Laws of the Insect Hive

Chapter 24: Slime and the ant colony

  The intrepid ant army and the low IQ slime fight each other, and Sisterm feels that it is very likely that both sides will suffer.

   The slime’s gum will swallow countless ants, but the endless stream of ants will also cause serious damage to the slime’s gum.

  Sisterm couldn't guess the outcome either.

   It should also depend on the size of the ant colony. As long as the ants are large enough, the slime will definitely be submerged by the torrent of ants.

   I just don’t know what the IQ of this magical species like slime is.

  Will it choose to fight with the ant colony after being in danger?

   Still accept as soon as we meet, and bounce away after eating some ants?


   The slime is not very far from this red-brown ant nest, only about twelve meters.

  Sistem has a way to attract slimes to move, he can throw dead branches to lure them.

   Through the previous test, Sisterm found that the slime's behavior pattern is very simple, as long as there is an abnormal slight vibration around it, it will move in that direction.

   If this slime keeps in the state it was just now and won't run around at will, Sisterm is sure to throw the dead branches about a hundred times to attract the slime to the ant nest.

   Sisterm made up his mind quickly moved on.

  I almost fell into the slime smell trap just now, which made Sisterm somewhat annoyed, so even if it would waste a lot of time to cast the dead branches continuously, Sisterm did so resolutely.

   Search for suitable dead branches, bring the dead branches to the top of the slime, find the right angle and drop...

  Sisterm acted so repeatedly.

   Slime's IQ is indeed very low, as he expected to move towards the ant's nest step by step.

However, the moving speed of the slime is slightly different from that estimated by Weststrom. Usually, each time he throws a tree branch, it will only move the slime about 5 cm. In addition to the complex terrain of the forest, Weststrom estimates that it will be thrown. Cast more than two hundred times to lead the slime to the ant nest.

   More than two hundred tossing dead branches, if completed, it will take at least seven or eight hours, and then the sky will be dark.

   The darkness of the sky, coupled with the exhaustion of the spirit by then, made Systrom a little bit to give up.

   But if you miss today, this slime may lose track.

  Sisterm thought for a while, and finally decided to continue. He tried his best to make his movements more swift and more efficient.

   It is very difficult to attract slimes in the first half of the journey, but near noon, unexpected progress has taken place in guiding the slimes——

   A few red-brown worker ants appeared not far from the slime, and they explored in the direction of the slime.

   The slime bounced and swallowed a few worker ants into the glue of its body.

   Not long afterwards, the worker ants who crawled out of the ant's nest reappeared again. The slime continued to jump and devour the ants, and it was getting closer and closer to the ant's nest...

   Since noon, Systrom has basically no action, because these ants will actively attract slimes to their nests.

  Sistem discovered that ants and slimes should be part of the food chain in this forest.

   Even if he does not actively seduce the slime, this slime is destined to fight the ant colony.

   However, Systrom couldn't predict who the slime and the ant are in the upper level of the food chain. Although it seems that the slime is devouring the ants step by step, it may also be the bait of the ants to attract the slime.

  As the slime gradually approached the ant nest of the decaying tree, more and more ants patrolled, and the slime swallowed more and more frequently, approaching the ant's nest faster.

  Sisterm could see that reddish-brown dots appeared in the slime gum the size of a football, which were the corpses of ants. Obviously, the slime could not completely digest the ants in a short time.

  As the slime approached the ant nest step by step, when the slime was about half a meter away from the ant nest, the ants in the nest suddenly gushed out like a flood and launched a charge toward the slime! !

   This red-brown ant has slightly smaller cheek teeth than the black-brown ant, and its body is more slender and thin, but their speed is much faster than the black-brown ant.

   The slime jumped and rolled, and easily swallowed hundreds of ants, but as the slime continued to roll, thousands of ants had stepped on the body of their companion and crawled over the slime body...

   Slime is still devouring more ants, but Sisterm sees that there are already many worker ants carrying rice-sized gelatin and beginning to return to the nest.

The battle between the ants and the slime was very fierce. After half an hour, because the slime swallowed too many ants, the viscosity of the slime glue was greatly reduced, and many ant corpses and the slime glue began to stop. Of scattered.

   It didn't take long, maybe because of the survival instinct, the slime didn't choose to fight the ants to the end.

   It bounced and escaped from the ant nest, and as it continued to bounce, more glue and ant corpses would fall from the slime's body.

When    came, it was the size of a football. When he left, he swallowed countless ants. The slime was still the size of a football. Obviously, the slime's colloidal body was transported a lot by the ant colony.

  Although the ant colony plundered a large amount of slime gum, it also paid tens of thousands of ants' lives.

   The fight between the two obviously hurt both.

   Under the guidance of the huge soldier ants, the remaining worker ants near the ant nest began to move the companion’s carcass, cleaned the colloid from the companion body and carried it to the ant nest, the colony’s movements appeared orderly...


  Sisterm didn't watch these ants, he chased them in the direction where the slime fled.

   There will be a lot of glue and ant carcasses scattered along the path where the slime escapes. You can try to taste the glue of the slime, or let him eat these ant carcasses to fill your stomach.

The slime bounced away because of the scattered colloid. After escaping more than ten meters, the slime kept shrinking by nearly Finally, it bounced into a puddle of silt and stopped. Down.

   Seeing where the slime stopped, Sisterm tried to eat the scattered slime glue.

   These colloids scattered from the slime's body, and did not die immediately, but squirmed slowly on the ground, seeming to gather together.

   However, except for a small amount of large pieces of glue that can successfully polymerize, small pieces of glue will completely lose movement within a few minutes of leaving the slime body.

   "Is this a way of division and reproduction?"

  Sistem looked at the colloidal spheres that were 5 cm in size and gently vibrating. He felt that he had a better understanding of the magical creature like slime.

  Sisterm pointed the worm's head at the gum and sucked it.

   This small group of glue seems to have a brand new life. As the chelar of Sistem touches the gum, this group of gum tries to bounce and swallow Sistem.

   But this group of glue is too small and its strength is very weak. It was easily crushed by Sisterm's forelimbs, and then the scattered glue continued to converge.

   The gelatinous taste is not bad, it exudes a rich yogurt taste, which is similar to the taste of mushrooms, but more intense.

The taste of    gum is slightly stronger than that of pupa, but the experience provided is three times that of pupa.

   As Sisterm sucked the gums, Sisterm could feel the gums trembling gently in his stomach.

   The jelly trembling in his stomach didn't make Systrom feel uncomfortable, but made him feel very comfortable. The swallowed jelly seemed to massage his abdomen.

   Not only that, with the gradual digestion of the glue in the abdomen, Systrom discovered that the slime's glue had an extraordinary effect on his talent [degeneration and growth].

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