Laws of the Insect Hive

Chapter 18: Non-profit trading

   Under a few vines, there were thousands of ants in Sisterm's sight. These ants were of exactly the same type as the ones Sisterm killed in the morning. They should be the same colony.

   It seems that the torrential rains a few days ago did not hurt the ants.

  As Sisterm jumped near the vines, the picture in his compound eyes gradually became clear. It turned out that these ants were dismembering a lizard corpse among dead branches and leaves.

   This lizard may have drowned unfortunately because of the heavy rains these days. At this time, the ant colony was transporting the lizard's pieces of meat back and forth to the nest.

  Sistem watched the lizard corpse and suddenly had an idea.

   A means of obtaining food, a non-profit business.

   Because of the effectiveness of [Information Reading], Systrom's observation ability is very strong, but compared to the smell of ants, Systrom is far inferior.

   These ants can easily find the food hidden in the mud and leaves after the rainstorm.

   As long as he pays attention to the movements of these ants, he can **** food from the ants.

   When encountering a smaller food to drive away the ant colony, he can grab the food and leave directly, and when encountering a huge carnivore like this lizard, Sisterm can also **** the meat from the mouth of the worker ants.


   After a short period of thought, Systrom took action immediately. He picked an ant carrying a huge piece of meat on the edge of the colony and rushed over.

  Practice makes perfect. Systrom found that the reflex nerves of grasshoppers are much more sensitive than humans, and he is more and more adept at attacking these ants.

   He can even predict how the ants will react after the attack.

   easily snatched the meat from the ant's mouth, Sisterm used his hind limbs to kick the faint ant directly half a meter away, and then repeatedly jumped onto a nearby vine.

   Ants are powerful and can lift objects that are dozens of times more than their own weight, but ants usually do not move such heavy objects.

   The piece of meat snatched by Sisterm was a little smaller than the weight of the ant. He grabbed the piece of meat and quickly chewed it.

   The taste of this piece of meat is similar to that of fragrant milk biscuit. It tastes very good, but it tastes worse than that of chrysalis.

   But observing the experience bar, Systrom found that this kind of food is nearly twice as high as the pupa experience.

   This was the first food that violated the principle of Sisterm’s delicacy, but Sisterm continued to eat a few bites and found no reason for the abnormal experience.

   If he keeps eating this kind of food, he may reach the full level 15 before his life ends.

   "Is it because reptiles are more evolved than insects? It's a pity, if you **** some tadpole corpses in the morning, you can analyze more results."

  Sisterm continued to eat a few bites of lizard meat and observed the changes in the experience bar, then threw the meat away.

  This kind of meat has a great effect on his level up, but it has no effect on his talent [Degeneration and Growth]. Sisterm continued to eat a few bites before discarding the meat on his feet.

   Although level promotion is very important, the first thing he has to do now is to upgrade his talent [degeneration and growth].

   jumped along the direction of the movement of these ants. It didn't take long for him to find a mound of a half-meter high in Sistem, ten meters away, which was the nest of these dark brown ants.

   This is an obvious large ant nest. Sisterm feels that this ant nest can hold at least hundreds of thousands of ants, but he doesn't know how much damage this heavy rain has caused.

  An endless stream of ants came and went. In addition to ordinary worker ants, Sisterm also saw some large ants of three to four centimeters in size walking back and forth among the workers. They should be soldiers guarding their nests.

  The heads of these soldier ants are very huge, occupying half of the whole body, and they have huge fangs. Sisterm believes that these huge fangs can break his stomach in an instant, and even bite off his strong hind limbs.

   Not only that, the abdomen of these soldier ants is a bit peculiar. Through observation, Systrom discovered that these soldier ants have stinging needles in their abdomens, and they spray some liquid from time to time to direct ordinary worker ants to move.

   Sharp and huge chewing teeth, coupled with tail stings and long-range attacks, Sisterm has no plans to fight these soldier ants. If unfortunately he accidentally falls near the nest, he will be submerged by a flood of ants.

   Following a tributary where ants converge, Systrom continued to jump and move. He began to observe the range of ants' activities and the food they were hunting.

   It didn't take long for Systrom to **** the corpse of a half-centimeter small tadpole.

  Due to the arrival of heavy rains, although the forest suffered disasters, after the stagnant water subsided, there was also a lot of food. There are even more such unlucky tadpoles.

   However, these tadpoles are generally trapped in the mud, which is hard to find by sight, and can only be snatched from the hands of ants.

The taste of    tadpoles is not bad, similar to that of lizards, and they all resemble fragrant milky biscuit.

   But unlike the huge amount of experience provided by lizard meat, the meat quality of this tadpole follows Systrom's principle of deliciousness, and the experience it produces is slightly lower than that of a pupa of the same weight.

   Lizards are crawling creatures, and tadpoles are amphibians. They should be similar in terms of evolution, and Systrom's previous guess was also declared wrong at this time.

  Sistem's theory of taste should still be correct. The better-tasting food can bring him more growth, but that lizard must hide something different.

  Sisterm thought for a while, but found no clues, and began to concentrate on eating the tadpole corpse grasped on his feet.

   Tadpoles cannot decay like insects, but its flesh quality is very effective for the talent [decay growth], even better than ants and crickets. UU Reading

   It seems that the transformation of amphibians from aquatic forms to terrestrial forms is similar to that of insects.


  Sistem kept patrolling around the ant's nest, observing what food the ants had for him to snatch, and on the other hand, looking for a new nest nearby where he could rest at night.

  Sistem found a spacious tree hole in a slightly dry tree, but the tree hole was too close to the ant's nest, and ants often came to the entrance of the hole, so he had no choice but to give up this nest of thoughts.

   When the sun went down, Sisterm didn't find a nest suitable for him to rest. Instead, he snatched a few small tadpole corpses carried by the ants, which could be used as his supper in the dark.

   While the sun was setting and the sky was still dark, Systrom had a new harvest.

   Near a pile of rocks, Systrom discovered a useful food for him because of these ants-a corpse of a scorpion measuring 20 cm in length.

   The body of this scorpion is pure black, because the outer shell is slightly discolored because of the rain soaked, and there is a lot of mud on the body. At this time, it is caught in the cracks of the rubble.

The corpse of the scorpion has not been completely discovered by the ant colony. Only an "exploration team" composed of more than a dozen worker ants is investigating. If it is determined that the scorpion can be used as food, they will leave a smell to attract thousands of ant army .

  Sistem saw these dozen ants wandering around the scorpion. He suddenly had a wonderful idea. If it succeeds, he can take the scorpion's body as his own.

   He can divert these dozen or so ants away, and then use his pungent smell [corrosive slime]——

   Paint the ground as a prison!


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