Laws of the Insect Hive

Chapter 140: Cthulhu Priest (Part 1)

  Although Aura was brought into contact with the evil god, Sisterm was a little unbearable, and some worried that Aura would become mentally abnormal.

   But considering that Aura's spirit is not very normal, and as the remnant soul of the lord of the glacier, Aura may be able to resist the temptation of the evil god.

   After thinking about the wording, Systrom looked to be still playing with Ring Ola: "Okay, stop pretending, I know you can't find a way back."

   "Trash tentacles, you don't believe me! I said that if I can take you back, I can do it!"

   Hearing Sisterm's spiritual message, Ola became very annoyed, and fiddled with the black gem ring held on her feet more vigorously.

   However, the emotions in Aola's heart have already exposed her. The emotions in her heart are obviously more flustered than before, and the feet holding the ring are also trembling.

   Obviously, Ola knew that using this ring to get the three of them out of trouble was hopeless.

   Looking at Ola, who was holding the ring nervously, Systrom felt that Ola seemed to have a stronger desire to leave here than him.

  Sisterm guessed that it was because Ola was trapped in the chrysalis and left some shadows. She was very afraid of being trapped somewhere, just like getting a disease similar to claustrophobia.

   But it seems contradictory to hate Ola who is trapped like this.

When trapped, Aura will find ways to escape, but after the real escape, Aura will stay in a small cave again, let you tempt you in every way, and she will not easily take a half step out of her cave. .


   Sisterm obviously didn't know that the reason why Ola was so anxious to get out of trouble was not only because of her, but also because of Sisterm and Shava.

   It's not that Ola is good to Systrom and Shava, but Ola is not allowed to drag her friends.

  Ola was born with a proud soul. Although she deceived herself a little bit more after becoming a butterfly, she still maintained her inherent pride.

   She does not allow others to look at her into compassion, nor does she allow others to look at her with disappointment.

So Ola found that because of her own reasons, Sisterm and Shava were trapped in this place with him, Ola changed her previous lazy image and tried to get the three of them out of this half position. Face, get out of here.

  Ola, who was tinkering with the ring, obviously didn't know, she didn't have to tinker with the ring so laboriously, because Systrom would never show her a disappointed look.

  Sistem didn't have hope for Ola, an unreliable lazy butterfly, and naturally he would not have any disappointed look at her.

   As for the soldier ant knight Shava on the side, as long as her king is there, Shava will be extremely at ease even if the sword is in flames.

   Compared to Aola and Systrom, Shava didn't even have the idea of ​​leaving here, but occasionally looked at the black jewel ring that Aola was holding, showing an enviable expression.

   She wants this beautiful black gem ring too.

   Fortunately, Ola, who was concentrating on tinkering with the ring, didn’t know this. If Ola were to learn about Systrom and Shava’s thoughts, it would undoubtedly cause a fatal blow to Ola’s fragile mind.

  Guaranteed that Ola would make some escape from reality again because of his emotions.


   "Don't worry about the ring, I know a way to get out of here. Although it's a bit dangerous, there's a good chance of getting out of here."

  Sisterm thought for a while, and finally decided to talk to Aura about communicating with Cthulhu.

"any solution?"

   After receiving the spiritual message of Sisterm, Olahad more cooperation than Sisterm had expected. She seemed to be very interested in what Sisterm said.

Sisterm did not conceal it, telling what he had learned about Rafael, the **** of plague and curse, whether it was the mentally ill ratman caught by Sisterm or the ratman wizard who blew himself up, Sister Mudu told Ola one by one.

  Sistem also passed the portrait of Rafael in the black animal skin book he had obtained to Ola, and pointed out that it might be a temple of Rafael, the **** of plague and curse.

   It was much smoother than Sisterm had expected. Even though he knew that communicating with Cthulhu was dangerous, Aura agreed without hesitation.

  Ola first mocked Systrom's timidity and incompetence, and then touted his courage and strength.

   In Ola's words, after she communicated with Cthulhu, it was not a problem to help Sisterm lift the [Severance Curse] by the way.

   As long as Sisterm crawls in front of her, and then plead with her.

   Of course, if Sisterm is unwilling to make a low request, he can also wrap her tentacles several times and massage her, so that she will also help Sisterm to lift the curse.


   Aura’s spiritual message was not at all false, and the sentiment was not unusual, which made Systrom couldn't help feeling that it was too easy.

  Easily even makes Systrom feel a bit weird.

   Originally, Sisterm had decided to take advantage of Ola's arrogant personality weakness and decided to lower her posture and flatter her.

   In this way, even if Ola is unwilling, she will bite the bullet and deal with the evil god.

But anyway, with the assistance of Sisterm, Ola found some clods from the palace and with the help of the tools in the cell and the alchemy platform, he soon began to communicate with the evil gods. Rafael's first step is to make Rafael's statue by himself.

   However, Ola seems to have no sculpting talent. After a few hours, the finished products carved several times are far from what Rafael looks like.

  Sistem knew that Ola should belong to the type that is not good at carving, and he hasn't made the slightest progress after several carvings. It is estimated that it is difficult to communicate with Rafael.

   But just when Systrom reluctantly shook his head and decided to communicate with Cthulhu by himself.

   Aura suddenly went uncharacteristically and began to gather the frost energy in his body.

   Not long after, a vivid ice sculpture of Rafael appeared in front of Ola.

   The eyes of this statue of Rafael seemed to show a flash of red light, and then a faint black energy began to appear connected to Ola's body.

   The black energy quickly disappeared, while Aura seemed to be in a daze, still facing the ice sculpture idol.

   Aura seems to have successfully entered the state of communicating with the evil gods.

   A little bit of time passed, but Ola did not wake up from a daze.

   More than ten hours have passed, just when Aura made the black gemstone ring grayish light in the [Tools menu] of Systrom, imitating the time when Aura tried to make the black gemstone ring glow gray again.

   Ola finally awakened from the state of daze, and showed complacency towards Sisterm.

   Don't need to say anything more about this butterfly, Sisterm also knows, Ola should have learned how to get out of this method.

   And Sisterm found that even though the butterfly had communicated with the evil **** for a long time, its spirit had not changed, and it remained the same as before.

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