Laws of the Insect Hive

Chapter 113: Body deformation (below)

   Although the ability of [Body Deformation] has been successfully obtained, because the level of talent is too low, Systrom is not able to master it well, and can only make small changes in certain parts of the body.

   For example, make subtle changes in the thickness of his carapace, or make his tentacles thicker and longer, or make his tentacles shorter and softer.

   Compared with the original ability of [Body Deformation], the effects of several derivative abilities obtained by Weststrom through [Body Deformation] are more obvious.

   [Form Disguise] is a derivative ability formed by the integration of [Color Disguise] and [Body Deformation], and its utility becomes more powerful.

  Sistem can easily change to the color of mud in the cave, and his tentacles, which could not change the color before, can now actively change to the color of mud.

   At the same time, the exoskeleton on his body and the skin surface of the tentacles will also show some slight changes, forming a grainy feeling like mud.

  Sistem, who uses [Form Disguise], stays motionless in the cave, it will be like a pile of mud, even if they are very close to each other, it is difficult to make a difference.

However, although this [morphology camouflage] ability works well, it is very tasteless for Systrom at present, and it is basically not used, and it is far inferior to the other two [severed limbs aggregation] and [tentacles-foot conversion]. practical.

   The ability of [severed limbs to aggregate] can be said to be a simplified version of Systrom's vision of colloidizing the body to improve survival.

  Sistem bites the tentacles off, and uses the [Severed Limbs Aggregation] ability to reattach the broken tentacles in less than two seconds.

   moved the re-grown tentacles, and Systrom found that the bonded tentacles were basically the same as before, except that there was a little bit of weakness in the control, but after a few minutes, the weakness would all disappear.

   Sisterm continued to try his body's antennae, wings and exoskeleton. After these parts are broken or shattered, they can be reattached to his body and grow well in a short time.

   However, compared with the tentacle, the granulation will grow in two seconds and the glue will be as good as before. It takes a little longer for the fragmented exoskeleton to recover as before, but it only takes more than ten seconds.

  Sisterm thought for a while, then continued to upgrade the experiment.

  Sistem broke the tentacles again and ate half of the delicious tentacles that were bitten off, and then continued to use the [Severed Limbs Convergence] ability.

  [Severed Limbs Aggregation] ability once again played a role, even though it was a lot shorter, the remaining half of the tentacles still grew on Sisterm, and can be flexibly controlled by Sisterm.

  Sistem tentacles are different from creatures such as octopuses. They are like a thick brown rope. The end of the tentacles is almost the same thickness as the front end, so the tentacles that are eaten and connected will not be ugly.

   It's just that the length of the tentacles is much shorter than the other tentacles, so it seems a bit strange.

   Soon Sisterm used the ability of [overspeed regeneration], and the short tentacles began to grow rapidly. After more than a dozen breaths, the tentacles tested by Sisterm had been repaired as before.

   The ability of [severed limbs to gather] is undoubtedly a supplement to the ability of [overspeed regeneration].

   Although only [Speeding Regeneration] Sistem can repair the damaged body in a short time, the ability of [Severed Limbs Aggregation] will undoubtedly minimize the loss of Sistem's vitality.

   But in fact, this kind of ability is not very useful for the current Sisterm, at most it gives Sisterm an extra life-saving method.

Sisterm’s enemies are either powerful and incompetent, just like the old Druid Medland; or they are very weak prey, such as insects, scorpions, rats and rabbits, and this ability is rarely used. .

   Without thinking about it, Systrom continued to test his last untested derivative ability [tentacles-foot-limb conversion].

   The foot of the grasshopper that had been abandoned by Sisterm once again has the opportunity to appear, but this foot is somewhat different from the original foot of the grasshopper.

   Accompanied by the use of the derived ability of [tentacles-foot limb transformation], Systrom's touch watch skin gradually softens as if it has entered pupalization, and then the soft touch watch skin gradually forms segments of hard exoskeleton.

   gradually formed a black-gray exoskeleton carapace on the tentacles, and some irregular spikes appeared on the surface of the carapace, just like the feet of his grasshopper.

   The multi-segmented exoskeleton forms many freely movable joints, and there are more small barbs that can be climbed at the ends of the tentacles and feet.

  Sistem estimated that with three to five such feet, he could once again use the barbs of such feet to hang upside down between branches.

   In terms of shape, these tentacles and limbs with carapace are somewhat similar to a kind of strange weapon of the previous life, the multi-section whip.

   This kind of tentacles and feet is actually not out of the scope of the tentacles, but the soft tentacles are covered with a hard carapace.

   But Systrom quickly discovered that it was more than that.

   The tentacles and feet after covering the carapace are not as flexible as simple tentacles, but the joints formed by the feet and limbs are much stronger than simple tentacles.

  Sistem even found the sensation of his grasshopper's thigh, using this joint he can even jump.

  Sistem no longer tested tentacles individually, and decided to convert all tentacles into tentacles and limbs to go to the grass for jumping experiments.

   However, after actually transforming the tentacles, Systrom realized that it was very difficult to transform all the tentacles into the legs, and a strange hunger sensation came from his abdomen.

   Based on the information he felt in the blood, Sisterm knew that the ability of [tentacles-foot and limb transformation] could not be completed because his body lacked the necessary nutrients to form an exoskeleton.

  Sisterm quickly chewed up the remaining skeleton of the previous female ratman.

   There are still some skeletons left, but if you wait a few more days, it will be eaten clean by the meatballs. In some respects, the recipes for the meatballs are even wider than those of slimes.

   One hour later, enough rat human bones were digested, and all of Systrom's 30 tentacles were covered with an exoskeleton and appeared on the ground.

   With this exoskeleton joint, Systrom's movements in the grass are more sensitive.

   Although it is not as good as a grasshopper that can jump dozens of times the distance of the, Sistem can now easily jump seven or eight meters away.

   And because there are enough tentacles, Sisterm can jump and move continuously in the grass, making many complicated movements.

   It is a pity that Systrom is no longer in the forest, otherwise he would be able to make more complex movements in the dense forest with his current body.

  Sistem stopped and exerted force on the tentacles and feet. The ends of his tentacles and feet gradually changed shape, and the barbs responsible for climbing disappeared, gradually forming dark-brown cone-shaped spikes.

   This is a new ability that Sisterm generates when he uses [Tentacles-Foot Limb Transformation].

   Lenovo used the [Ice Spike] ability under [Frost Cold Form]. After a little experimentation, Sisterm did not expect to really master this [carapace spike] derived ability.


  [Carapace Spike] (2/11): Derived abilities obtained by [Body Deformation] and [Ice Spike]. Sharp spikes are formed at the ends of the tentacles or feet.


  Sistem’s newly formed [Carapace Spikes] is very powerful, and it is still much worse than [Ice Spikes], both in terms of firmness and sharpness.

   But it helped him kill small animals like mice, so that when the tentacles were wrapped around the mice, the tentacles would be bitten by the mice, and the mice could be killed directly.


  Sistem continued testing on the grassland for a while before flying into the sky, and at the same time activated the [Form Disguise] ability to change his body to light blue.

   The ability of [Intensive Hearing] made Sisterm’s tentacles hear the voice of the Jackal again, and it seems that another Jackal’s defeated soldiers retreated from the direction of the Lilter Forest...

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