest have hidden powers, they may not be able to shake them after facing such powers.

And he can also take the opportunity to drive the floating island to the ocean where Aura’s treasure is buried and retrieve Aura’s body.

It’s still awkward to eat Aola’s corpse Sistem but he can use secret techniques to transform Aola’s dragon corpse into a zombie dragon after obtaining the consent of Butterfly.

If the dragon corpse who used to imagine the rank is successfully transformed, how can he reach the legendary rank, it will definitely help him...


Systrom unconsciously touched the crystal pendant on his neck with his tentacles.

"Maybe we can really finish it all by hand, Kun."

"Then take you by the way to see the sea over the Lierte Mountains..."


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